Best Pet Insurance in Idaho

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Contributor, Benzinga
December 1, 2021

Our pets are our family. We all want to make sure they're given the happiest, healthiest lives possible, but sometimes vet care can be pricey. Pet insurance can make pet healthcare expenses more manageable. If you're looking for the best pet insurance Idaho, look no further.

Here’s everything Idaho residents need to know about pet insurance.

The Best Pet Insurance in Idaho:

Pet Insurance in Idaho: An Overview

Why is pet insurance important? Let’s take a quick look at pet insurance in the Gem State. 


Number of households with pets: 

  • 58% of Idaho residents have a dog — ranked No. 1 nationally
  • 33% of Idaho residents have a cat — ranked 8th nationally

Amount spent on pet bills annually: 

Average cost of pet insurance annually: 

  • For dogs: $566
  • For cats: $354



What Does Pet Insurance Typically Cover?

Every pet insurance plan works differently, so it’s important to look at the fine print when you’re considering plan options. In general, pet insurance plans may cover:

  • Accidents. Most plans cover care from an accident. Services like X-rays, MRIs, sutures and surgeries are included. Many plans also cover exams due to accidents, but this varies, so check your policy carefully. Some companies offer accident-only plans. 
  • Illnesses. Plans cover diagnosis and treatment for illnesses, including cancer, ear infections and urinary tract infections. Some insurance companies offer major medical plans, which exclusively cover these types of issues. 
  • Hereditary and congenital issues. These are issues that are common with specific breeds or birth defects that don’t show up until later in life. Hip dysplasia is a common example. Plans may include this coverage, offer it as an add-on or exclude these types of conditions, so review your policy’s terms if this is a concern. 
  • Behavioral issues. Many plans offer veterinary consults and care for behavioral issues. These issues may include aggression, chewing, excessive licking and separation anxiety. Some companies offer this coverage as an add-on. 
  • Alternative therapies. Many pet parents find that alternative treatments like acupuncture or chiropractic care are helpful for their pets. Coverage for alternative therapies varies, so check your plan terms if this coverage is essential for you. 
  • Prescriptions. This coverage also varies. Some plans may cover prescriptions for ongoing health conditions. 

What isn’t typically covered by pet insurance:

  • Preventive and wellness coverage. Preventive care like check-ups and annual immunizations are essential to your pet’s health. Insurance companies vary significantly when it comes to offering this coverage. Many offer it as an optional add-on. Others include it in their top-tier plans. 
  • Pregnancy. Plans also vary when it comes to care for pregnant pets. Most plans don’t cover costs due to breeding and pregnancy. 
  • Cosmetic procedures. Plans typically don’t cover cosmetic procedures like claw removal and ear cropping. 
  • Pre-existing conditions. Plans also don’t cover pre-existing conditions. A pre-existing condition is any condition that started before you purchased your pet insurance policy. Policies also may include a waiting period of up to 1 year. Conditions that begin during the waiting period are also considered pre-existing conditions and not covered. Check the terms of your policy to see how your insurance company defines pre-existing conditions. Look for information about waiting periods and how they work with your policy. 

Ask potential pet insurance companies for a sample policy. This is the best way to learn what plans cover and what they don’t. 

How Do Pet Insurance Plans Work?

Pet insurance plans have several moving parts, all of which can impact your out-of-pocket costs. These include:

  • Your premium. This is the amount you pay for coverage. Plans may offer a discount for paying annually instead of monthly. 
  • Your deductible. Your deductible is the amount you pay for covered expenses before the insurance starts covering your costs. You may get a lower premium if you agree to a higher deductible. Many plans have an annual deductible, which means you need to meet it once per year. Some may have a deductible per incident, though. This means you pay a deductible for each accident or illness. 
  • Reimbursement percentage. Plans often pay a percentage of costs. They do this by reimbursing you for a percentage of what you pay your vet. Let’s say you have a plan with 80% reimbursement. You’ve already met your annual deductible and your pet receives $1,200 in covered services at the vet. You pay the vet $1,200 and submit your vet bill and receipt to your insurance company. Your insurance company approves the claim. It sends you $960, which is 80% of the $1,200 vet bill. 
  • Coverage limits. Your plan may include an annual coverage limit. This is the maximum your insurance company will pay over the course of 1 year. Let’s say you choose a plan with a $3,000 coverage limit. Once your plan has reimbursed you for $3,000, it will no longer pay for covered services. Keep coverage limits in mind as you choose a plan, as vet bills can add up quickly. 

