How to Choose a Medicare Prescription Drug (Part D) Plan

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Contributor, Benzinga
July 31, 2023

Choosing the right Medicare Part D plan is essential for individuals seeking prescription drug coverage. With numerous options available, it's crucial to understand the process of selecting a Medicare Part D plan that best suits your medication needs and budget. 

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of choosing a Medicare Part D plan, empowering you to make an informed decision about your prescription drug coverage.

Understand Medicare Part D Plans

Before diving into the selection process, familiarize yourself with the basics of Medicare Part D. Learn how these plans work, the coverage they provide, and how they can complement your existing Medicare coverage.

Medicare Part D is a prescription drug coverage program provided by private insurance companies approved by Medicare.  You cannot get Part D directly from the government.

Part D is designed to help eligible individuals with their prescription medication costs. Medicare Part D plans can be obtained as standalone plans or as part of a Medicare Advantage plan that includes prescription drug coverage. 

Assess Your Prescription Drug Needs

Start by evaluating your prescription drug needs to determine the level of coverage required. Consider the following factors:

  1. Current Medications: Take note of the medications you currently take, including the names, dosages, and frequencies. This information will be essential when comparing plan formularies.
  1. Anticipated Future Needs: Consider any potential changes to your prescription drug needs in the future based on your medical condition or upcoming treatment plans.
  1. Pharmacy Preferences: Identify the pharmacies you prefer to use and ensure that the plans you compare include those pharmacies in their network.

Compare Medicare Part D Plans

Beneficiaries of Medicare Part D pay a monthly premium, an annual deductible (if applicable), and copayments or coinsurance for their prescription medications. The specific drugs covered by each plan may vary, so it's important to carefully review the formulary, which is a list of covered medications, when choosing a Medicare Part D plan. 

When comparing Medicare Part D plans, focus on the following key aspects:

  • Formularies: Review the formulary, which is the list of medications covered by each plan. Ensure that your medications are included and check for any coverage restrictions or requirements, such as prior authorization or step therapy.
  • Cost Considerations: Compare the costs associated with each plan, including monthly premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. Medicare drug coverage typically places drugs into different levels, called “tiers,” on their formularies. Drugs in each tier have a different cost. 
  • Coverage Gap (Donut Hole) and Catastrophic Coverage: Part D includes a ‘coverage gap’, also known as the "donut hole." This refers to a temporary limit on what the plan will cover for prescription drugs. If you have expensive or branded prescriptions, pay attention to the coverage gap (donut hole) and catastrophic coverage stage as you may enter these coverage phases if your total cumulative cost of prescriptions reaches certain limits.  
  • Network Pharmacies: Check if your preferred pharmacies are included in the plan's network. Consider the convenience and accessibility of the pharmacies when making your decision.
  • Coverage Restrictions: Be aware of any coverage restrictions, such as quantity limits or prior authorization requirements, that may affect your access to specific medications.

Get Expert Assistance

Consult a licensed Medicare insurance agent, Medicare counselors, or healthcare professionals who can provide personalized guidance based on your unique circumstances and preferences.

In many cases, these professionals can work with you to ensure you have the lowest cost. In particular a trusted Medicare consultant or broker can help identify ahead of time any prescriptions that may be difficult to get good coverage for under Medicare, allowing you time to consult your doctor(s) to see if there are alternatives.

Take advantage of expert assistance – whether you use the assistance or not, the cost to you is the same as Part D programs are federally regulated, meaning you can be charges a different price for using an expert.

Enroll in a Medicare Part D Plan

Once you have compared the options and selected a Medicare Part D plan, follow the enrollment process outlined by Medicare. This typically involves making sure you have a valid enrollment period.

Take note that if you do not have “creditable” prescription drug coverage in place after turning 65, you may be subject to late enrollment penalties.

Review Your Coverage Annually

Remember to review your Medicare Part D plan annually during the Annual Enrollment Period (October 15 to December 7). This allows you to assess if your current plan still meets your medication needs and explore other options if necessary.


Choosing a Medicare Part D plan requires careful consideration of your prescription drug needs, formulary coverage, cost considerations, and network pharmacies. By following this step-by-step guide, utilizing the Medicare Plan Finder tool, and reviewing your coverage annually, you can confidently select a Medicare Part D plan that provides comprehensive prescription drug coverage tailored to your specific needs and budget.

RIchard Chan

About RIchard Chan

Medicare, health insurance, life insurance, consumer lending, capital markets, macroeconomics, mergers and acquisitions.