Executives And Founders Of Uber, Facebook And Apple Are Bullish On This Wellness App — You Can Coinvest At $1.15 Per Share

More than 50 million Americans have experienced some form of mental illness. One in eight takes antidepressants, and the suicide rate has risen by almost one-third since 2000. The medical system cannot adequately address the needs of people who seek help, let alone those who keep it to themselves. 

Silicon Valley’s top venture capitalists and executives of Spotify, Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., have invested in a company working to fix the problem, and you can join them for $1.15 per share


What's Aura?

Aura is a marketplace where wellness experts compete for who’ll provide mental wellness seekers with higher quality content and care. The company has a significant edge over the leading wellness platforms because of its colossal content library. It’s anywhere from 10 to 100 times more extensive than its competitors, and that matters. Similar to how Spotify and Netflix transformed their industries, a wider scope of content drives greater personalization, significantly shortening the path between a problem and wellness. 

How have users responded to that? Aura has amassed 8 million members and its engagement is through the roof. The platform knocks its competitors out of the park (more than double) in terms of user retention by day 30 and daily and monthly active users. And earnings reflect the enthusiasm — Aura has pulled in $25 million in lifetime revenue. But that’s only the beginning. 

The Compounding Flywheel

The unparalleled quality of reach that coaches can get on Aura is the secret that makes the company so scalable. It incentivizes wellness coaches and therapists to produce content through meditations, stories and hypnosis. This gives the users plenty of options to choose from, which helps them accomplish wellness goals more quickly. The greater diversity of content draws more users, ultimately increasing the revenue for the coaches and therapists. It’s a virtuous cycle that Aura refers to as the compounding flywheel and will play a huge part in what’s to come for the company. 

More On The Horizon

So far, Aura users can get content, coaches and therapists only in English, which covers hundreds of millions of native and non-native speakers but leaves out a significant portion of the world. A great expansion is in the works, and soon Aura will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Korean and Japanese. This move will unlock Aura’s services for over 1 billion potential customers.

Mental wellness is a $5.6 trillion industry and venture-backed Aura has a product market fit to tackle it. Aura has raised over $10M to date; over 2,000 individual investors have invested in the platform and so can you at $1.15 per share. Opportunity closes soon on April 30, and there is limited allocation left.

Click here to invest in the future of mental wellness

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