5 Spiritual Meanings of Angel Number 1122

Most people start to wonder why the angel number 1122 shows up in their lives once they notice it. When it appears several times in a row, it is easy to call it a simple coincidence. But those who are open-minded know that there must be more to this because the chances of such a complex number appearing in front of their eyes every day are quite low.

Truth is, guardian angels are trying to send you a message. Each number has a specific energy which can be figured out by numerologists and experts in this field. Now we will show you the 5 spiritual meanings of angel number 1122 and what you can do after you see it several times in a row. 

#1 – Find and Follow Your Life Purpose

Those who are interested in spirituality and are actively working to raise their vibration often encounter this angel number. It carries a lot of energy and it is considered to be a reminder to expand your horizons and seek out your soul purpose. Many people are easily influenced by their environment. Whether it’s their family, friends or co-workers, these individuals are rarely taking any initiative in their life. 

While the opinions of others could be useful in certain situations, you shouldn’t make important decisions strictly based on what other people are telling you. That’s why guardian angels are urging you to become your leader and turn your inner light on. We all have a life purpose, which is the reason why we came here on Earth. 

Since you are making consistent progress toward spiritual enlightenment, you might already know what your goals are. In the future, you can expect plenty of divine support that will aid you on this journey. 1122 is a number of faith and freedom. There’s no point in having limiting beliefs because you can do anything you want. If you are not sure about your life purpose, expect to find it soon after you notice 1122 several times in a row. 

#2 – Have Trust and Honesty in Relationships

If you are seeing the angel number 1122 while you are spending time with your lover, this meaning applies to you. It resonates harmony and trust, which are essential for any relationship. Guardian angels are telling you to open up to the people who are important in your life and be honest with them. Communication is key, but it has to be based on the truth. 

If you are already in a relationship, try having more deep conversations with your partner. The topic of discussion is irrelevant as long as you are spending quality time together. It will give you both a chance to get to know each other better and find out new things that haven’t been told before. A great idea is to remember the important details they have told you and surprise them at a later time with a gift related to their interests.

Those who are single should not be discouraged. This meaning also applies to them if they are seeking love. Remember that 1122 is a number that resonates with deep connections but only when it is based on honesty. Before you meet your future partner, work on becoming a better person and focus on improving yourself. 

#3 – Keep an Open Mind About Your Twin Flame

Twin flames are part of the same soul and they each have a half of it. In this world, their purpose is to be reunited in a relationship that is more intense than anything you have experienced before. Not everyone has a twin flame, but those who do often see the angel number 1122 while they are pondering on this topic. 

The energy associated with it is one of change and spiritual openings, so 1122 is a request to keep an open mind and learn to adapt to new situations. Maybe your twin flame is different compared to what you expected from them. If you have already made up your mind about how you’d like them to be, there is a high chance you might end up rejecting your twin flame when the meeting happens. 

Guardian angels are telling you to be more careful in your decisions and to never act on impulse. Give everyone a chance before you get to know them better and make a logical decision at a later point. In numerology, 1122 also tells us that the union with a twin flame is close and there are just a few more steps you have to take, such as becoming the best version of yourself.

#4 – A Significant Boost in Manifesting

There’s good news for those who are trying to manifest a specific desire. The angel number 1122 has a lot of energy that can boost this process. You can take it as a sign from the higher beings as they tell you to focus your thoughts where it matters. After all, your attention is your most powerful tool and it should be used wisely. Remember that you always get more of what you focus on.

But sometimes intrusive thoughts seem to come out of nowhere and dominate our awareness. When that happens, it is important to discard them and realize they are just powerless thoughts that do not influence your current reality. You might notice the angel number 1122 during such difficult times because the Universe wants you to stay disciplined in your mental diet. 

If you are already practicing some manifesting techniques, you need to be consistent and have patience. Your effort is being noticed and the reward is on its way, but most people tend to give up when there is a lack of results in the physical world. Guardian angels can see the bigger picture and they know there is much more happening behind the scenes. That’s why they show you 1122 as they want to remind you to have faith and positive expectations for the future.

#5 – A Reminder to Practice Gratitude

While love is the most powerful emotion we can experience, gratitude comes quite close to it. This feeling has a high vibration and a lot of potential that can make anyone’s life better. There are many reasons to be grateful for, ranging from simple things to big achievements. We often take some of our blessings for granted. 

For example, we see a roof above our heads or a seemingly unlimited supply of potable water to be usual so we rarely express gratitude for what we have normalized. But the angel number 1122 acts as a reminder to show more gratitude in our daily lives. Whether it’s for a big achievement or for the fact that you woke up healthy this morning, take some time to experience this feeling whenever you see 1122 on a clock or a car plate. 

Because grocery stores are usually full of numbers, a great idea would be to practice gratitude when you are waiting in line. It is well known that we get more of what we think and feel. When you start experiencing gratitude regularly, your vibration will rise and the Universe will reward you with more things and experiences to be grateful for. 


1122 is a common angel number that appears to those who are ready to see it. Even so, most people tend to overlook it and label these occurrences as coincidences. But when this number shows up multiple times throughout the day, it is a clear sign that guardian angels are trying to communicate with you.

There is a special message that you can only figure out when you become open-minded and receptive to the insights addressed to you. There are 5 different meanings of this angel number and you will know which one applies to you based on the situation where you first noticed it. 


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