What Is Avalanche (AVAX)? X-Chain, P-Chain, and C-Chain Explained

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Contributor, Benzinga
May 15, 2024
verified by Ryan McNamara

Avalanche is a fast, secure blockchain for DeFi & dApps, built for scalability and low fees.


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the blockchain world? New terms and acronyms are popping up everywhere, making it hard to know where to begin. If you're curious about Avalanche, a blockchain platform generating a lot of buzz, you've come to the right place. 

This beginner's guide will be your avalanche of knowledge, breaking down everything you need to know about this exciting ecosystem. So, buckle up, grab a metaphorical cup of coffee, and get ready to dive into the world of Avalanche.

What Is Avalanche?

Avalanche is a rapidly growing blockchain platform that aims to provide a scalable, secure, and decentralized infrastructure for building decentralized applications (dApps) and deploying smart contracts. Launched in 2020 by Ava Labs, Avalanche has quickly gained traction in the blockchain industry due to its unique architecture and innovative features.

At the core of the Avalanche ecosystem is its multi-chain structure, which consists of three interconnected blockchains: the Exchange Chain (X-chain) for creating and trading digital assets, the Contract Chain (C-chain) for deploying smart contracts, and the Platform Chain (P-chain) for coordinating validators and subnets.

One of the key innovations of Avalanche is its use of the Avalanche Consensus Protocol, which is a novel Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism that aims to provide high throughput, low latency, and energy efficiency. The protocol is designed to be scalable and customizable, allowing for creating subnets with their own rules and tokenized assets.

Subnets are interoperable networks within the Avalanche ecosystem that can be customized for specific use cases. They allow for the creation of diverse applications, enhancing the overall flexibility and scalability of the Avalanche platform.

The Avalanche ecosystem also includes the Avalanche Virtual Machine (AVM), which serves as the application layer and provides developers with programming tools and functionalities to build dApps on the Avalanche network. The AVM is crucial in creating and trading smart assets within the ecosystem.

To support the growth and adoption of the Avalanche ecosystem, the platform has launched initiatives such as the Avalanche Rush program, which offers incentives to liquidity providers through AVAX token rewards. This program has attracted several prominent DeFi projects to launch on the Avalanche network, further expanding the ecosystem's reach and capabilities.

The Avalanche ecosystem is particularly important in the blockchain industry because it focuses on scalability, interoperability, and energy efficiency. As the demand for blockchain-based applications continues to grow, platforms like Avalanche that can provide high-performance and customizable solutions will likely play a significant role in shaping the industry's future.

However, it's important to note that the Avalanche ecosystem, while innovative, also faces challenges due to its relative novelty and the intense competition in the blockchain market. As with any emerging technology, long-term stability and security concerns must be addressed as the ecosystem matures.

History of Avalanche

The Avalanche blockchain has a fascinating history, driven by a core mission: to create a secure and scalable foundation for decentralized applications (dApps). This journey began in May 2018, when a group called “Team Rocket” introduced the groundwork for a new InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) consensus protocol. This protocol aimed to solve the challenge of achieving consensus in a network of unreliable machines, a critical hurdle for blockchain technology.

Following this initial groundwork, researchers at Cornell University, led by Professor Emin Gun Sirer and doctoral students Maofan “Ted” Yin and Kevin Sekniqi, further developed the protocol. In March 2020, the official launch of Avalanche arrived with the release of the AVA code base for the Avalanche consensus protocol as open-source software.

What truly set Avalanche apart was its unique architecture. The platform uses a multi-chain structure and the Avalanche Consensus Protocol, both designed for high transaction speeds and low energy consumption. This combination quickly garnered attention within the blockchain industry, leading to significant investments, including a $230 million injection from Polychain and Three Arrows Capital in September 2021.

Avalanche's growth wasn't limited to just technology and investment. Strategic partnerships played a key role in its expansion. A notable example is the collaboration with Deloitte to improve U.S. disaster relief funding. This partnership and others helped propel Avalanche into the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization in November 2021.

