The Best Wall Street Books

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Contributor, Benzinga
April 19, 2021

Wall Street represents the strength and power of New York’s Finance District. Housing some of the world’s top firms and investment banks, Wall Street is a fascinating topic of discussion.

From secrets to controversies, many people are drawn to learning about Wall Street for its intense history. And, for those interested in business or finance, learning about Wall Street can be an inspiration for future investment decisions.

The Best Wall Street Books:

  • A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing by Burton G. Malkiel - Get this book
  • Understanding Wall Street, 5th Edition by Jeffrey B. Little - Get this book
  • One Up On Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Market by Peter Lynch - Get this book
  • The Buy Side: A Wall Street Trader’s Tale of Spectacular Excess by Turney Duff - Get this book
  • Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street by Sheelah Kolhatkar - Get this book
  • Bite the Ass Off a Bear: Getting In and Standing Out on a Hedge Fund Trading Floor by Garth Friesen - Get this book
  • The Wall Street Journal Complete Money and Investing Guidebook by Dave Kansas - Get this book
  • When the Wolves Bite: Two Billionaires, One Company, and an Epic Wall Street Battle by Scott Wapner - Get this book
  • What Works on Wall Street, 4th Edition: The Classic Guide to the Best-Performing Strategies of All Time by  James P. O’Shaughnessy - Get this book
  • White Shoe: How a New Breed of Wall Street Lawyers Changed Big Business and the American Century by John Oller - Get this book

What Makes a Wall Street Book Great

Unlike many other stock market or finance books, a great Wall Street book puts you right at the center of the action. You can learn about the zeitgeist that influences the way the market changes. Gaining a broader perspective makes it easier for you to spot future trends and adapt accordingly.

These books tend to be strongly influenced by the unique perspective of the author, therefore the advice contained in these books isn’t suited for a general audience.

You should make full use of our tips and guidelines for selecting a good stock market book for you. If you’re looking to build a robust money strategy, this is a good place to start.

Reputable Author

Anyone who is lucky enough to get a taste of the Wall Street life can provide an accurate account of their experience. Some of these tell-all books are gripping and entertaining. If you’re looking for advice, you want someone with a solid track record as a fund manager, trader, or investor.

Provides History and Context

Wall Street has had its fair share of glorious moments and scandals.

Every spike and abysmal drop has its reasons. A great Wall Street book recounts the events leading up to these changes, allowing you to understand all the complexities that come with both immense riches and bankruptcy. This should help you avoid some of the pitfalls of Wall Street trading.

Our Top Books About Wall Street

Reading about Wall Street provides you with a wealth of knowledge about the people, events, and actions that shape financial markets. Our selection of top Wall Street books should help you take advantage of that knowledge.

1. A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing by Burton G. Malkiel

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  • Who’s it for? All levels
  • Price: On sale

This book comes from the pen of Burton G. Malkiel, a professor of economics at Princeton. It offers a hands-on guide to the best long-term investment strategies on Wall Street.

Professor Malkiel takes his own experience and distills it into a reader-friendly book about a successful investment lifecycle. The book helps you understand how to analyze returns for different investment vehicles, be they real estate, bonds, insurance, or tangible assets.

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2. Understanding Wall Street, 5th Edition by Jeffrey B. Little

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  • Who’s it for? All levels
  • Price: On sale

The latest edition of Understanding Wall Street provides an updated reference for successful investments in today’s market. The book tells you how to utilize the internet as a tool and it outlines the connection between Wall Street and Main Street.

Understanding Wall Street is coauthored by Jeffrey B. Little and Lucien Rhodes, senior analysts and investment experts. They also offer information about the move towards exchange-traded funds, explaining the risks/rewards.

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3. One Up On Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Market by Peter Lynch

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  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On sale

Written by Peter Lynch, one of the most successful money managers in the US, this book has become a go-to resource for trading tips. Lynch teaches you how to spot investment opportunities that might not be immediately obvious.

Reading this increases your chances of hitting upon a “tenbagger”, an investment that provides a tenfold return. What’s more, the book offers advice to help you distinguish between no-shot and long-shot companies.

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4. The Buy Side: A Wall Street Trader’s Tale of Spectacular Excess by Turney Duff

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  • Who’s it for? All levels
  • Price: On sale

Turney Duff, the former Galleon Group trader, writes about all the temptations that come with success on Wall Street. The book is an exciting story about a culture filled with mindboggling commissions, drugs, and sex.

