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September 16, 2020

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Is your student struggling with online classes? An online tutor might be able to help expand their learning outside of the classroom, allowing them to match up with their peers. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the best online tutors and online tutoring sources, be sure to read our comprehensive guide before you spend. 

What to Look for in an Online Tutor

There are thousands of tutors who offer online services in nearly every subject imaginable. From basic English to advanced computer science, you’ll have your choice of tutors and tutoring sources. But which tutors are really worth your money — and which can help your child see the most success?

Every tutor specializes in a unique teaching style, and there are many different types of tutoring that can help your student succeed. However, when you compare tutors, be sure to keep your eyes out for these essential qualifications and criteria:

  • Subject availability. Not every online tutoring website offers every type of tutoring. Though most tutoring agencies offer a wide range of math, English, history and language tutoring, you might need to search a bit harder to find more niche subjects — for example, Japanese or Calculus 2. It can be helpful to know exactly where your student is struggling before you begin the search for the right tutor in order to narrow down your choices most effectively.
  • Tutor availability. Online tutors can work from anywhere in the world — and looking outside of your time zone can often come with unique benefits. For example, if your student is struggling with a foreign language, working with a native speaker can provide them with practical learning skills and improved pronunciation. However, time zone differences may also create scheduling conflicts between your tutor and your student. Consult with your student and know what time works best for lessons before you start comparing tutors.
  • Experience in both the content and teaching. Being a great tutor means more than just having a college degree in any given subject — it also means having experience teaching students at your child’s skill level. Before you agree to work with a tutor, be sure to ask about his or her experience teaching — not just subject matter qualifications. If you’re interviewing tutoring services that assign a specific tutor to your student, ask about what types of qualifications tutors must meet before they begin working. The ideal tutor will have both academic experience in your subject of choice, as well as experience instructing students at your child’s skill level.
  • Affordability. The most affordable tutor isn’t always the best option. However, tutoring works best when students can spread learning throughout multiple sessions, building trust in their tutor as they progress. If you’re searching for tutoring on a tight budget, consider group tutoring sessions or supplementary online courses, which are almost always more affordable than private 1-on-1 sessions. 

The Best Online Tutoring Services

Now that you know what to look for when you compare tutors, let’s take a look at a few of our favorite online tutoring sources.

Chegg Study
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1. Best for Affordable Chat Tutoring: Chegg Tutors

Price: chat lessons begin at $6.99 per session; video lessons start at $30 per session

Cut down on your child’s tutoring costs without sacrificing quality with text tutoring services from Chegg Tutors. Chegg Tutors works with a full team of educators recruited from some of the top universities in the United States. 

Chat tutoring begins at just $14.95 per month, and your student will have unlimited access to his or her tutor. Ideal for everything from occasional test prep to daily homework help, Chegg Tutors combines affordability with expertise. 

securely through Skooli's website

2. Best for No Commitments: Skooli

Price: $0.82 per minute with a 15-minute minimum per session

Most tutoring services require that you enroll in a monthly subscription service or buy an expensive lesson package before you can access tutoring services. Skooli is 1 of the only tutoring services we’ve seen to offer no commitment pricing that allows you to test out tutoring options before investing a significant amount of money. 

Tutoring begins at just $0.82 per minute, and you’ll only need to commit to a single 15-minute session to get started. Skooli might be the right tutoring website for you if you aren’t sure how much tutoring your student will need.   

securely through Wyzant's website

3. Best Tutor Marketplace: Wyzant

Price: varies by individual tutor

Wyzant is an online tutoring marketplace that allows you to choose the tutor that’s best for your student. Just enter a bit of personal information and the subject your student needs tutoring in to instantly begin browsing top-rated tutoring options. Sort tutors by budget, availability, background and more with just a few clicks.

