Top Performing Meme Stocks

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Contributor, Benzinga
June 21, 2024

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Many trends and fads in investing capture the attention of the masses. One such trend that has gained popularity in recent years is meme stocks. What are meme stocks and why are they so popular?

The stock market has traditionally been a serious and complex arena, with investors analyzing financial statements and market trends to make informed decisions. But the rise of social media and online communities has brought about a new phenomenon known as meme stocks. These stocks are often driven by online communities and viral trends rather than traditional fundamentals. While they may seem like risky and speculative investments, meme stocks have gained a cultlike following and caused major disruptions in the market.

If you’re looking to jump on the meme stock bandwagon, it’s important to understand the risks and potential rewards associated with these investments. While some meme stocks have skyrocketed in value, others have crashed and burned. This article takes a closer look at some of the best meme stocks that have captured investors’ attention and provides insights into what makes them so popular. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, understanding meme stocks can be both exciting and potentially profitable.

Quick Look at the Top Performing Meme Stocks:

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Potential advantages to investing in meme stocks include:

  • Potential for high returns: Meme stocks have the potential to experience rapid and significant price increases, which can lead to substantial profits for investors who get in early and exit at the right time.
  • Community support: Meme stocks often have a dedicated online community of investors who promote and discuss the stock, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared excitement.
  • Disruptive power: Meme stocks can disrupt traditional market dynamics and challenge established institutions and hedge funds, giving individual investors a sense of empowerment.


Disadvantages of investing in meme stocks include:

  • Volatility and risk: Meme stocks are highly volatile and can experience extreme price fluctuations, making them risky investments. The rapid rise and fall of meme stocks can lead to significant financial losses.
  • Lack of fundamental analysis: Meme stocks are driven more by social media buzz and hype rather than traditional fundamental analysis, making it difficult to assess their true value and long-term prospects.
  • Market manipulation: Meme stocks can be susceptible to market manipulation, with coordinated efforts to artificially inflate or deflate the stock price. This can lead to unpredictable and potentially unfair trading conditions for investors.

How to Choose

Like with any other investment, doing your own research on meme stocks is important. Take your investment goals and market risk into account before investing.

Research and Due Diligence

Conduct thorough research on the company behind the meme stock, including its financials, business model and industry trends. Look beyond the viral hype and assess the stock’s long-term potential.

Risk Assessment

Evaluate your risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in meme stocks. Consider the potential losses and volatility associated with these stocks.

Timing and Exit Strategy

Determine the appropriate timing for entering and exiting meme stock positions. Set clear profit targets and stop-loss orders to protect your investments.

History of Meme Stocks

The phenomenon of meme stocks continues to shape the landscape of modern investing. Originating in January 2021, retail investors on Reddit's WallStreetBets forum orchestrated a historic short squeeze on companies like GameStop, triggering unprecedented volatility and massive price surges. This watershed moment propelled meme stocks into the spotlight, igniting discussions about the democratization of finance and the influence of social media on market dynamics. In the ensuing months and years, meme stocks have remained a focal point of financial markets, captivating a diverse audience of enthusiasts and skeptics alike. Today, they continue to challenge traditional notions of investment and redefine the boundaries of retail participation in the stock market.

GameStop stock is currently experiencing another surge, with shares doubling in value amid a renewed frenzy in the market for meme stocks. This surge marks a continuation of the recent trend, where GameStop and AMC Entertainment shares have seen remarkable increases in value, driven by retail investors and social media chatter. The sudden resurgence in GameStop's stock price has once again captured the attention of investors and market observers, raising questions about the sustainability of such volatile movements. Despite facing challenges in the past, including regulatory scrutiny and concerns over fundamental value, GameStop's stock continues to be a focal point of speculative trading activity, reflecting the ongoing influence of retail traders and social media communities on financial markets.

Frequently Asked Questions 


What is a meme stock?


A meme stock refers to a stock that experiences a sudden and significant increase in its price because of online social media hype and viral trends. These stocks often gain popularity and attention from individual investors, driven by online communities and platforms such as Reddit or X. The term meme stock comes from the idea that these stocks are propelled by memes and jokes rather than traditional fundamental analysis or market factors.


Why invest in meme stocks?


Investing in meme stocks can be appealing because of the potential for high returns in a short time. These stocks often experience significant price volatility, driven by social media trends and online communities.


Is Tesla Inc. a meme stock?


No, Tesla is not considered a meme stock. While the company has gained significant attention and popularity among retail investors, particularly on social media platforms, it is primarily driven by its innovative electric vehicle technology and its potential to disrupt the automotive industry.