Nemaura Medical Inc.
Nemaura Medical was founded in 2011, and has developed a body worn patch for continuous glucose monitoring. The device is a Class IIb CE approved medical device (and PMA application is currently under review by the FDA). The company is targeting the diabetes market, to help prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes with its sensor and digital app. The company is also planning to launch a direct to consumer metabolic health program, to address obesity, weight loss and the pre-diabetes markets.

CEO & Chair of the Board
Nemaura Medical
Dr. Chowdhury has served as CEO and chair of the board of Nemaura Medical Inc., since 2013. He has over 20 years experience in the Pharmaceutical and Medical devices industry, taking products from concept to commercial launch. He is sole inventor on more than 100 granted and pending patents across over 15 technology platforms within the medical device and pharmaceutical sectors and has authored Textbook Chapters on Nano-biosciences for Wiley and Elsevier. Dr Chowdhury is a regular speaker at international conferences in this field, and serves on the Board of Medilink East Midlands, UK. He holds a Masters in Microsystems and Nanotechnology from Cranfield University, UK, and Doctorate from the University of Oxford on nano-medicine and drug delivery.