In essence, The Buy Side is an adventurous journey of a young man who would have been eaten by Wall Street, if he hadn’t walked away. It serves as a great reminder of the moral and ethical challenges that come with achieving success in finance.

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5. Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street by Sheelah Kolhatkar

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  • Who’s it for? Intermediate investors
  • Price: On sale

Sheelah Klohatkar wrote a highly-acclaimed nonfiction book that reads like a captivating legal thriller. It focuses on the events that brought down SAC Capital, a hedge fund run by a superstar trader Steven A. Cohen.

The hedge fund was under a seven-year-long investigation due to insider trading. Cohen was not charged, but SAC Capital pleaded guilty and revealed an intricate network of inside information (the black edge).

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6. Bite the Ass Off a Bear: Getting In and Standing Out on a Hedge Fund Trading Floor by Garth Friesen

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  • Who’s it for? All levels
  • Price: On sale

After 2 decades of experience as a hedge fund manager, Garth Friesen authored this book to debunk the myth of Wall Street wolves.

He explains all the necessary skills that traders need in order to make sound decisions and cope with the stress. This book teaches you about the importance of attitude and ethics when you want to succeed on Wall Street.

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7. The Wall Street Journal Complete Money and Investing Guidebook by Dave Kansas

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  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On sale

The Wall Street Journal guidebook takes you through all the fundamentals of investing. You’ll find out more about the major players, the language, and the proven strategies.

It was written by Dave Kansas, who is an editor at the Wall Street Journal. He provides all the information you need to know when investing in mutual funds, stocks, or bonds. In addition, Kansas’ book teaches you how to pay attention to cues in the changing economy.

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8. When the Wolves Bite: Two Billionaires, One Company, and an Epic Wall Street Battle by Scott Wapner

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  • Who’s it for? All levels
  • Price: On sale

Bill Ackman and Carl Icahn are two Wall Street titans who got into a years-long war of egos over Herbalife. Namely, Icahn didn’t have a problem with Herbalife’s business model and Ackman disagreed.

This led to backroom deals, public insults, and billion dollar trades. Journalist Scott Wapner tells this story, giving you a glimpse into the ways this feud affected the market.

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9. What Works on Wall Street, 4th Edition: The Classic Guide to the Best-Performing Strategies of All Time by James P. O’Shaughnessy

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  • Who’s it for? Intermediate investors
  • Price: On sale

What Works on Wall Street was authored by James P. O’Shaughnessy, the CEO and chairman of O’Shaughnessy Asset Management. His guide allows you to understand the historical context of today’s stock market.

This book provides you with hard market data dating back to 1926, allowing you to make better investment decisions. It covers topics like buyback, dividend, price-to-cash flow, and more.

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10. White Shoe: How a New Breed of Wall Street Lawyers Changed Big Business and the American Century by John Oller

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  • Who’s it for? All levels
  • Price: On sale

Written by John Oller, an ex-Wall Street lawyer, this book gives you an insight into the lawyers who shaped Walls Street as we know it today.

It focuses on the stories of three lawyers who defended some of the biggest corporations from the government. Most importantly, it offers you a glimpse of how legal disputes influence the world of finance.

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Final Thoughts

Wall Street books are a powerful guide for success in the world of stock trading. The books we selected all have an added perk – they are simply fun to read. You can gain the knowledge you need to stay afloat as a trader while enjoying interesting anecdotes about some of the key people in the business.

Frequently Asked Questions


What elements do you look for in an outstanding Wall Street book?


The best books include history, tips and excellent writing.


What are some outstanding Wall Street books?


Benzinga recommends “Understanding Wall Street,” “One Up on Wall Street” and “A Random Walk Down Wall Street.”

Luke Jacobi

About Luke Jacobi

Luke Jacobi is a distinguished professional known for his role as President at Benzinga, a renowned financial media outlet. With a background in business operations and management, Luke brings valuable expertise to his position, overseeing various aspects of Benzinga’s operations. His contributions play a crucial role in the company’s success, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness across different departments. Prior to his role at Benzinga, Luke has held positions that have honed his skills in leadership and strategic decision-making. With a keen understanding of the financial industry and a commitment to driving innovation, Luke continues to make significant contributions to Benzinga’s mission of providing high-quality financial news and analysis.