Market Movers

Benzinga's Economic Calendar API provides traders, investors, and financial platforms with the most up-to-date, market-moving economic events from around the globe. Leveraging precise, near-instantaneous updates, users can gain a competitive edge by reacting to market sentiment shifts as events unfold.
  • Delivery Frequency/Timezone:

    Intraday API/ EST

  • History:

    From 2003

  • Coverage:

    Wilshire 5000 + 1000 additional US equities

  • Format:



  • Real-Time Updates: As economic events are announced, the API delivers live data directly to your platform.
  • Global Coverage: Access a comprehensive list of economic events from various countries and their potential market impact.
  • Custom Alerts: Set up notifications for events of interest to stay ahead of market movements.
  • Historical Data: Analyze past events to understand market reactions and trends.

Data Attributes

Time: The exact time of the event’s occurrence.

Country: The country from which the economic data is released.

Impact Level: A color-coded system indicating the potential market impact (low, medium, high).

Event: The name of the economic event.

Actual: The actual reported figure or outcome of the event.

Forecast: The forecasted prediction for the event’s outcome prior to the release.

Previous: The previous figure or outcome that was reported for the event.

Revised: If any previous data figures have been revised, they are listed here.

Related Instruments: Financial instruments that are likely to be affected by the event.

API Integration

  • Easy Setup: Quick integration with your existing trading platform or website.
  • Customizable Fields: Select only the data you need, whether it’s all attributes or just a few.
  • Scalable: Designed to handle high volumes of data for large user bases.

Use Cases

  • Trading Platforms: Enhance your user experience by displaying live economic data.
  • Investor Dashboards: Provide your clients with the insights needed to make informed decisions.
  • Research & Analysis: Back your market analysis with solid, real-time economic data.
  • Notification Services: Alert users about economic events that could affect their portfolio.

Explore our documentation for further information on how to integrate the Economic Calendar – if you’d like to discuss with our team, please email


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