Justin Banks

CEO & Founder

Wolves of Wealth

At eighteen Justin left for California to follow his dream to play baseball professionally. After a career ending injury, Justin returned home and began working in the Vegas nightclub scene. In 2013 Justin became interested in Cryptocurrency and that sparked his trading career.

Having found success using methods of investing taught to him by his late mentor Timothy P Flynn who co-founded West Air, Valujet, and Allegiant Airlines along with 8+ years of trading every day he is determined to teach his secrets to success to all that will listen.

In 2020 Justin decided to take his passion of trading and business and created the Wolves Of Wealth community. Within months of launching Justin has had over 1000 members join and continues his mission to help them become financially independent.

He also credits his late mother who taught him the value of money and the importance of investing, along with taking him on her vending routes as a child.