Professional analysts can provide novel insights for investors of any level. Benzinga’s Analyst Ratings API allows for the display of aggregated ratings/price targets, as well as each individual upgrade, downgrade, initiate, maintain, outperform, buy, neutral, hold, overweight, underweight etc.

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We display our overnight ratings changes three hours before the US equity market opens. Any changes that are made during trading hours are posted intraday.
Analyst ratings are extremely helpful for novice investors – they stand as a point of reference by showing where professionals think a stock is headed. This information is also valuable for experienced investors, ratings can help validate or question an investment thesis.
Attribute | Description |
ID | Unique ID of the output |
date | Datestamp |
url_calendar | Benzinga rating calendar for security |
url_news | URL to the Benzinga webpage |
time | Timestamp of the action HH:MM:SS format |
isin | ISIN identifier |
ticker | Ticker symbol |
exchange | Exchange the security is traded on |
name | Company name of the security |
action_pt | Action on the price target (Raises, Lowers, Announces, etc) |
action_company | Sell side firm action (Initiates, Reinstates, Upgrades, etc) |
analyst_name | Name of the analyst |
rating_current | Current rating |
pt_current | Current price target for security |
rating_prior | Prior rating for security |
pt_prior | Prior price target security |
url | Url to the Benzinga ratings page for the security |
importance | Importance of the action (scale of 0-5) 0 = least important |
updated | Last updated timestamp (UNIX) |
analyst | Name of sell-side firm |
Also check out the analyst rankings – not only will your users be able to see what professionals think of a stock, but they will be able to see how accurate each analyst is.
Please note, these ratings are not normalized, but reflect the actual language the sell-side analyst uses. The rating will use the language that the firm uses. For example, buy, strong buy, overweight, etc.
Benzinga’s data samples are intended to provide a data sample large enough for testing data quality and application for the financial markets. These sample files demonstrate a sample of the formats and content that can be delivered.
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