However, the road to success wasn't entirely smooth. Avalanche faced challenges, including allegations of undisclosed agreements and legal disputes. These issues were addressed by CEO Emin Gun Sirer, demonstrating the platform's commitment to transparency and accountability.

In 2023, Avalanche solidified its position in the blockchain industry by announcing a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). This collaboration aimed to improve Avalanche's infrastructure and further strengthen its ecosystem. At the heart of Avalanche's operation lies its native token, AVAX. This token plays a crucial role in powering transactions, incentivizing users to participate in the network, and facilitating on-chain governance, where token holders can vote on important decisions regarding the platform's future.

Avalanche's story is one of continuous innovation, strategic partnerships, and a dedication to the core principles of blockchain technology: scalability, security, and decentralization. From its beginnings as a novel consensus protocol to its current status as a leading blockchain network, Avalanche's journey reflects its ongoing evolution in the blockchain industry.

How Does Avalanche Work?

Avalanche is a blockchain platform employing a unique Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism to ensure scalability, security, and decentralization.

At its core, Avalanche comprises three integral blockchains: X-Chain, P-Chain, and C-Chain, each catering to specific functions within the ecosystem:

  • X-Chain (Exchange Chain): This chain facilitates creating and trading digital assets within the Avalanche ecosystem. It streamlines asset exchange and management, offering users a platform for efficiently issuing and handling digital assets.
  • P-Chain (Platform Chain): As the primary network chain, the P-Chain orchestrates validators and subnets within the Avalanche platform. Validators on the P-Chain validate transactions, ensuring consensus and network security.
  • C-Chain (Contract Chain): Dedicated to deploying smart contracts and dApps, the C-Chain empowers developers to create and execute smart contracts, interact with dApps, and harness blockchain's full potential for diverse applications.

These interconnected blockchains enable resilient and adaptable infrastructure for users and developers within the Avalanche ecosystem. The X-chain facilitates asset creation and trading, the P-chain ensures network coordination and security, and the C-chain enables smart contract deployment and dApp execution.

Avalanche Partners and Use Cases

The Avalanche blockchain platform boasts a plethora of impactful and diverse apps spanning multiple industries.

Here's a rundown of the key applications and use cases of the Avalanche blockchain:

  • Lemonade (Insurance): Lemonade harnesses Avalanche to automate crop insurance policies for small-scale farmers in Kenya. Through smart contracts and oracles monitoring weather conditions, Lemonade offers affordable crop insurance, ensuring automatic payouts in case of adverse weather events.
  • Deloitte (Disaster Relief): Deloitte employs Avalanche to administer FEMA Public Assistance payments for disaster relief endeavors. By leveraging Avalanche, the process becomes more automated, secure, and transparent, bolstering the efficiency and transparency of disaster relief operations during calamities.
  • Dreamus (Ticketing): Dreamus, SK Planet's entertainment division, uses Avalanche to power its ticketing app, OK Cashbag. Leveraging Avalanche's blockchain, the app streamlines digital transactions, establishes an immutable record of ticket authenticity, and combats scalping and counterfeiting issues in South Korea's ticketing industry.
  • Intain (Structured Finance): Intain introduces IntainMARKETS, a tokenized asset marketplace on an Avalanche Subnet. The platform aims to enhance transparency, liquidity, and efficiency in the structured finance realm, providing opportunities for asset lenders to raise capital and investors to access a broader array of issuers.
  • Gunzilla (Gaming): Gunzilla, a gaming platform, integrates Avalanche to elevate its gaming network. By leveraging Avalanche's blockchain technology, Gunzilla seeks to enhance gaming experiences, fortify security, and facilitate seamless in-game transactions, benefiting from Avalanche's scalability, speed, and security features.
  • Private Enterprise Blockchains: Avalanche subnets enable the creation of private enterprise blockchains tailored to specific business requirements. These blockchains can enforce regulations, compliance standards, and performance metrics, catering to diverse enterprise applications.
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Ecosystems: Avalanche subnets support the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems, fostering the creation of DeFi protocols, decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and more. Subnets provide a flexible and customizable environment for DeFi projects to flourish and innovate.

How Does Avalanche Plan to Grow?

