What Is the Best Power Conditioner?

Contributor, Benzinga

A clean and effective power source is key when it comes to ensuring that all of your equipment runs smoothly. A power conditioner is a great way to regulate power inputs and prevent power spikes from damaging your equipment. 

When you have access to the best power conditioner, you can be sure of how your equipment will perform. Whether you are looking for a rack-mounted option or you’d prefer a power strip, there is a power conditioner out there that is perfect for you. 

What to Look for in a Power Conditioner

Power conditioners are great for your equipment because they can maintain a certain quality of power for the devices plugged into the conditioner. That being said, there are some key factors to consider when looking for the best power conditioner. 

Outlet Count

You will want to consider how many objects you plan to plug into the power conditioner. The number of outlets that a power conditioner can handle at once will be determined by the power draw of the power conditioner itself. You can find power conditioners that can handle anywhere from 6 to 12 outlets. 

Please remember to never plug power strips into a power conditioner. Doing so could cause the power conditioner to work less effectively. Plus, you could end short circuiting the entire setup, which can be dangerous for both the equipment and the user. 

Output Options

If you are using a rack-mounted power conditioner, you will have the option to choose between power conditioners with outlets on the back or conditioners with outlets in the front. No matter which option you choose, both are perfect for maintaining a clean rack layout.

There have been more and more power conditioner options that have a USB output on the front. Occasionally, you can find a power conditioner with a single plug on the front so that you can charge equipment temporarily.

Power Draw

As stated before, the power draw will be a major part of what determines the number of outlets that can be powered by a conditioner. If you are planning on using multiple pieces of equipment with the same power conditioner, and all of those pieces of equipment have high draw rates, you’ll want to limit how many devices you plug into that conditioner in particular.

In fact, it’s best to consider spreading your devices across multiple power conditioners. If you need help figuring out the best approach, you can always reach out to an electrician who can assist you. They can determine the number of devices that can safely draw from the same conditioner. You can also figure this out by studying the breaker box. 

Surge Protection

A power conditioner and a surge protector are not the same thing. This is important to remember so that you do not expect to keep your equipment safe and protected with a power conditioner alone. It’s important to have a power conditioner and a surge protector for optimal safety. 

Some power conditioners have surge protectors built in, but that’s not always the case. Just remember that if it does not say that the power conditioner is also a surge protector, you will need to get a surge protector in addition to the power conditioner. 

The Best Power Conditioner

Now that you know more about power conditioners and what to expect, here are some of the best power conditioners on the market. 

Furman SS6B

The Furman SS6B is a great option for anyone who does not want a rack-mounted model for their power conditioner. This power conditioner is also great if you need to have the ability to move the plug around to different locations. Plus, it even has an extended cable to help you reach long distances. 


  • Portable 
  • Vertical outlets 
  • Horizontal outlets


  • No surge protection

Best For

  • Portability


  • $45

Furman AC-215A

The AC-215A is a small but powerful power conditioner. One of its best features is the lock that holds the IEC power cable in place so that you don’t accidentally lose power by pulling out the cable. This power conditioner comes with the pieces needed to mount it on a rack, but you can also set it up so that it sits on your desk, making it a more accessible option. 


  • Small build
  • Flexibility in terms of mounting 
  • Power cable clamped in place


  • Only 2 outlets 

Best For

  • Small spaces 
  • Discreet setups


  • $229

Black Lion Audio PG-1

Black Lion is a relatively new company that has been putting out some amazing equipment, the PG-1 included. It is a great power conditioner that offers 10 outlets, 2 of which are on the front. The PG-1 power conditioner also has a meter that shows you just how much voltage is being pulled at a given time. Lit-up indicators display other important information as well. 


  • Comes with 10 outlets
  • Has controls and connections for dimmable outlets 


  • Sideways front outlets 
  • Difficulty plugging in multiple items at once 

Best For

  • Ease of use 


  • $279

Livewire 11 Output Power Conditioner

The Livewire 11 Output power conditioner is a great choice, especially for anyone on a budget. While it is a budget option, it will still deliver high quality power conditioning. With its voltage meter centered on the front of the device, plus an additional front outlet, the Livewire 11 will definitely get your power conditioning needs under control. 


  • Has 11 outlets
  • Built-in rack lights 
  • Voltage meter


  • Not the best choice for long-term solutions 

Best For

  • Those on a budget


  • $149.99

Black Lion Audio PG-2

Just like the other choice from Black Lion, the PG-2 power conditioner offers the features of an expensive power conditioner at an extremely affordable price. This power conditioner is essentially the same as the PG-1 except the PG-2 comes with more features. For example, you’ll have more outlets, more power outputs and more lights as well as a USB charger.


  • Front and back dimmable rack light 
  • Controls and connection points
  • 14 outlets
  • Voltage and amperage monitors


  • Bigger than most power conditioners 
  • Takes up double the rack space 

Best For 

  • Powering a Large Number of Items


  • $399

The Power of Correct Power

If you aren’t aware of the benefits that a power conditioner offers, you should know that providing proper power levels to your devices will improve the overall functionality of your equipment. 

For example, equipment can run on power that is either above or below the suggested voltage for that equipment. However, if your equipment is exposed to voltage that is either too high or too low for an extended period of time, serious damage can occur. 

But with a power conditioner and a surge protector, you won’t have to worry about any of that. Save yourself the hassle of having to pay to replace your equipment. Instead, invest in the best power conditioner for you and your equipment!