Buying a House with Cash Without a Realtor

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Contributor, Benzinga
May 22, 2024

For the eager DIYer, learning how to buy a house without a realtor for cash could be the perfect passion project. It’s possible to save money when using a cash offer to purchase a property without the assistance of a realtor. Purchasing a home using cash without a realtor offers several attractive benefits. Examine the potential advantages and drawbacks to understand if such a process is right for you.

Is Buying a House in Cash Without a Realtor a Good Idea?

Buying a house in cash without a realtor can be a good idea if you prefer certain advantages. For example, purchasing a home using cash allows you to obtain full ownership of the property and avoid paying a mortgage. Explore the possible benefits and decide if buying a house in cash without a Real Estate Agent is the best idea for you.

Full Ownership

When purchasing a home using cash, you will have the ability to fully own your home without the stress of paying off a loan. Full ownership allows you to more easily access the equity built within your property.

No Mortgage

Buying a home without using a loan allows you to skip taking out a mortgage. Avoiding a mortgage helps you to keep more money in your pocket because you are able to avoid interest payments. Interest payments are fees borrowers pay on the loan principal. 

No Commission

When purchasing a home in cash without a realtor, you are able to skip the commission fees related to having a realtor. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the amount of money you will save on commission as a buyer will likely be minimal. One reason for the minimal change comes from how the commission is structured. In general, commission fees are paid by the seller of a home. Homesellers account for commission fees in the purchase price of their property so you might indirectly be paying for commission as a homebuyer.

Saves Time Searching for an Agent

Finding the ideal agent can take time. For example, researching and speaking with Real Estate Agents can take days to even months before you feel like you’ve found the right fit. If you have a tight timeline, searching for an agent might add unwanted pressure to finding a home.

Potentially Save Money

As a cash homebuyer without a realtor, you may be able to save money. For example, cash offers can lower closing costs when compared to offers using a mortgage loan. The reason closing costs on cash offers are lower stems from the understanding that you will not need to pay loan-related fees.

How to Buy a House Without a Realtor for Cash in 11 Steps

Purchasing a home without a realtor for cash can feel complicated, but it doesn’t need to be Before buying property, examine your budget and recognize that you will likely need to spend time on research. Take your time navigating the housing market and consider working with a capable real estate attorney to ensure you are on the right path to becoming a homebuyer. 

1. Determine Your Budget

Before delving into the home search, create a reasonable budget. Analyze your finances and decide how much time and money you are able to dedicate to purchasing a home. Have an emergency fund already in place to safeguard against unforeseen events. Contemplate reworking your emergency fund as you prepare to purchase a property in cash to ensure that it can cover future shifts in your spending habits.

2. Research the Housing Market

Researching the housing market without a realtor is a crucial step in your homebuying process. Have a clear understanding of larger real estate market trends as well as smaller local movements. Take your time examining the neighborhood where you intend to live and its amenities. Collect information about comparable homes in the area such as estimates and sales details. If possible, speak with people that live in the area to have a better perspective.

3.  Choose Your Property

Select a property that fits your budget as well as your goals. When picking a property, focus on key areas of interest such as the location and price point. Depending on your priorities, choosing a smaller home might make more sense.

When finding the ideal property, remember certain lenders and banks have programs designed to help you fund cash offers. For example, some mortgage lenders have cash programs that allow eligible individuals the opportunity to become cash buyers. Cash offers are often viewed as more attractive by sellers because cash offers tend to have a lower level of risk compared to financed offers. Speak with a reputable financial institution to see if such a program would help you fund the property of your dreams.

4. Make a Bid and Negotiate with the Seller

When making a bid and negotiating with the seller, consider speaking with professionals as well as individuals that recently sold their homes in the area. Depending on the market, you might compete against other buyers after placing an offer. Making a bid and negotiating with a seller requires a combination of financial and people skills. If you have your heart set on a specific house, you could write to the seller describing how much the property means to you.

5. Make an Earnest Money Deposit

An earnest money deposit helps to show good faith. It’s used to show that you’re committed to closing the deal. An earnest money deposit can help your offer stand out against the competition. 

6. Conduct a Home Inspection

Conducting a home inspection is especially important when you are buying a house in cash without a realtor. Home inspections can point out potential structural issues in the property. According to the American Society of Home Inspectors, you can negotiate on areas of concern that were not previously obvious, such as the condition of the roof.

7. Start the Title Review Research

A title review can indicate potential problems related to the property such as liens. Work with a reputable title company or real estate attorney to expedite the process.

8. Availability of Homeowners Insurance

Research the vast array of homeowners insurance options. Homeowners insurance helps to protect your finances from unexpected accidents or theft. When buying homeowners insurance, review factors such as the relative costs of other insurance policies and third-party ratings related to each insurance company.

9. Hire a Real Estate Attorney

Hiring a real estate attorney is important when purchasing a home without a realtor. A real estate attorney reviews documents and ensures that the transfer of the property is a success. The knowledge that a lawyer possesses can be especially helpful for first-time homebuyers who want to avoid unwanted trouble down the road. 

10. Schedule a Final Walkthrough and Close the Deal 

A final walkthrough provides you with a final opportunity to inspect the property. Take your time and examine details from the appliances to the walls. The goal is to make sure that the property is in the agreed-upon condition before closing the deal.

11. Move in and Enjoy Your New Home

Congratulations! When moving to your new home, remember to change the address on legal documents and subscriptions. When applicable, avoid the hassle of missed mail by switching to online messages and updates.

Things to Consider Before Buying a House in Cash Without a Realtor

Before buying a house in cash without a Real Estate Agent, have a few key considerations in the back of your mind. When entering into a cash deal without the assistance of a realtor, it’s highly possible that you will encounter complicated negotiations, have limited connections and compete against other homebuyers.

Complicated Negotiations

Real Estate Agents understand the complexity of real estate negotiations. Without a realtor, you will likely need to oversee the research and homebuying process on your own. A Real Estate Agent’s ability to negotiate deals comes from experience accumulated over numerous deals.

Limited Connections

Buying a house without a Real Estate Agent will likely limit your access to information. For example, realtors have an extensive collection of connections at their disposal. With the help of a realtor, it’s possible to access off-market property listings and other hard-to-find properties.

Competing Against Buyers

When you decide to buy a house in cash without a realtor then you will likely be competing against buyers using a realtor. In a bullish housing market, you may need to navigate competing offers while staying true to your original budget.

Take Charge of Your Future Home

The housing market provides a vast landscape full of vibrant opportunities and varied options. When buying in cash without a realtor, place an emphasis on research and learning about the market. Decide if you want to put in the extra time. Remember, even if you don’t work with a realtor, you will likely need to use homebuying resources. Your dream of homeownership could be closer than you think. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Can you save money by not using a realtor?


Buyers do not pay their Real Estate Agents, who usually earn a commission paid by the seller. You might save money not using a realtor if as a buyer you are expected to cover a portion of the agent’s commission. 


Will buying a house without a Real Estate Agent be a good fit for everyone?


Buying a house without a realtor is a personal choice. Deciding to purchase a house without the assistance of a realtor might not be the ideal choice for everyone. 


Can you sell your house without a realtor if you decide to move later on?


Yes, it’s possible to sell your house without a realtor if you decide to move later on.