Save Big with a Home and Auto Insurance Bundle: A Quick Guide

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Contributor, Benzinga
December 11, 2023

Finding ways to maximize savings is more important than ever. One effective strategy is bundling home and auto insurance policies. In 2023, this approach continued to gain traction as a key method for reducing insurance expenses. Research indicates that the average annual cost for a combined home and auto insurance policy can be as economical as $1,306, translating to an average saving of 19%, according to Policygenius. 

The essence of this cost-saving strategy lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. By consolidating home and auto insurance with a single provider, policyholders streamline their insurance management and unlock potential discounts that can lead to substantial yearly savings. Read on to learn more about home and auto insurance bundling, including insights on how to combine these plans to save even more money.

What Does Home and Auto Insurance Bundling Mean?

Home and auto insurance bundling refers to a practice where an individual or a household combines their home insurance policy and auto insurance policy under a single insurance provider. In simpler terms, it means getting both types of insurance from the same company.

How Does a Home and Auto Insurance Bundle Work?

When a person opts for a house and car insurance bundle, they essentially purchase two insurance policies from one insurer. The insurer typically offers a discount as an incentive for combining these policies. The policies remain separate, covering your home and vehicle, but they are conveniently managed through a unified process.

Should You Bundle Your Home and Auto Insurance? The Pros and Cons

Whether you should bundle your home and auto insurance depends on your circumstances and priorities. Carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision, ensuring that it aligns with your insurance needs and budget.

Advantages of Bundling Home and Auto Insurance

  • Cost savings: One of the primary benefits is the potential for cost savings. Insurers often provide discounts when you bundle, resulting in a more budget-friendly insurance solution.
  • Simplified management: Managing both policies with one insurer simplifies paperwork, payments and communication. This can reduce the administrative hassle.
  • Consolidated coverage: Bundling may offer better coverage options, as insurers may provide enhanced protection for loyal customers who choose this option.

Disadvantages of Bundling Home and Auto Insurance

  • Limited choice: Bundling restricts your choice of insurers, as you must use the same company for both home and auto coverage. This could limit your ability to shop around for the best rates.
  • Potential for higher costs: While discounts are common, it's important to compare the bundled price with individual policies. In some cases, separate policies from different insurers might be cheaper.
  • Loss of individual discounts: Bundling can mean losing out on certain individual discounts that you might be eligible for with separate policies.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Insurance Bundle

When considering an insurance bundle for your home and auto, several factors should guide your decision:

Coverage needs: Assess your specific insurance needs for both home and auto. Ensure the bundle adequately covers your requirements.

Types of policies available: Research the types of home and auto insurance policies available with the bundle. Understand the extent of coverage provided.

Rates and discounts: Compare the bundled rate with the cost of purchasing separate policies. Look for discounts offered for bundling and evaluate their impact on your overall expenses.

Policy features: Examine the policy features, such as deductibles, limits and exclusions, to understand what each policy covers and any potential gaps in coverage.

Additional coverage options: Check whether the insurer offers additional coverage options that can be included in the bundle, such as umbrella liability insurance or roadside assistance.

Insurance provider reputation: Research the reputation and financial stability of the insurance provider. Read reviews and seek recommendations to ensure reliability.

Customer service: Evaluate the insurer's customer service quality, including their responsiveness and claims handling process.

Policy flexibility: Consider how flexible the bundled policies are in terms of making changes or adjustments as your circumstances evolve.

How to Bundle Home and Auto Insurance

Bundling your home and auto insurance typically involves these steps:

1. Assess your needs: Determine your coverage requirements for both home and auto insurance.

2. Research providers: Compare insurance companies that offer bundled policies. Gather quotes and information on their offerings.

3. Request quotes: Contact the chosen insurers and request quotes for the bundle. Ensure you provide accurate information to receive accurate quotes.

4. Review policy details: Carefully review the policy details, including coverage, deductibles and any additional options.

5. Ask questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions about the policy terms, discounts and any other concerns you may have.

6. Bundle and save: Once you're satisfied with the terms and pricing, proceed to bundle your home and auto insurance with the selected provider.

Tips for Maximizing Your Savings From a Home and Auto Insurance Bundle

To get the most out of your bundled insurance:

Combine high-quality policies: Choose insurers that offer comprehensive coverage for both home and auto to maximize your protection.

Maintain a good driving record: A clean driving record can lead to lower auto insurance premiums.

Home security: Implement security measures in your home, such as alarm systems, which may qualify you for additional discounts.

Regularly review your policies: Periodically review your bundled policies to ensure they still meet your needs and that you're getting the best rates.

Ask about loyalty discounts: Inquire about loyalty discounts that may become available as you continue to bundle with the same insurer.

Consider increasing deductibles: Raising deductibles can lower your premiums, but be prepared to pay more out of pocket in the event of a claim.

Unlock Savings and Security

Bundling your home and auto insurance may be a great way to save some money on your insurance costs, but you'll want to compare quotes. This allows you to ensure that the bundled price aligns with your needs and budget while taking advantage of potential discounts offered by insurers.

Insurance rates can vary widely among providers, and your circumstances and coverage requirements play a significant role in determining the actual cost of your bundled policies. By obtaining quotes from multiple insurers, you can make sure you’re saving money and getting the comprehensive coverage you need.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it a good idea to combine home and auto insurance?


Combining home and auto insurance can be a good idea for many people, but it depends on your circumstances and priorities. Bundling can often lead to cost savings through discounts offered by insurance companies. It also simplifies the management of your policies, as you deal with a single insurer for both home and auto coverage. You’ll want to carefully review the terms, coverage and rates to ensure that bundling aligns with your insurance needs and budget.


Does bundling insurance save money?


Yes, bundling insurance policies can save you money in many cases. Insurance companies commonly offer discounts to customers who bundle their policies, resulting in lower overall premiums compared to separate policies. However, the extent of savings varies by insurer and individual circumstances, so it’s wise to obtain quotes and compare costs.


What other types of insurance policies can I bundle?


In addition to home and auto insurance, you may have the option to bundle renters and auto insurance, life and auto insurance, boat and RV insurance, motorcycle and auto insurance or umbrella insurance with your home and auto policies. The availability of these bundles depends on the insurer, so it’s advisable to inquire about specific bundling options.