Energent covers the entire well life-cycle & frac market intelligence to help teams track market share, & gain insight from well completion trends in top U.S. oil and gas regions. Energent reports on all activity starting from permit applications to production metrics, so users can get a live look at oil basin activities
Data descriptions
uwi |
“Unique Well Identifier” – 13 digits based on the 3 digit FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) country code and the API(American Petroleum Inst.) 10 (without hyphens). |
well_name |
Name of the well |
orig_permit_dt |
Date original permit approved. |
spud_dt |
Date that well is spud (day drilling starts). |
rig_spud_dt |
Date the well is spud as classified by third party. |
Benzinga’s data samples are intended to provide a data sample large enough for testing data quality and application for the financial markets. These sample files demonstrate a sample of the formats and content that can be delivered