Dr. David Cooper

PhytoMedSolutions & PhytoDental Solutions

David L. Cooper, Ph.D., M.D. has a 25- year C-level management career spanning startups to Fortune 500 companies in biotechnology, informatics, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. While Professor of Molecular Pathology at Duke and UPMC Dr. Cooper’s research focused on defining the various isoforms and role of CD44 in tumor metastasis. He has authored more than 100 manuscripts including publications in Nature Medicine, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and the Journal of Cell Biology. In his academic and business careers he has received multiple research grants from the NIH, ACS, DOD and the SBIR. Honors include the Litchfield Lectureship, Oxford University for clinical and research leadership in Molecular Medicine. During this time Dr. Cooper founded and served as the first President of the Association of Molecular Pathology (AMP) and was the Founding Editor of the journal Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy. Dr. Cooper consults widely in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic and healthcare industries. Most recently Dr. Cooper has devoted his efforts to a better understanding of phytocannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system’s role in health and disease.

Most recently Dr. Cooper has devoted his efforts to a better understanding of phytocannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system’s role in health and disease. Designing empiric data generating safe, efficacious and cost-efficient IRB approved clinical studies is the focus of his ongoing activities as CEO of PhytoMedical Solutions, LLC and PhytoDental Solutions.