The Best George Soros Books of All-Time

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Contributor, Benzinga
April 23, 2021

Quick Look: The Best George Soros Books You Can Read Right Now

  • Financial Turmoil in Europe and the United States: Essays -Get it now
  • George Soros on Globalization -Get it now
  • The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror -Get it now
  • Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve -Get it now
  • The Alchemy of Finance -Get it now
  • The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means - Get it now
  • The Tragedy of the European Union - Get it now
  • Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism - Get it now
  • The Soros Lectures at the Central European University - Get it now
  • Opening the Soviet System - Get it now

George Soros has helped and inspired a great number of people through his philanthropic work and his engagement in social issues. Soros is also an extremely skilled investor, who understands how to seize opportunities and use creative financial decisions to his advantage (as with the shorting of the Pound Sterling.)

He became one of the richest people in the world by choosing the right (and sometimes controversial) investments and waiting for the right time to act. When he best against the British Pound in the early 90s, he made a billion dollars overnight, forcing down the value of the Pound Sterling, and essentially pushing Britain out of the Silver Standard.

A thorough understanding of economics and finance was crucial to these investments and many more, and he’s also maintained solid relationships with major institutions (many of whom coordinated with him on the speculative attack of the British Pound.)

His investment insights and shrewd analyses are immensely valuable to anyone who is looking to build a solid money strategy and identify opportunities. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert investor, reading about Soros’s financial decisions could help you build your dream future.

What Makes a Great George Soros Book

George Soros is a best-selling author with 14 books to his name so far. To get started with his work, you can look up essays and lectures online.

Soros’s writing style is rich and intricate. He has written about a wide variety of topics, including social issues and weaknesses in the global market. What makes his books truly exceptional?

Subject Matter

Soros was born in 1930 in Budapest, and he survived Nazi occupation by hiding out under a different name. Two years after the war, he emigrated to the United Kingdom. He studied philosophy at the London School of Economics.

Even people without an interest in finance or economics can benefit from reading his work. Ever since his college years, Soros has been a believer in open societies, and he’s delved into the subject in many different ways. If you’re interested in current affairs, these Soros works will prove illuminating, especially in the area of the open society, the writings of Karl Popper and the idea that society should be inclusive rather than exclusive—a unique position for someone of such immense wealth to take.

But George Soros made a name for himself as an investor rather than a philosopher. He turned to investment banking in the fifties and founded his own hedge fund by the age of forty. The fund became extremely well-known for its unique investment strategies.

If you want to learn how to navigate the stock market, there are many books you can turn to. But you definitely don’t want to miss Soros’s approach to investing. His investment strategies are worth studying in depth. You’ll gain new insights and a higher degree of clarity when it comes to making investments.

Throughout his career, Soros made full use of his philosophy education, and he studied global economics and political trends.

He’s written some of the best finance books available today. You can gain a deeper understanding of financial systems and the best ways to prosper in a changing world.

Aligns with Your Investing Goals

Whether you’re an experienced investor or you just starting to build your portfolio, it’s important to rely on expert advice. You may read business books by successful investors whose strategy differs from yours entirely.

Soros is well-known for his risky investment decisions that worked out more often than not. You can read about his investment philosophies in general or his most famous exploits, the Bank of England and Forex sagas and more.

Can his strategies truly benefit you? Reading his books is sure to give you a comprehensive insight into the highs and lows of investing. Whatever your long-term and short term plans might be, it’s worth learning about his perspective. True, you’re likely not in the position to front the cash for and short the British Pound in an effort to make a billion dollars, but you may find a way to apply his techniques to your personal investment strategies.

Our Top Picks

Reading any Soros book is a worthwhile endeavor; hare the top 10 books to add to your library.

1. Financial Turmoil in Europe and the United States: Essays by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On Sale

Published in 2012, this series of essays sheds light on some of today’s biggest economic crises.

It analyzes the aftermath of the Crash of 2008, giving specific examples of how globalization affects world economies.

