Dental HMO vs. PPO Insurance Plans: What’s the Difference?

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Contributor, Benzinga
July 15, 2024

Dental HMO and PPO Insurance Plans offer similar dental benefits. HMOs are a low-cost solution for in-network dentists, while PPOs usually cost more but offer greater flexibility. 

If you are shopping for a dental insurance plan, knowing the differences between dental health insurance plans will help you pick the best one for your needs. A dental health maintenance organization (DHMO) vs. a dental preferred provider organization (DPPO) plan differs in cost, flexibility, and defined networks. Here, you can find everything you need to know about dental HMO vs. PPO plans to find the best fit for your family. 


Key Takeaways

  • Both dental HMO and PPO Insurance Plans offer dental coverage to reduce your out-of-pocket costs.
  • Dental HMOs require you to see an in-network dentist, but there’s no deductible and lower monthly costs.
  • PPOs allow you to choose from a larger network or go out of network with reimbursement. However, PPOs usually have higher monthly costs.

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What Is a Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) Plan?

A dental HMO plan or DHMO offers no annual maximum covered benefit, and any out-of-pocket costs are usually predetermined. This can help you control dental spending and save more overall on coverage. With a DHMO, you can access a network of dentists under contract with the insurance company. If you choose an out-of-network dentist, you'll have to pay out of pocket. 

Advantages of a Dental HMO Plan

Dental HMOs are great for families happy with an in-network dentist and like to control costs. Here is a summary of the pros of a DHMO:

  • No deductible
  • No annual maximum
  • Lower premiums than a DPPO
  • Set co-payments for covered services 
  • Little or no co-payment for diagnostic and preventive care

Disadvantages of a Dental HMO Plan

While a Dental HMO offers a lot of advantages, like low cost and good coverage, here are the disadvantages to consider:

  • You usually have to choose a primary care dentist from a preapproved list
  • A smaller network of dentists 
  • You may need a referral from your primary dentist to visit a specialist 
  • You'll pay 100% of out-of-network costs 

What Is a Dental Preferred Provider Organization (DPPO) Plan?

A dental PPO plan or DPPO is a good solution if you want the flexibility to choose your dentist without the limitations of a small network. With a DPPO, you'll usually have higher out-of-pocket costs and a deductible, but you can choose your dentist or remain with your long-term dentist. You also usually do not need a referral to see a specialist.

Like DHMOs, DPPOs have a network of dentists under contract with a dental insurance carrier. But with one key difference: You can choose to see dentists in the insurer's network or choose dentists or specialists out of network. Usually, in-network dentists' costs are less, allowing you to save more. 

Advantages of a Dental PPO Plan

If you've got a dentist you love that isn't in a DHMO plan, a DPPO offers many benefits. Here are some other key pros to DPPOs:

  • A larger network of dentists from which to choose for in-network care
  • Visit any dentist or dental facility without limits
  • No referrals to visit a specialist
  • You don't have to  designate a primary care provider (PCP)
  • Receive partial reimbursement for covered services from out-of-network dentists (varies by plan)

Disadvantages of a Dental PPO Plan

While a DPPO offers a lot of advantages, there are a few disadvantages to consider, including:

  • Higher premiums than DHMO plans
  • Deductibles on most coverage, meaning out-of-pocket costs may be higher than DHMO plans
  • You can only use coinsurance after the deductible is met
  • Annual coverage limits vary by provider but can be lower than your needs
  • Choosing DPPO coinsurance or co-payments may cost more
  • To receive reimbursement for an out-of-network dentist, you'll need to file claims, and there may be a waiting period

DHMO vs. DPPO Insurance Plans: What Are the Similarities?

At their core, both DHMO and DPPO plans aim to provide excellent coverage and minimal out-of-pocket costs. They're designed to adapt to your family's unique needs.

Both types of plans have networks of dentists under contract with the dental insurance company, which can help reduce your out-of-pocket dental expenses. DHMO and DPPO plans can be purchased by individuals or offered as an employee benefit. Similarities include:

DHMO vs. DPPO Insurance Plans: What Are the Differences?

While the basics of DHMO and DPPO plans are the same, there are also some major differences, including:

FeaturesDental HMODental PPO
In-network requirementMust be in-networkCan be reimbursed for covered out-of-network care
Out-of-network coverageOut-of-network visits are not coveredCan choose an out-of-network dentist or specialist
CostLower monthly premiums than comparable PPO plansHigher premiums than comparable HMO plans
DeductibleNo deductibleHave an annual deductible. Some plans waive the deductible for in-network preventive services
CoinsuranceDHMO plans may base benefits on coinsurance percentages (some don't)DPPO plans base benefits on coinsurance percentages
CopaySet co-payments. Usually, minimal or no co-payment for preventive and diagnostic care.Depends on the service.
Annual maximumNo annual maximumStated annual plan maximum
Waiting period
Primary dentist requirementPrimary dentist requiredNo primary dentist is required
Network sizeSmaller network sizeLarge network size (and can go out of network)
Specialist referrals Requires specialist referrals No specialist referrals are required
Claims processNo claims necessaryMust file claims for out-of-network dentists
Preventive care100% Covered (depending on plan)100% Covered (depending on plan)
Basic restorative careCovered with a flat fee (depending on plan)Covered (depending on plan)
Major restorative careCovered (depending on plan)Covered with a deductible (depending on plan)

Find the Best Dental Insurance Companies From Benzinga’s Top Providers

If you want better coverage or to switch plans, you can find the best dental insurance from Benzinga's trusted providers here. 

Choosing Between a DHMO vs. DPPO

DHMO and DPPO plans can minimize out-of-pocket dental costs to help you access affordable dental care. If you're on a tight budget and want good dental coverage without additional costs, a DHMO plan is probably right for you. On the other hand, if you need to see specialists and want the freedom to go out-of-network with a deductible, choosing a DPPO is a great option. 

In either case, carefully compare costs, coverage limits, and provider offers to choose a plan that protects your family while helping you save more. To get started, check out average dental costs, compare dental insurance, including full coverage insurance, and then find our review for the best dental insurance providers. You can also compare dental savings plans or find dental plans in the Government's Healthcare Marketplace.  

Frequently Asked Questions 


What is the difference between a dental HMO and a dental PPO?


With a dental HMO, you must visit a primary care dentist within the DHMO network, while a DPPO will let you visit any dentist and get a reimbursement for covered costs.


Can I keep my current dentist if I switch from a dental PPO to a dental HMO?


You can keep your current dentists when you switch to a DHMO as long as that dentist is within your DHMO’s network.


Can I receive coverage for orthodontic treatment under both dental HMO and PPO plans?


Yes, you can receive coverage up to your plan limit for orthodontic treatment under both HMOs and PPOs. PPOs often cover up to 50%, while HMOs may not cover treatments or only certain treatments with in-network providers.

Dental Insurance Methodology

To determine the best dental insurance providers, we pored through all United States carriers. We winnowed the list by only including companies that have a wide coverage area and product offering. To further break down the list to the true best dental insurance providers, we gave weight to carriers that offer discounts, are available in all states and have multiple payment plan options.

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Alison Plaut

About Alison Plaut

Alison Kimberly is a freelance content writer with a Sustainable MBA, uniquely qualified to help individuals and businesses achieve the triple bottom line of environmental, social, and financial profitability. She has been writing for various non-profit organizations for 15+ years. When not writing, you will find her promoting education and meditation in the developing world, or hiking and enjoying nature.