Stock Market Education

In volatile markets, users look for professional insights and guidance. Benzinga has provided objective, actionable stock market information to retail investors for over 12 years. Leverage Benzinga’s reputation and expertise through Stock Market Education, engaging and enabling your userbase on your native platform.
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    Market Basics to Advanced Topics

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    Livestream or Prerecorded

Benzinga’s Education team will work with you to build a custom course, starting with market basics and concluding with investment strategies and advanced topics of your choice. Benzinga has a diverse team that can conduct live classes in a multitude of languages. Sessions are engaging, and special guests are optional.

Benzinga Stock Market Education can be used as a marketing tool in order to attract new users and engage your customer base.  Live sessions provide massive value, and the lessons learned can greatly impact an individual’s investing journey.

Now is a great time to invest time and energy into your users skills as investors, increasing platform engagement and brand loyalty.


Here you will find documentation for the our news, market, and company data APIs.

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Here you will find documentation for the our news, market, and company data APIs.

Benzinga APIs | Stock News

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