Best Contact Management Software

Contact details are the most crucial part of any business, but a business can only reach its goal if all the required information about prospects are in a single place. 

Contact management software provides a secure place for businesses to store this vital information for sales campaigns. Learn more about the best contact management software now.

What is Contact Management Software?

A contact management software allows you to sync all of your contacts in a single place. It also enables you to communicate in real-time and build strong relationships. 

With this tool, your sales team can make contact with the collected information to close more deals. 

But it isn’t limited to the sales team. Everyone within the business from support to management can make use of a centralized contact management system.

Why Do You Need Contact Management Software?

Contact management software (CMS) can ease the process of maintaining contact details. It’s not just a place to store and organize your contacts but a means to leverage them as your needs and conditions.

Here are some of the benefits of having contact management software in your company:

  • A complete record of customer interaction
  • Smooth and Improved customer service
  • A centralized database of all contacts and information available
  • Data-driven insights
  • Transparency and active collaboration among team members

What Makes The Best Contact Management Software?

Choosing the best contact management software could be confusing. Here are the factors you need to consider when choosing your CMS.


In 2021, automation is the foremost thing you seek in any software. People are moving away from traditional ways of keeping records in spreadsheets.

Automation boosts your business’s working synergy. Everything is just a click or search away. 

Each time you visit your software, it will automatically show you the list of clients to contact. It can provide the contact history and other communication information.

And if you only have the name and phone number of a new prospect, the software will  automatically add an email address, social media profiles and more without a manual search on the web.


Because there is no perfect CMS that fits all the businesses, look out for contact management software vendors who listen to your requests and can mould them as per your requirement. 

Or even better, look for software that can be easily customized without the need for in-depth technical expertise.

Import/Export Utility

An import/export feature is a must from your CMS. This option can help you merge multiple spreadsheets and thousands of contacts for upload in 1 click. 

Look for the capability to export contacts when you need to shift information to another purpose or program.


Automation and integration go hand in hand. Your CMS should communicate with your existing systems. 

For example, you may plan to send emails to your prospects through a different email provider. You don’t want to find out your CMS can’t sync with that email provider after you purchase. It means all your efforts and money are wasted.

Always look if your CMS will allow other software and apps to work with them to make your work easy and productive.

The Best Contact Management Software

Here are our top CMS picks for 2021.


Insightly keeps it simple with a single dashboard to manage all the aspects for leads or client information. Its email management system allows you to come up with your own template and schedule message delivery to your customers accordingly.

Its core strength comes from its fully-automated marketing feature. Insightly automatically creates your leads journey and sales funnel as you act with your leads and pipelines.

Hubspot CRM

Hubspot Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is widely used for its inbound marketing and customer service solution feature. The best part about this CRM is it’s completely free.

Compared to traditional spreadsheets, Hubspot provides an overall overview of your entire sales funnels in a single dashboard view. 

It allows you to store, organize and manage all the information you have on your leads. You can also track every activity with your prospects such as phone calls, email or physical meetups.

Hubspot supports different 3rd-party integrations to make contact management even more seamless.


Affinity is the best contact management software when it comes to building new relationships. It markets itself as “relationship management software” because the main focus is to help you build a strong relationship with your clients, leads and others

You don’t need to worry at all when it comes to connecting to your leads. It automatically alarms you of the time and reminds you of your schedule and the previous interaction history.

Another built-in feature is the sentiment score which acts as an indicator of the relationship created with your customer. Affinity also connects with your LinkedIn database so current clients can introduce you to new leads. 

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is the simplest software on the market. Like others, it allows you to keep track of all your prospects and clients in one single dashboard. It also has a tagging feature that helps to give credit to your staff for each lead. 

The dashboard displays the remaining tasks you have with your client. Zoho does lack some features but allows you to work with integrations like MailChimp, Twitter, Google, Facebook and many more. Zoho is the oldest in the business. 


Streak is a CMS designed to easily integrate with your Google applications.

This software offers you an option to manage, maintain and share a timeline of your prospects’ communications and contracts and information such as emails, call logs, interviews, files, notes, physical meetup and others. 

Streak also allows you to have a custom view of your managed pipelines. It provides you with the features like filter, search, group, sorting your contact or any data in any kind of configuration.

The dashboard is fully customizable which displays the data you value and mostly handles your day-to-day work.                                                                                 

Salesforce Essentials

Salesforce Essentials is another easy-to-use and easy setup contact management software. It offers all that you require to manage your prospect’ information and make sales accordingly.

The dashboard is intuitive and everything you need is just a click away. At a glance, you can clearly view where your leads are in the pipeline of your sales campaign and any additional notes that you prepared.

The Salesforce support portal is the best on the market. Any issue, problem or request you have is instantly addressed with a solution.


A CMS is great for managing contacts you have and keeping notes on important people. A CRM is a software to track the full progression of your customers.

The line that divides the 2 tracking options is blurred. Both support your business with a record of client history, notes, messages and every other small detail. CRM and CMS both can help organize contacts, track leads and log notes.

Find CMS Software Now

CMS software can assist you with your sales funnel, marketing campaigns, sales pipelines, email campaigns and even customer support. These features will help you to refine your business process to center around relationship building.

Take a look at our recommended CMS options to find your best fit today.