How to Compare Medicare Advantage Plans

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Contributor, Benzinga
July 31, 2023

When it comes to selecting the right Medicare Advantage plan, a thorough comparison is key. By carefully comparing different options, you can find a plan that suits your healthcare needs, preferences, and budget. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of comparing Medicare Advantage plans effectively, enabling you to make an informed decision about your healthcare coverage.

Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans

Before diving into the comparison process, it's important to grasp the fundamentals of Medicare Advantage plans. Familiarize yourself with how these plans operate, including the coverage they offer, the network of healthcare providers, and the various plan types available (such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and Special Needs Plans (SNPs)).

Identifying Your Healthcare Needs and Preferences

Start by evaluating your healthcare needs and preferences. Consider the following factors:

1. Preferred Providers: Identify any specific healthcare doctors, providers or specialists you prefer. Ensure that the plans you compare have those providers within their networks.

2. Prescription Drug Coverage: Determine if you require prescription drug coverage and evaluate the formularies (list of covered medications) of the Medicare Advantage plans you're considering.

3. Additional Benefits: Consider whether you desire extra benefits beyond basic healthcare coverage, such as dental, vision, hearing, or fitness programs. Note which plans offer these additional benefits and how they align with your needs.

4. Travel Considerations: If you frequently travel or spend time in different regions, evaluate whether the plans you're comparing provide coverage outside of your primary service area.

Comparing Plan Coverage and Benefits

When comparing Medicare Advantage plans, focus on the following aspects:

  • Coverage: Assess the extent of coverage provided by each plan, including hospital stays, doctor visits, preventive care, specialized services, and any specific treatments or conditions you may require.
  • Network of Providers: Review your list of providers against the list of in-network healthcare providers, hospitals, and specialists for each plan. Ensure that the plans you're considering include the providers you prefer or need for your healthcare.
  • Prescription Drug Coverage: Compare your prescriptions to the prescription drug coverage offered by each plan, including the medications covered, cost-sharing (such as copayments or coinsurance), and any restrictions or limitations.
  • Cost Considerations: Evaluate the costs associated with each plan, including monthly premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. Take note of the maximum out-of-pocket limits as well.
  • Additional Benefits: Consider any additional benefits included in each plan, such as dental, vision, hearing, or fitness programs. Assess the value these benefits provide in relation to your specific needs.

Reviewing Plan Quality and Ratings

Take into account the quality and ratings of the Medicare Advantage plans you're considering:

  • Star Ratings: Check the Medicare Star Ratings for each plan. These ratings are provided by CMS, the regulator for Medicare and they factors such as measure plan performance in areas like customer satisfaction, member experience, and overall quality. Higher-rated plans generally indicate better performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Plan Reviews: Read reviews or feedback from current or previous plan members to gain insights into their experiences with the plan's coverage, customer service, and network of providers.
  • Get Expert Advice: We always recommend speaking to a Medicare expert.  There are perspectives that experts can deliver that may not be easily researchable.  Advice from an independent licensed insurance agency or agent can significantly improve your chances of finding the right plan, and will also save you time.


Comparing Medicare Advantage plans is essential for finding the one that best meets your healthcare needs. By understanding the plans, identifying your preferences, comparing coverage and benefits, reviewing plan quality, and considering FAQs, you can make an informed decision that provides the right coverage and benefits for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about comparing Medicare Advantage plans.


Can I switch Medicare Advantage plans at any time?


No, you can generally only switch Medicare Advantage plans during the Annual Enrollment Period (October 15 to December 7) or the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (January 1 to March 31).


Can I keep my current doctors if I switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan?


It depends on the specific plan’s network of providers. Before switching, ensure that your preferred doctors and specialists are included in the new plan’s network.  HMO plans only cover doctors in-network (except emergencies which are always covered) whereas PPO plans allow to see out-of-network doctors for routine care and are a better fit if you travel often.


How do I compare prescription drug coverage among Medicare Advantage plans?


Review the plan’s formulary to see if your medications are covered and check the cost-sharing requirements. Speak to a Medicare broker consultant if you have questions as drug coverage can get complex.  You can also review the official Medicare website to compare drug coverage among different plans.

RIchard Chan

About RIchard Chan

Medicare, health insurance, life insurance, consumer lending, capital markets, macroeconomics, mergers and acquisitions.