Dividends data is a critical factor when assessing the performance of a stock over time. Benzinga has a robust historical database of dividends and is a key player in predicting accurate future ex-dividend rates, record dates, and pay dates. Our clients rely heavily upon the accuracy of our data to best position their portfolios to meet their investment goals.

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Investors use this data to develop investment strategies that incorporate dividend-paying stocks, or to screen for companies that have a history of consistent dividend payments. This can be particularly useful for investors seeking long-term, income-generating investments.
A company’s future dividend date is predicted through our proprietary algorithm, and cross-referenced by our data analysts. As the ex-dividend date approaches, our team of analysts work to ensure any company announcements are reflected in the dataset.
Compounding dividends are a great wealth building mechanism. Changes in dividends can also impact a stocks price substantially. Keep your users in the know by providing a simple outline or advanced graphics for each stocks dividend yield/history. Especially in this market, users are seeking consistent returns – information on dividends can help provide a sense of peace to investors in volatile markets.
Data field descriptions
ID | Unique ID of the output |
date | Datestamp |
isin | ISIN identifier |
ticker | Ticker symbol |
name | Company name of the security |
exchange | Exchange the security is traded on |
frequency | Annual dividend frequency occurrence (4 = quarterly) |
dividend | Dividend amount per share |
dividend_prior | Dividend that was issued prior |
dividend_type | Type of issuance (cash or stock) |
dividend_yield | Dividend expressed as a percentage of a current share price |
ex_dividend_date | Date of the ex-dividend Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
payable_date | Date of the payable dividend Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
record_date | Date of the record date Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
importance | Importance of the action (scale of 0-5) 0 = least important |
updated | Last updated timestamp (UNIX) |
Benzinga’s data samples are intended to provide a data sample large enough for testing data quality and application for the financial markets. These sample files demonstrate a sample of the formats and content that can be delivered.
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