Soros’s geopolitical commentary is just as significant as his economy-related insights, making this book a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the past two decades.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

2. George Soros on Globalization by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Intermediate learners
  • Price: On sale

What exactly is globalization and how does it affect people and countries? This book approaches the topic in a way that is easy for laypeople to understand.

On the other hand, Soros’s insights and pro-globalization views are an important resource for analysts and political thinkers as well.

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Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

3. The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On sale

This book takes an incisive and analytical approach to the War on Terror and how it left its mark on the US.

Soros’s tone here is more impassioned than usual as he takes a thorough look at the social and financial changes that took place in the US after 9/11.

The book was published in 2007 and accurately predicted the Crash of 2008, raising alarms on multiple developments before most people.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

4. Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On sale

This is a good option if you’re hoping for a casual read. Though it touches on complex finance topics on occasion, this book is primarily a compelling narrative about Soros’ personal and professional life.

He explains some of the experiences he had with the stock market, and you learn how his education informed his choices.

This book is an excellent choice for investors who need a boost in morale.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

5. The Alchemy of Finance by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Intermediate learners
  • Price: On sale

Written back in 1987, this book is an excellent introduction to the previous century’s financial trends. In addition to his analyses, Soros sets up new paradigms that make it easier to understand financial systems and the world order.

The book also covers the theory of reflexivity, using specific examples that remain useful to this day. Reading this book will give you the clarity needed to start making investments.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

6. The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Advanced Learners
  • Price: On sale

This 2008 book explores one of the most significant financial events of the 21st century. It places the Crash in a historical context and explains the implications in great detail.

The book is aimed at international readers, and it helps the reader put these events in context.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

7. The Tragedy of the European Union by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On sale

Published in 2014, this book accurately predicted the Brexit referendum. It explores some of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Union, predicting a grim future.

The euro crisis is discussed at length, and Soros describes a few possible ways to repair the social and financial structure of the EU.

Considering that the EU is the largest trading partner for numerous countries, including America, this book is a worthwhile read for anyone.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

8. Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Intermediate learners
  • Price: On sale

Ever since his college days, George Soros has been working towards building an open society.

This book explains the idea in some detail, and it also answers some of the questions you may have about the global economy. It is an informative read with some fascinating solutions to societal problems.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

9. The Soros Lectures at the Central European University by George Soros

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  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On sale

This book contains five lectures, originally presented in Budapest in the year 2009.

They are a good summary of Soros’s philosophy as an investor and economic expert. He explains the theory of reflexivity and presents a critique of capitalism.

Additionally, the political future of China as a global power is examined in length.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

10. Opening the Soviet System by George Soros

  • Who’s it for? Beginners
  • Price: On sale

While this book may be difficult to find, it’s an intriguing read that is well worth the price, especially if you’re willing to buy it used.

In 1990, Soros suggested ways for ex-Soviet countries to enter the free market, and he also explained the role of an open society in bridging political divides.

Get it on Amazon

Paperback: Get it now

Hardcover: Get it now

Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial

Final Thoughts

George Soros is a controversial figure whose work is constantly in the public eye. There are countless analysts trying to explain the secrets of this man’s success. Searching online may be your easiest research method, but it can lead to misdirection and misinterpretations. Going straight to the source is always the best way to go, and that means going through his bibliography.

Fortunately, all of George Soros’s books are gripping, challenging reads. Once you’ve read one of his works, you are likely to go looking for more.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why are George Soros’s books so popular?


His books are well-liked from Soros’s wisdom, common sense ideas and insights.


What are the best George Soros books?


Benzinga recommends “The Age of Fallibility,” “Soros on Soros” and “George Soros on Globalization.”

Luke Jacobi

About Luke Jacobi

Luke Jacobi is a distinguished professional known for his role as President at Benzinga, a renowned financial media outlet. With a background in business operations and management, Luke brings valuable expertise to his position, overseeing various aspects of Benzinga’s operations. His contributions play a crucial role in the company’s success, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness across different departments. Prior to his role at Benzinga, Luke has held positions that have honed his skills in leadership and strategic decision-making. With a keen understanding of the financial industry and a commitment to driving innovation, Luke continues to make significant contributions to Benzinga’s mission of providing high-quality financial news and analysis.