Some students (especially those living with ADHD, dyscalculia or another learning challenge) might have trouble with 100% online learning. Many Wyzant tutors offer in-person lessons to supplement online lessons, which can be especially beneficial for students who struggle with focus during online tutoring sessions.  

eTutor World
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4. Best for Virtual Learning Pods: eTutor World

Price: Sessions begin at $18 per hour

A learning pod is a small group of students grouped together for online or in-person lessons. Learning pods have flourished during the current COVID-19 pandemic because they allow for more personalized instruction when compared to standard online classroom lessons. Many parents also believe that learning pods offer a more comprehensive learning experience when compared to 1-on-1 tutoring because learning pods give students more opportunities to collaborate.

eTutor World has made learning pods more accessible, with sessions beginning at just $11 per session. Your student will be matched up with up to 3 other students at their grade or subject skill level. From there, an experienced tutor will help your students and their peers move through course material with more individualized attention. 

securely through Udemy's website

5. Best for Adult Students: Udemy 

Price: varies by course; many courses begin at $19.99

If you have a full-time job, you might not have time to attend online classes or tutoring sessions. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t continue your education online.

Udemy is an online course catalog offering comprehensive classes on everything from computer programming to stock trading. Udemy courses aren’t on a particular schedule. You can move through the material at your own pace, and there are no deadlines. Udemy is also an affordable way to learn with most courses beginning at just $19.99 for lifetime access. 

securely through Preply's website

6. Best for Language Learners: Preply 

Price: varies by individual tutor

If your student is learning a foreign language, 1 of the best ways to immerse themselves on both grammar and culture is to work with a native speaker. Preply is an online tutor marketplace that specializes in connecting language-learners with native speakers from around the world. 

As you browse Preply’s selection of available tutors, you can view each tutor’s location, experience, price, native language and secondary language. If your student is learning a language for a practical purpose (for example, if he or she is heading to Spain for a study abroad program or starting a new job), Preply can provide them with practical experience communicating with native speakers. 

Club Z Tutoring
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7. Best for Test Prep: Club Z!

Price: varies by location, subject and student grade level; free quotes available by phone

Many students seek special tutoring before they take a major qualification exam like the SAT, ACT or GRE. Club Z! provides specialized tutoring programs customized for the unique skills your student will need to score well on their test. Test tutoring from Club Z! focuses on your student’s areas of weakness to ensure the best possible performance on their upcoming exam.

Club Z! also offers a wide range of general tutoring services, ranging from writing skills to mathematics. Club Z! even offers specialized programs for students with ADHD and other learning challenges.
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8. Best for Tutoring in Spanish:

Price: Sessions begin at $39.99 an hour with discounts available for package plans

If your student speaks Spanish as his or her native language, they may have trouble understanding lessons taught in English. employs a full staff of teaching professionals who excel at teaching in the Spanish language. Lessons in Spanish are available for a range of subjects, including math, science and social studies.

Tutoring from is available around the clock, and all tutoring is anonymous. If you’re a member of a military family, your student might even qualify for complementary tutoring sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.  

Revolution Prep
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9. Best for Small Group Tutoring: Revolution Prep

Price: small group tutoring sessions begin at about $40 per hour; private lessons are available at a higher price point

If you’re searching for more personalized tutoring services without the price tag of 1-on-1 tutoring, small group tutoring sessions from Revolution Prep can be an ideal solution. Up to 2 other students at a similar skill level to your student will get together for lessons, helping one another under a full-time tutoring professional. Small group tutoring allows your student to receive more personal attention without paying hundreds of dollars for an individual session.  

Get Started With Online Tutoring

Finding the right tutor for your student can be a process of trial and error. If your student doesn’t click well with the first tutor they work with, remember that there are hundreds of options for online learning. 

Don’t be afraid to work with a few separate tutors before you choose a teacher to build a lasting relationship with your student. Start with our recommended online tutoring services to find academic support today.

Southern New Hampshire University Online

SNHU Online Offers:

  1. Flexible schedules
  2. Affordable tuition
  3. Online tutoring
  4. Access to electronic research materials
  5. Specialized academic advising
  6. Supportive online community

Learn more at SNHU.

Sarah Horvath

About Sarah Horvath

Sarah is an expert in the insurance, investing for retirement and cryptocurrency space.