Market Makers Trigger A Tesla Stock Anomaly On Thursdays – Here’s How To Exploit It

You should look into what market makers are doing with the Tesla Inc. stock on Thursdays — it could lead to explosive moves in a few months. 


Thursday is when market makers take a series of actions that transform Tesla stock from solid to spectacular. In a nutshell, they trigger an exploitable anomaly and make the stock predictable in the process. That’s where the treasure is buried. All you need is a map

You don’t need to be an experienced trader. You don’t need a large pool of starting capital. You don’t even need to sink dozens of hours to get to the bottom of it. Just look for three signs that precede every Tesla stock bull run and ride them every time. Doing that up to this point would’ve given you 63% in weekly returns — wins and losses combined. 

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Trade at your own risk. From 7/20/23 - 3/1/24 on live trades published in real-time the win rate is 75%, and the average return is 20.07% on the options over a 3-day average hold time.

If you had invested in Tesla stock the old-fashioned way at the beginning of May’s bull run last year, you would’ve gotten 40%. Not too shabby. But by exploiting the anomaly with a method known as the Perfect Tesla Trade, your gains would’ve been just shy of nine times.

And that’s just one demonstration. The stock’s history is full of such cases.

In five trading days in March of the same year, this method brought five times more than the stock netted in the entire year.

Previous returns don’t guarantee future success, but JPMorgan Chase & Co. believes that Tesla stock will go up to $565 by the end of 2025. If that’s the case, many bull runs lie ahead. Lance Ippolito, senior trader with Lance Ippolito Trading, has created free training to help you take advantage of them. In it, you can discover: 

  • What three signs trigger precede the Perfect Tesla Trade 
  • How market makers facilitate Tesla stock bull runs 
  • How to act in a bear run 

After the presentation, you’ll be able to start exploiting the Tesla stock anomaly using your broker account, 401(k), Roth individual retirement account (IRA) or another retirement account — no need to take out your credit card. You don’t even have to sign up for any of Ippolito’s programs. And while we can never guarantee returns, or against losses, you can simply sign up for the training and discover how to use the Perfect Tesla Stock Trade to target what could be a double your money opportunity in six days or less.

Click here to sign up for the webinar

The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical data to demonstrate the potential of the system.

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