Earnings reports provide insights into a company’s financial health, growth prospects, and future performance, and are closely watched by investors and analysts alike. Company Earnings data is found on all major brokerages – investors of all skill level and experience use this information to monitor the financial performance of companies in real-time, identifying trends and patterns that may impact future performance.
Benzinga has stringent processes to license out only the highest quality earnings data, which is consistently considered the cleanest, most well curated in the market. Benzinga follows a three-step method to ensure quality, accuracy, and speed.

Start Building Product
- Benzinga Analysts start with GAAP earnings and identify non-comparable items which make the results unusable.
- Call sell side analysts when there are discrepancies on the comparable earnings figures (1,200 calls per quarter).
- Update API with Wall Street’s most accurate figures.
Benzinga’s Earnings suite covers the Wilshire 5000 + 1000 additional US equities.
Earnings can cause massive volatility before and after the announcement. For both day traders and long term investors of any skill level, earnings provide the opportunity to assess company performance and future outlook.
Benzinga’s Earnings Team obtained 99.975% accuracy in Q2 2022 and continues to improve.
Data field descriptions
ID | Unique ID of the output |
date | Datestamp |
date_confirmed | If predicted date has been confirmed by company. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
time | Timestamp of the announcement HH:MM:SS format |
isin | ISIN identifier |
ticker | Ticker symbol |
exchange | Exchange the security is traded on |
name | Company name of the security |
period | Fiscal period being reported |
period_year | Fiscal year being reported |
eps | Earnings per share for current quarter |
eps_est | Analyst prediction for the upcoming announcement |
eps_prior | EPS reported for the same quarter a year prior |
revenue | Revenue for current quarter |
revenue_est | Analyst prediction for the upcoming announcement |
revenue_prior | Revenue reporter for the same quarter a year prior |
revenue_surprise | Difference between the prediction and actual figure reported |
revenue_surprise_percent | Difference in percentage between prediction and actual figure |
importance | Importance of the action (scale of 0-5) 0 = least important |
updated | Last updated timestamp (UNIX) |
Benzinga’s data samples are intended to provide a data sample large enough for testing data quality and application for the financial markets. These sample files demonstrate a sample of the formats and content that can be delivered.
Our flexible pricing plans and enterprise-level support, you can customize your access to the API and receive dedicated support from our team of experts. Our API is built to scale with your business needs, providing the flexibility and reliability you require in a market data solution.
Please refer to docs.benzinga.io for all your API integration needs, including parameter queries and a look at our entire offerings.