Track important merger and acquisition activity from rumor through completion. The calendar displays all the necessary details, including the deal status, payment type, expected dates, deal type, and deal size.
The Benzinga data team combs through filings, press releases and news items to keep up to date on the latest and cleanest figures. Our team also includes supplemental deal information.

Start Building Product
In addition to individual investors, financial professionals, and analysts, a Mergers and Acquisitions API is also valuable for developers who need to integrate M&A data into their applications or models. By providing real-time access to this data, developers can quickly build applications that provide insights into the M&A market, which can be used to inform investment decisions or support research.
Mergers have been hot lately, especially in tech. This transactions can be the largest price catalyst in a companies history. Keep your users up to date by adding M&A to your platform!
Data field descriptions
ID |
Unique ID of the entry |
Date |
Date of entry |
Acquirer_ticker |
Ticker symbol of the acquiring company |
Acquirer_exchange |
Exchange that the acquirer is listed on |
Acquirer_name |
Name of the acquiring company |
Target_ticker |
Ticker symbol of the target company |
Target_exchange |
Exchange that the target company is listed on |
Target_name |
Name of the target company |
Currency |
Currency of any cash transactions of the deal |
Date_expected |
Expected date of the deal |
Date_completed |
Completion date of the deal |
Deal_type |
Type of deal (Merger, Acquisition, Asset Sale) |
Deal_size |
Size of deal |
Deal_payment_type |
Cash, Stock, Cash & Stock |
Deal_terms_extra |
Any extra details |
Notes |
Any additional notes needed |
Updated |
UTC timestamp of any updates |
Benzinga’s data samples are intended to provide a data sample large enough for testing data quality and application for the financial markets. These sample files demonstrate the formats and content that can be delivered.