Decision Machine

  • Delivery Frequency/Timezone:

    Daily, EST

  • History:

    From 2013

  • Coverage:

    US Equities

  • Format:


MarketScience identifies structural breaks in financial time-series to indicate favorable risk-adjusted return. MarketScience provides indicators of significant price movement with a six-week future horizon. These feature findings can be collected to produce investment algorithms.


Date of closing price


Ticker symbol


Closing Price


Computed, machine learned probability that the value of the measured asset will go up in the next time step (next day probability). The probability is computed exactly (up to double precision numerical error).

Values between 0 and 1. p_plus + p_minus = 1


Computed, machine learned probability that the value of the measured asset will go down in the next time step (next day probability). The probability is computed exactly (up to double precision numerical error).

Values between 0 and 1. p_plus + p_minus = 1


Computed, machine learned Behavioral Energy measured from the equilibrium energy.

Measured in millivolts

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