Accredited Debt Relief Review

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Contributor, Benzinga
September 17, 2021
Accredited Debt Relief
Overall Rating:
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Accredited Debt Relief helps individuals across the U.S. by creating personalized debt relief programs that work. Their service is a form of customized debt consolidation without a loan that can help you reduce what you owe, avoid filing for bankruptcy and finally overcome overwhelming debt. Accredited Debt Relief’s ultimate goal is to help you resolve your debt as quickly as possible and for less than you owe.

  • Negotiates on your behalf
  • Offers educational programs to avoid future debt
  • Repay less than what you owe
  • High interest rates and fees
  • Doesn’t operate in all 50 states

Accredited Debt Relief Ratings at a Glance

Customer Service
User Benefits
User Experience

Managing Debt With Accredited Debt Relief

Owing more money than you can pay back is an uncomfortable feeling. You might try to not to think about it, but the worry underlies every moment of your waking hours. You dread the idea of bankruptcy, but it seems as if no other alternative exists.  In Accredited Debt Relief, you’ve found a prudent solution.

Accredited Debt Relief knows that debt relief isn’t one-size-fits-all. Each client has a unique story that requires a customized solution. By really listening to clients and matching them with personalized programs to reduce their unsecured debt, Accredited Debt Relief delivers financial relief to people in need.

Certified Debt Specialists, in conjunction with a dedicated Client Success Team, provide support every step of the way. The process works like this:

Call for a free consultation: Before explaining how the program works, a Certified Debt Specialist takes time to get to know you and your financial situation. Then, you'll work together to customize your monthly deposit amounts based on your goals, the total amount of your enrolled debt and your budget.

Make your monthly deposits: You'll open a savings account in your name that will be under your complete control. This Dedicated Account is where you'll send your monthly program deposits, which will then go towards paying off your debts.

Stop using your credit cards: Now you’ll leave communications with your creditors to Accredited Debt Relief. You'll also stop using the lines of credit or loans that are enrolled in your program.

Debt resolution negotiators go to bat for you: Accredited Debt Relief’s debt resolution negotiators will work on securing settlements that help boost your savings, reduce your total payments and resolve your debt as soon as possible. They'll use their years of experience working with creditors to create a negotiation strategy and decide which of your accounts to settle first.

Debts are resolved: When a creditor agrees to a settlement, you'll need to approve it. The money you've built up in your Dedicated Account will go towards paying off each resolution. Once you've paid your creditor in full, that debt will be resolved.

Accredited Debt Relief customizes their programs based on clients’ needs. Clients have access to a Client Dashboard that helps track their program’s progress. Each program is designed to help clients feel confident in this partnership. Accredited Debt Relief is there to answer client questions, listen to their needs and earn their trust through successful results.

Accredited Debt Relief Customer Service

Accredited Debt Relief earns its 5-star customer service rating. A call to 877-201-2548 is met with a friendly voice after just two automated touch-answers and no wait time. The kind voice on the other end, after hearing that this was just a call to make sure the phone number was in working order, provided a short overview of how the team members at Accredited Debt Relief try to help consumers in debt. 

In addition to calling, you can get help via email or through an online form. The FAQ section has scores of information on the specifics of working with Accredited Debt Relief, as well as general financial information.

When you call in, you can talk to a debt counselor with no obligation. They will patiently and encouragingly explain the process of Accredited Debt Relief’s program, the cost of completing it, and all the other things that revolve around relief like debt consolidation, bankruptcy and credit reports.

Accredited Debt Relief Pricing

Any service you purchase has a cost, and a debt settlement company is no exception. Although Accredited Debt Relief doesn’t charge upfront fees for the work they do, their fees are based on your personal situation and amount of debt. Fees are based on a percentage of your enrolled debt at the time of starting the program, and they can range from 15% to 25% of that debt. Programs can range from 12 to 48 months in length. 

On average, clients must save approximately 40% to 50% of each debt due to an enrolled creditor before a bonafide settlement offer will be made. On average, clients receive their first settlement within 4 to 6 months of enrollment and approximately every 3 to 6 months thereafter from when the prior debt was settled. Accredited Debt Relief’s fees are competitive within the industry. Because the company is able to negotiate some of your debt down, the fees you have to pay are more palatable than if you had to pay fees as well as cover all your debt.

Accredited Debt Relief User Benefits

Debt resolution (also known as debt settlement, negotiated debt settlement or debt negotiation) is a process where a company works on behalf of its client to secure more favorable terms with creditors or debt collectors. Accredited Debt Relief seeks to reduce the overall amount you owe and resolve the debt more quickly than you would on your own.

While that may seem too good to be true, the debt resolution process is pretty standard for creditors. They know that clients facing hardship may never pay the debt or could decide to declare bankruptcy, so it’s in the creditor’s own interest to agree to different terms rather than getting no money at all.

When you work with Accredited Debt Relief, you pay off debt for less than you owe, learn how to save and count on their experienced guides to do most of the heavy lifting for you. A company that’s solved debt issues for 140,000 people and consolidated $500 million in debt has a lot to offer you, too.

Accredited Debt Relief User Experience

When you’re doing something fun, you’ve got a low bar for your user experience. So what if the ice cream lady is crabby; you’ll be licking your twisty cone and laughing about her snarls in two minutes. When you are working on a serious extended project, you need every aspect of the user experience to be smooth, clear and positive. That’s what you’ll get with Accredited Debt Relief, as verified by numerous customer reviews and a high Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating. Accredited Debt Relief’s Certified Debt Specialists walk clients through options, providing them with the best program for their unique circumstances. It’s a very personal experience made as pleasant as possible by a caring, well-trained team of debt associates.

Accredited Debt Relief
Best For
  • $20k + in Debt
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Accredited Debt Relief vs. Competitors

Accredited Debt Relief is not the only debt relief agency out there. The other debt relief organizations charge about the same as Accredited Debt Relief does. Two of the aspects that set Accredited Debt Relief apart include their personalized customer service that builds confidence and their requirement that clients set up an account to pay from, which fosters positive future financial habits. 

Accredited Debt Relief Overall

In an A+ world, everyone has enough money to pay their bills. However, the remorselessness of real life means it’s hard to make the grade. When you find yourself struggling to stay afloat in financial hot water, a 5-star debt relief program like that found at Accredited Debt Relief offers a welcome lifeline. Accredited Debt Relief does one thing –  provide debt relief options and savings for individuals and families struggling with debt – and it does it well.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is Accredited Debt Relief legit?


Accredited Debt Relief is a legit company with many positive customer reviews and a 4.68 out of 5 rating from the BBB.


Are debt relief programs really worth it?


Yes. People throw around the term bankruptcy as if it’s no big deal, but the truth is ugly. The action of declaring and working through a bankruptcy is as emotionally difficult as it is financially damaging. If you can find, enroll in and stick to an alternative solution like debt relief from a company like Accredited Debt Relief, you are ahead of the game.

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