Can You Guess How Much The Average Retirement Account Balance Is? Here's A Hint — It's Only Slightly More Than A Year's Worth Of Expenses

As baby boomers enjoy a wealth surge, younger generations grapple with financial strain. The latest figures highlight a concerning contrast: The average American’s savings barely cover a year’s expenses. With household spending on the rise, driven by inflation and higher living costs, the gap in retirement preparedness widens. SmartAsset's free tool matches you with up to 3 financial advisors that serve your area in minutes that can help you be part of this 3%.

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American households face an average annual spending of $72,967, translating to monthly expenses of about $6,081. This expenditure, as reported by the Consumer Expenditure Survey from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, encompasses a broad range of costs from essential mortgage payments and groceries to discretionary spending on apparel and entertainment.

Recent data from the Federal Reserve’s 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances sheds light on the retirement savings situation in the United States. The median savings for all families stands at a modest $87,000, suggesting that the average American has barely more than a year’s salary saved for retirement. This figure, while indicative of some level of savings, also highlights the gap in retirement preparedness that many face.

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Alarmingly, a 2023 study by NerdWallet found that 60% of Americans do not have a retirement-specific account, pointing to a significant portion of the population potentially unprepared for their post-working years. This lack of retirement-specific savings is a crucial issue, as it suggests that many Americans might face financial challenges in retirement.

Social Security serves as a support system, intended to substitute 40% of an individual’s average preretirement salary. However, reliance on Social Security is notably high, with 20% of married retirees and 45% of single retirees depending on it for over 90% of their income during retirement, according to The Motley Fool. 

Investing in retirement can be straightforward and accessible. One effective approach involves setting aside just $15 daily into stock market index funds through a Roth individual retirement account (IRA). This method capitalizes on the stock market’s historical returns, aiming to cultivate a substantial, tax-free fund for retirement. It’s a strategy designed for simplicity, emphasizing long-term growth and making the journey toward financial security in retirement less daunting.

Seeking the guidance of a financial adviser can further enhance your retirement planning. These experts offer tailored advice that aligns with individual financial situations, assisting in navigating the complexities of investment options and tax implications. Their insight into market trends and financial products empowers clients, enabling informed decision-making that aligns with their retirement aspirations. This personalized strategy can optimize returns and mitigate risks, setting a solid foundation for future financial well-being


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*This information is not financial advice, and personalized guidance from a financial adviser is recommended for making well-informed decisions.

Jeannine Mancini has written about personal finance and investment for the past 13 years in a variety of publications including Zacks, The Nest and eHow. She is not a licensed financial adviser, and the content herein is for information purposes only and is not, and does not constitute or intend to constitute, investment advice or any investment service. While Mancini believes the information contained herein is reliable and derived from reliable sources, there is no representation, warranty or undertaking, stated or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.