Since plans work on a reimbursement basis, take a close look at each company’s claims process. The faster a company processes claims, the sooner you’ll get your money back. 

The Best Pet Insurance in Idaho

Ready to get quotes? Here are the best pet insurance providers in Idaho, according to our research:

Spot Pet Insurance
Best For
  • Prescription food and supplements
securely through Spot Pet Insurance's website

1. High-Quality Pet Insurance: Spot Pet Insurance

Spot Pet Insurance is the No. 1 pet insurance provider recommended by Cesar Millan, the leading expert in dog behavior. Some insurance highlights:

  • Up to 90% reimbursement on eligible vet bills
  • No age cap on coverage
  • Plans start as low as $1 a day* — that’s less than a cup of coffee!

You can customize your coverage and can even add special Spot-On coverage. Coverage options include accidents, behavioral issues, dental disease, illnesses, preventive services and even hereditary and congenital conditions. 

Spot’s claims service is easy. Just visit your vet (don’t forget to give your pet a treat on the way out!), send Spot the bill and get reimbursed.

Take 30 seconds to fetch your free quote now. 

*Rates vary based on plan type, species, breed, age and location

Progressive Pet
Best For
  • Bundling with other insurance products
securely through Progressive Pet's website

2. Progressive: Best for Fast Claims Processing

Pet insurance policies work on a reimbursement basis.

This means that you pay the vet bill, then you file a claim with the insurance company. Fast claims processing means you have your money sooner rather than later.

Progressive averages just 2–5 days for reimbursement. Progressive offers a range of plans and deductibles, so you can choose what works best for you and your family. 

Pumpkin Pet Insurance
Best For
  • Families with multiple pets
securely through Pumpkin Pet Insurance's website

3. Pumpkin Pet Insurance: Best for Extensive Plans

Look no further than Pumpkin for extensive pet insurance plans. Expect a wide range of traditional pet insurance and optional preventive care coverage. And every Pumpkin policy comes with a 90% reimbursement rate. 

Policies are available for both dogs and cats and a variety of situations. Start with a sample quote to see exclusions clearly laid out in bullets. 

You can get in touch with Pumpkin's customer service by:

  • Calling 1-866-ARF-MEOW, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST
  • Emailing

Watch out for Pumpkin’s chat feature in the works!

Best For
  • Immediate Coverage
securely through PetFirst's website

Choose the Right Pet Insurance Plan

Choosing a pet insurance plan is a big decision. Your plan needs to fit into your budget while providing the coverage you need. Think about how you would handle a big vet bill. If you have some money set aside, you might want a high deductible plan to keep your premiums low. Only you know what’s best for you and your furry loved ones. 

If you’re unsure of which plan to choose, ask your family and friends for their recommendations. Your vet might be able to give you some pet insurance recommendations based on their experience. Pet groups on social media might be able to assist you as well. You might want to check with your current car or homeowner’s insurance providers. Some companies offer discounts when you purchase multiple products. 

Get started today with a free quote from 1 of our recommended pet insurance providers.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is pet insurance worth it?


Yes, pet insurance can definitely be worth it, especially if you get it while your dog is young and healthy. Not only will it help keep your pet health, it will save you from making hard decisions fueled by financial hardship.

Melinda Sineriz

About Melinda Sineriz

Melinda specializes in writing about mortgages. student loans, personal loans, insurance, managing credit and debt, and credit cards.