The Avalanche ecosystem is undergoing rapid evolution and innovation, with numerous projects and collaborations contributing to its growth and acceptance. 

Here's a glimpse into recent and forthcoming developments and notable partnerships within the Avalanche ecosystem:

  • Subnets Establishment: A pivotal advancement within the Avalanche ecosystem is the creation of subnets, akin to ethereum sharding. Subnets empower users to launch bespoke blockchains tailored to their specific requirements, augmenting scalability and transaction throughput within the ecosystem.
  • Avalanche Rush Program: A notable initiative, the Avalanche Rush program, aims to boost liquidity in the AVAX DeFi ecosystem. With a substantial fund valued at nearly $180 million, the program incentivizes liquidity providers with AVAX coins, attracting prominent DeFi projects like Aave, Curve, Kyber Network, and Sushi.
  • AVAX Token Functionality: The native cryptocurrency of the Avalanche ecosystem, AVAX, boasts multifaceted utility, including facilitating network transactions, governance participation, and staking. Recent efforts focus on enhancing AVAX token utility and fostering its adoption within the ecosystem.
  • Collaborations: Avalanche has forged strategic alliances to foster ecosystem expansion and adoption with various entities. Noteworthy partnerships include collaborations with Deloitte for disaster relief funding, Dreamus for ticketing solutions, and Lemonade for crop insurance initiatives. These collaborations underscore Avalanche's diverse applications across diverse industries.
  • Upcoming Developments: The future outlook for the Avalanche ecosystem appears promising, with ongoing endeavors to bolster the network. In 2023, AVAX's market share surged significantly, with the network processing over $1 billion in total transactions.
  • Ecosystem Growth: As the Avalanche ecosystem continues to expand, it presents enticing prospects for businesses and developers to explore and contribute. As of writing, Avalanche's ecosystem has over $900 million in TVL, with Benqi, Aave, and Trader Joe being some of the most prominent protocols on the network.

Why Do People Use Avalanche Blockchain?

The Avalanche ecosystem boasts a plethora of advantages that bolster its attractiveness and competitiveness in the blockchain landscape. 

Here are the key benefits of the Avalanche ecosystem:

  • Scalability: With its multi-chain architecture and support for subnets, Avalanche achieves remarkable transaction throughput, addressing a long-standing challenge that older blockchain platforms like bitcoin and ethereum. This scalability ensures efficient handling of a large volume of transactions on the network.
  • Customizability: Leveraging the Avalanche protocol, users can create tailored subnets, each with its own rules and tokenized assets. This customizable approach fosters high interoperability within the Avalanche ecosystem, catering to diverse use cases and applications.
  • Energy Efficiency: Utilizing a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, Avalanche stands out for its energy efficiency compared to traditional Proof of Work (PoW) blockchains like bitcoin. PoS allows for broader participation through validators and consumes less energy, positioning Avalanche as a sustainable blockchain solution.
  • Interoperability: Avalanche's ecosystem facilitates seamless interaction and data exchange among blockchains and applications within the network. This interoperable nature enhances the ecosystem's versatility and connectivity, enabling a wide array of use cases and collaborative efforts.
  • Ease of Use: Avalanche is an EVM-compatible blockchain, meaning that users with Ethereum wallets can easily use Avalanche's blockchain. Additionally, protocols can easily port over their Ethereum-based applications to Avalanche.
  • Security and Decentralization: Avalanche prioritizes security and decentralization through its consensus mechanism and network architecture. The platform's CPU-bound nodes and high throughput contribute to network security and reliability, with validators playing a pivotal role in consensus and network integrity.

Potential Risks of Avalanche Ecosystem Growth

Here are some important downsides of the Avalanche ecosystem:

  • Complexity: While useful for customization and scalability, Avalanche's multiple layers and blockchains can make it hard for new users and developers to understand.
  • Competition: Avalanche operates in a highly competitive environment with many other blockchain platforms. It needs to keep innovating to stay relevant and attract users.
  • Newness: Compared to older blockchains like bitcoin and ethereum, Avalanche is still quite new. Its long-term stability and security haven't been proven as extensively.
  • Expensive Validator Requirements: Becoming an Avalanche network validator is costly, as it requires staking 2000 AVAX tokens, which might deter some participants.
  • Possible Delays: Disagreements among validators over a transaction can slow down the network.
  • Lack of Punishment Protocol: There's no specific protocol for penalizing dishonest validators on the Avalanche network.
  • Volatility: The value of AVAX tokens has seen big swings, dropping by 89% from its peak in November 2021. This volatility could be due to factors like changing interest rates and investor sentiment.

