Who better to provide expectations of key performance indicators such as EPS and revenue than the company executives themselves? Company earnings guidance is a major factor that affects market sentiment and analyst ratings, and of course, the price of a company’s securities.

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With a Corporate Guidance API, users can access detailed financial guidance, including earnings projections, revenue targets, and operating margin estimates, all updated in real-time. This allows investors and financial professionals to evaluate the performance of companies more accurately, adjust their investment strategies, and identify potential risks or opportunities.
Whether you run a quantitative hedge fund or a retail brokerage, see every update in one place by integrating Benzinga’s Guidance Calendar.
Data field descriptions
ID | Unique ID of the output |
date | Datestamp |
time | Timestamp of the announcement HH:MM:SS format |
ticker | Ticker symbol |
exchange | Exchange the security is traded on |
name | Company name of the security |
period | Fiscal period being reported (Full year or quarterly) |
period_year | Fiscal year being reported |
prelim | Preliminary Y/N |
eps_guidance_est | Forecasted profit or loss for the upcoming quarter |
eps_guidance_max | Maximum actual figure for the future eps |
eps_guidance_min | Minimum actual figure for the future eps |
eps_guidance_prior_max | YoY maximum figure that was projected a year prior |
eps_guidance_prior_min | YoY minimum figure that was projected a year prior |
revenue_guidance_est | Forecasted revenue range for the upcoming quarter |
revenue_guidance_max | Maximum actual figure for revenue guidance |
revenue_guidance_min | Minimum actual figure for revenue guidance |
revenue_guidance_prior_max | YoY maximum figure that was projected a year prior |
revenue_guidance_prior_min | YoY minimum figure that was projected a year prior |
importance | Importance of the action (scale of 0-5) 0 = least important |
updated | Last updated timestamp (UNIX) |
Benzinga’s data samples are intended to provide a data sample large enough for testing data quality and application for the financial markets. These sample files demonstrate a sample of the formats and content that can be delivered.
Please refer to docs.benzinga.io for all your API integration needs, including parameter queries and a look at our entire offerings.