Invest In Homes Located In America’s Four Most Explosive Real Estate Markets With $100

Zillow has recently published forecasts that perfectly capture how big of a deal southeastern real estate is. The company's analysts have compiled a list of the zip codes most likely to experience a dramatic increase in value in 2024. Remarkably, 80% of these zip codes are located in the South. However, the most substantial growth is expected in areas within North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Fortunately, you can profit from the surge in home prices in these areas starting with $100.


The Sunshine State stands out with two cities, Miami and Knoxville, vying for the title of the largest spike in real estate prices. Notably, four of the top ten U.S. neighborhoods in terms of projected home price increases are located in these two cities. 

As far as the leading real estate marketplace can tell, the South East will top the charts of America’s home price increase for 2024. However, these markets are already prohibitively expensive for the majority of Americans to purchase property. While they might need to pass up on investing in an entire home, they will still be able to profit from the southeastern housing boom.

Acquiring fractional shares of individual homes in the region presents an ideal solution. This approach allows you to own shares and benefit from the appreciation of the property while also receiving a steady cash flow from rent. Opting for fractional ownership may even be more advantageous than owning an entire home, primarily due to the benefits of diversification and fewer legal complexities.

Investing in a single unit carries the entire risk if something goes wrong with the property or the market. For instance, a burst pipe can cause damage equivalent to several years' worth of rent, and a widely publicized incident can lead to plummeting home prices in the entire neighborhood. By contrast, investing in multiple homes significantly mitigates the risk of your investment diminishing. With fractional shares, all it takes is a couple of clicks to diversify. Additionally, not being legally responsible for the property spares you from potential complications and legal troubles.

If you’re interested in riding the wave of the South East’s foreshadowed price surge, you should check out the properties on Homevest. This real estate investment platform specializes in the area and is ideally positioned to identify neighborhoods likely to experience significant value increases. If anyone can immediately tell which neighborhoods in the region will likely shoot up in value, it’s Homevest’s leadership and employees. They’ve spent decades brokering real estate deals in the region, and now they’re using their experience to select the best opportunities for potential investors. 

One of them is this Floridian single-family home situated in Ocala. Currently, it costs only $11.56 per share to own a stake in this home and secure passive rental income and possible appreciation. 

(Photo courtesy of Homevest)

Click here to get exposure to the South East’s real estate with Homevest

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Note: The above datapoints including gross capitalization rate, net capitalization rate, and potential annual appreciation are based upon management expectations and therefore are subject to variation depending on market conditions, actual occupancy rate, or other external factors. Investors should review the Form C before investing, including the comprehensive list of risk factors it contains.