Chicago Atlantic Group
Chicago Atlantic Group | Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference

Chicago Atlantic Group


Chicago Atlantic Real Estate Finance, Inc. (NASDAQ: REFI) is a commercial real estate finance company that manages a diversified portfolio of real estate credit investments primarily in the cannabis space and is actively investing across the value chain. The Company is led by a senior management team with extensive experience in real estate credit, direct lending, risk management and real estate acquisitions and development. 


Demand for financing in the cannabis market is expected to continue to rise due to recent and future state legalization of cannabis for recreational and medical use as well as increased consumer adoption, with both trends requiring significant capital expenditures by operators. At the same time, the federal prohibition on cannabis use and commercialization hampers certain commercial and financial activities, creating a limited competition environment for Chicago Atlantic. Combined with the Company and its sponsor’s leading cannabis lending platform, a growing portfolio with compelling risk-adjusted returns, a disciplined “credit-first” underwriting process, a track record of identifying market inefficiencies and the ability to redeploy capital quickly, this favorable demand environment positions Chicago Atlantic to become the lender of choice to leading cannabis industry operators.

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