Though Avalanche has advantages like scalability and energy efficiency, it also faces challenges in terms of complexity, competition, and proving its long-term reliability. Overcoming these challenges will be crucial for Avalanche to thrive and gain broader acceptance in the blockchain world.

Avalanche vs. Ethereum

When examining the Avalanche ecosystem alongside Ethereum, some distinct similarities and differences delineate their strengths and weaknesses:


  • Smart Contracts: Both Avalanche and ethereum support smart contracts, empowering developers to craft decentralized applications (dApps) and execute programmable agreements on their respective blockchain networks.
  • Interoperability: Both platforms offer interoperability, facilitating seamless interaction and data exchange among diverse blockchains and applications within their ecosystems.
  • Consensus Mechanism: Avalanche employs the Avalanche Consensus Protocol (PoS), while Ethereum has transitioned to a pure PoS mechanism. Both prioritize energy efficiency and security through their consensus mechanisms.


  • Scalability: Avalanche excels in scalability compared to Ethereum. With a multi-chain architecture and subnets, Avalanche achieves higher throughput and performance, processing up to 4,500 transactions per second, whereas ethereum handles 15-25 transactions per second.
  • Transaction Cost: Avalanche offers lower transaction fees than Ethereum. On average, a transaction on Avalanche costs approximately $0.08, whereas ethereum transactions cost around $3.54.
  • Architecture: Avalanche adopts a multi-chain architecture with three distinct chains (X-Chain, P-Chain, C-Chain) for various purposes, enhancing scalability and performance. Conversely, Ethereum operates on a single-chain architecture, limiting its throughput and cross-chain compatibility.
  • Market Cap: Ethereum boasts a substantially higher market capitalization of $227 billion compared to Avalanche's $5 billion, reflecting Ethereum's broader user base and more mature ecosystem.
  • Total Supply: Avalanche has a total supply of 431.9 million AVAX tokens, whereas Ethereum has 120.1 million ETH tokens in circulation. This disparity impacts factors such as scarcity and token economics.

Where to Buy Avalanche (AVAX)

Looking to buy Avalanche (AVAX)? Popular exchanges like Coinbase, YouHodler, and MoonPay let you buy AVAX using credit cards, bank transfers, or even other cryptocurrencies. Coinbase offers a user-friendly interface for U.S. users, while YouHodler allows for various purchase methods and supports stablecoin conversions. MoonPay provides a speedy credit card purchase option. With these platforms, you can find a secure and convenient way to buy AVAX, regardless of your preferred payment method.

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  • Youhodler
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Is Avalanche Worth Using?

The Avalanche ecosystem presents a dynamic and innovative blockchain platform tailored to address the evolving needs of developers, businesses, and users in the decentralized landscape. With its multi-chain architecture, customizable subnets, and efficient consensus mechanism, Avalanche offers scalability, security, and interoperability, distinguishing itself as a competitive player in the blockchain industry.

Avalanche continues to demonstrate its potential to shape the future of blockchain technology, but it has major hurdles ahead to compete with larger blockchain networks. Its total value locked is far less than competitors like Ethereum and Solana, and its user base is far smaller as well. That being said, Avalanche has strong partnerships with major companies, helping boost users' trust and facilitate more real world adoption.

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Ishan Jain

About Ishan Jain

Ishan Jain is a technical enthusiast with a knack for financial analytics and trading. Ishan primarily works on AI algorithms, business development, and software engineering for his ventures and side projects, and he produces Web3 content for Benzinga. Ishan has been involved in DeFi in a variety of ways, including heading a project at a crypto asset investment firm along with leading a blockchain security research project.