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Benzinga Pro is the world’s fastest & friendliest way to research stocks.
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Real-time Alerts from Benzinga Pro are available on all your devices, which means you always get latest news before the crowd - and can act to maximize returns. All the latest reports, exclusives, and ratings are immediately available, no matter where you are, or what device you're using.
Search a fund's 13F holdings in real-time. See how much of each stock they own and track performance so you can make the same trades as legendary funds, like Berkshire Hathaway.
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Inside access to executives, company insiders and analysts is published, allowing our users to make better decisions. Original content from the Benzinga Pro newsdesk provides actionable information before the market moves.
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This service is amazing. The interface is intuitive, the news is concise and relevant and the screener is gold.
-Nolan M., Benzinga Pro User
You guys are the FIRST WITH NEWS!! You give me a head start on trades that would normally either be too late to enter or might even go unnoticed!! Thank you, Benzinga!!"
-Erik G., Benzinga Pro User
Very complete info. Especially strong on option trading, which is a big deal with traders like me.
-Gerald H., Benzinga Pro User