Contributor, Benzinga
February 17, 2023

A virtual private network (VPN) provides an extra layer of security when using the internet. VPNs create an encrypted tunnel that allows users to safely connect to the web. Users can maintain privacy while working on unsecured networks such as public Wi-Fi thanks to VPN servers located around the globe. The tools offered by top VPNs prevent hackers and other unwanted parties from easily viewing sensitive information such as a user’s location or financial details. In an increasingly uncertain virtual landscape, VPNs provide a sense of security and certainty.

How Does a VPN Work?

A VPN might feel complicated at first glance, but they are easy to understand when broken down. The goal of a VPN is to provide privacy and security while on the internet. VPNs include main components such as multiple VPN servers, strong encryption, intelligent authentication processes and elevated security measures.

Multiple Servers

A top VPN has multiple servers located in several countries around the world to effectively meet customer needs. The closer that a user is to a VPN server, the faster the internet speed. The VPN servers function like proxy networks by encrypting all data and acting as the middleman between a user and the internet. VPN servers temporarily replace a user’s IP address to boost security. Replacing an IP address improves security by preventing third parties such as governments and hackers from obtaining location-sensitive data.

Encryption Tunnel

VPNs encrypt data to ensure that information is indecipherable to unauthorized people. A designated key is used to unscramble the indecipherable data. Private keys are used for encryption and decryption. Public keys require two keys to complete the process. An encryption tunnel improves privacy and security.


Many VPNs encourage users to implement authentication because it imposes an added layer of protection. Authentication works to double-check identity and helps ensure the right users have access to the correct data. Authentication occurs by password, pin or token. A VPN authentication can fail if network connectivity is shaky or a network device is improperly configured.


VPNs offer security by protecting sensitive data. Top VPNs usually provide security-related tools such as an automated kill switch, no-log policy and evolving encryption. An automated kill switch ensures that internet service will not be unprotected if the VPN connection is suddenly lost. The kill switch prevents devices from automatically reverting to an unsecured internet connection in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as an unstable internet connection. Search for a VPN that uses a clear no-log policy. A no-log policy states that a VPN will not keep or collect usage-related information. 

Benefits of Using a VPN

Using a VPN opens doors that daily internet users don’t even realize exist. Top VPNs navigate geo-locked content to provide access. In addition to improved reach, a VPN improves safety and security by making it more difficult for potential hackers to obtain personal information.

Increases safety: A VPN increases safety by shielding location-related information. Details such as a user’s IP address and location data are easily available. VPNs hide sensitive data to protect your personal information while using the internet. 

Elevates privacy: Privacy concerns are rampant when navigating the web because of a growing amount of trackers and hackers.

Boosts security: Security remains a key concern as hackers continue to target sensitive information. VPNs meet safety concerns by creating a secure and private connection to the internet. 

Improves accessibility: Geo-blocking limits how users can interact with specific content based on location. Using a VPN provides users with access by routing internet traffic through servers located in different countries.

Peace of mind: Using a VPN can decrease stress while improving security and safety when navigating the web. VPNs mask and protect personal data while offering users a sense of privacy in an increasingly public world. 

Drawbacks of Using a VPN

While a VPN offers a range of useful benefits, it comes with drawbacks, including high initial cost, decreased internet speeds and varied regulations. Compare the drawbacks and benefits prior to purchasing a top VPN.

Potentially slower internet speed: Users will likely experience decreased internet speeds when using a VPN because the tool functions like a filter. Similar to a physical filter, a VPN slows internet traffic by behaving as an additional step in the process of bringing data from one point to another. Reduced internet speeds hinder time-sensitive tasks. 

Price concerns: Top VPNs can be costly when purchased outside of offered bundles and sales. The price for a quality VPN can be broken down on a monthly, annual or semi-annual basis, depending on the company. VPN packages that provide coverage for the long term are more affordably priced than short-term packages.

Regulatory differences between countries: Prior to using a VPN, check local and federal regulations. Depending on location, VPN use may be prohibited or significantly limited. For example, certain countries such as North Korea and Iraq have banned the use of VPNs while other countries only allow the use of government-approved VPNs.

Not foolproof: A VPN will not protect a computer from phishing or viruses. The tool does not function like antivirus software. Consider using antivirus software in combination with a quality VPN to improve security against unforeseen cyber ploys. A VPN can lull a user into an overinflated sense of security.

Compare VPNs

Benzinga provides insights and useful reviews of top VPNs. Choose from VPNs that provide standout features and tools such as automated kill switches, split tunneling functions and no-log policies. Compare VPNs to select one that best fits your personal needs.

Frequently Asked Questions


How does a VPN work with Wi-Fi?


A VPN works with Wi-Fi to provide a safe connection to the internet. When using unreliable internet connections a VPN encrypts data while shielding a user’s IP address. Hiding a user’s Internet Protocol address (IP address) protects important location-related and identity-based information.


Why do you need a VPN?


A VPN helps create a private connection to the internet while safeguarding personal information. The tool protects sensitive information such as financial data and personal details from potentially malicious strangers such as hackers.