Dividend Rate vs. APY

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Contributor, Benzinga
June 27, 2024

If you're interested in growing your wealth, you might have heard of the terms dividend rate and annual percentage yield (APY). But what do these terms mean, and how do they differ? 

Here, we explain and compare these financial terms and how they work. By comparing dividend rate vs. APY, you can make smarter investment decisions that take into account market conditions, interest rates and company fundamentals. 

What is Dividend Rate?

The dividend rate is the sum of expected dividend payments from an investment portfolio, company or fund, expressed as an annualized percentage of portfolio value. This financial metric includes non-recurring or recurring dividends investors may receive during a specific period. The dividend rate is sometimes used interchangeably with the dividend yield. For a company, the dividend yield illustrates how much a company pays out in dividends yearly relative to its stock price. 

The calculation of the dividend rate depends on the type of financial instrument and the frequency of dividend payments. For example, for a stock that pays quarterly dividends, the dividend rate is the sum of the four quarterly dividends divided by the current share price. For a mutual fund that pays annual dividends, the dividend rate is the total dividend amount divided by the fund's net asset value.

What is Annual Percentage Yield (APY)?

Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is the real rate of return earned on an investment, including the effect of compounding interest. When comparing investment products with varying interest rates and compounding schedules, the APY is a useful tool. Unlike simple interest, compounding interest is calculated periodically and immediately added to the balance. This process causes the account balance to grow with each period, resulting in an increase in interest paid on the balance as well. While APY is a reasonable comparison tool, it doesn't factor in the possibility of fees affecting the net gain. Typically, APY refers to the rate paid to a depositor, while the annual percentage rate (APR) refers to the rate paid to a borrower. 

The formula for calculating APY is straightforward: 

APY = (1 + r/n)^n - 1 

Where r represents the annual interest rate, and n represents the number of times interest is compounded per year. 

Comparing Dividend Rate vs. APY

Dividend rate and APY are two metrics that measure return on investment (ROI) — one of the most critical components of investing. Both can be affected by the following factors.

Dividend rates and APY are influenced by the state of the economy and the specific industry or sector in which the company operates. During a recession, for instance, dividend rates may decrease or be suspended as companies face lower profits and cash flow problems. Dividend rates may increase or be initiated during an expansion as companies enjoy higher earnings and cash reserves. In response to a recession, interest rates may fall, with APY falling suit, while in an expansionary period if inflation is high, interest rates may rise and APY may increase. 

Interest Rate Fluctuations

Interest rates determine the cost of borrowing money or the reward for lending money, and they are influenced by the supply and demand of money in the market. Also, the central bank's monetary policy plays a role in setting interest rates. APY is directly impacted by interest rates, with higher interest rates resulting in a higher ROI for bonds, CDs and savings accounts. APY typically follows the path of interest rates, falling when rates are cut to stimulate borrowing and spending while increasing when interest rates are hiked to curb inflation and excess liquidity. 

Dividend rates often have an inverse relationship with interest rates. As interest rates rise, the value of investments such as stocks may decrease in value. This interest rate increase makes alternative investments like bonds more appealing, reducing the demand and price of stocks. As a result, the dividend yield (dividend per share divided by the stock price) increases. In contrast, the dividend rate (dividend per share divided by the original investment value) decreases.

Company Growth

The growth potential of a company has a significant impact on its dividend rate and APY. This potential refers to a company's ability to increase its sales, earnings, market share and competitive advantage over time. A higher growth potential typically results in higher ROI that benefits from capital appreciation, like exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds and stocks, which can increase APY. However, a higher growth potential often leads to a negative correlation with dividend rate, as growth-oriented companies tend to reinvest their profits back into the business to fund expansion and innovation rather than distribute them to shareholders.

Stock Prices

Stock prices are determined by the supply and demand of market participants, and they directly impact APY. The higher the stock prices, the higher the ROI and APY. However, the same cannot be said about the dividend rate. If the company doesn’t raise dividends, higher stock prices mean lower payouts to shareholders as a percentage of stock value. 

Company Fundamentals

A company's financial performance and health, known as its fundamentals, are crucial factors affecting the dividend rate and APY. Stronger fundamentals lead to a higher ROI, reflecting the company's value and potential. For instance, a company with high revenue and earnings can afford to pay higher dividends to its shareholders and increase its stock price over time. A company with low debt and high cash flow can sustain its dividends even during economic downturns and invest in growth opportunities that boost its stock price in the long run. Consider a company's fundamentals when analyzing its potential for generating income and growth for investors.

Calculate Investment Growth with Dividend Rate and APY

Two important metrics to consider when evaluating financial products are dividend rate and APY. The dividend rate represents the percentage of the investment paid to shareholders as annual dividends, while APY considers the effect of compounding interest to determine the real rate of return earned on an investment. By comparing these metrics, you can decide which products align with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Remember to review associated fees before committing funds.

Frequently Asked Questions


Are the Dividend Rate and APY the Same?


No, the dividend rate and APY are not the same. The dividend rate measures the dividends paid as a percentage of investment value, while the annual percentage yield is the rate of return on an investment.


What is the Dividend Rate at a Credit Union?


Credit unions pay their members a dividend, which can be similar to the yield bank customers receive through interest. Dividend rates are a percentage of credit union profits on loans.


What is a Good APY Rate?


A good APY rate depends on the type of account and the current market conditions. To achieve your financial goals and match your risk appetite, compare rates from various financial institutions and choose the best option.

Anna Yen

About Anna Yen

Anna Yen, CFA is an investment writer with over two decades of professional finance and writing experience in roles within JPMorgan and UBS derivatives, asset management, crypto, and Family Money Map. She specializes in writing about investment topics ranging from traditional asset classes and derivatives to alternatives like cryptocurrency and real estate. Her work has been published on sites like Quicken and the crypto exchange Bybit.