How to Invest in Uranium

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Contributor, Benzinga
September 12, 2023

While most investors turn their attention to precious metals like gold and silver or base metals like steel, copper and aluminum, there's a lesser-known, potentially lucrative option that's silently fueling the future: uranium. 

As the backbone of nuclear energy, this unassuming heavy metal plays a critical role in the world's evolving energy landscape. With governments and organizations shifting their focus toward sustainable energy solutions, the demand for uranium is expected to rise. 

If you're an investor looking to diversify your portfolio with a long-term play that taps into the surging clean energy movement, investing in uranium could offer a fascinating, although complex, opportunity, with many ways of gaining exposure.

What is Uranium?

Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive element. It's a key source of fuel for nuclear reactors, which are part of the solution to the world's growing energy needs.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), just a small amount of uranium can generate as much electricity as a massive amount of coal, making it incredibly efficient. It's also far more common in the Earth's crust than you might think—about 500 times more common than gold.

For it to be used as an energy source, raw uranium first goes through a complex process called enrichment to increase its potency for use in reactors. The process of making it reactor-ready involves several steps. 

Initially, uranium is extracted from the ground using a method that dissolves it from its ore. This extracted substance is then refined into yellowcake, which undergoes further processing to convert it into a gaseous form. 

The gas is spun in centrifuges to isolate the more potent isotopes and finally turned back into a solid form, known as uranium dioxide. It is made into pellets and put into metal tubes to create fuel assemblies for nuclear reactors.

So, why invest in uranium? Well, its efficiency as a fuel source, along with growing interest in nuclear energy as a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, makes it a commodity with future promise.

According to the World Nuclear Association, uranium production has been on a steady upward trend, with most coming from mines in Kazakhstan, Canada and Namibia as of August 2023. Together, these three countries produce 43%, 15% and 11% of the world's uranium resources as of 2022.  

With governments increasingly focusing on sustainable energy, demand for uranium is poised to grow, making it an intriguing option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios.

Best Ways to Invest in Uranium

As interest in alternative energy sources intensifies, investing in uranium offers a gateway to a future less reliant on fossil fuels. But how can you invest in this burgeoning commodity? 

Below are some of the primary avenues for investing in uranium, each with its own unique set of risks and rewards. 

Uranium Stocks

Investing in uranium stocks is one of the most direct ways to gain exposure. These are shares in companies that are involved in the exploration, extraction and processing of uranium. 

When you invest in these stocks, you're betting on the performance and prospects of these companies. As demand for uranium, these companies could see significant growth. 

However, investing in individual uranium stocks carries numerous risks, including market volatility and company-specific challenges. 

Before investing, do thorough research on the company's financial health, the geopolitical stability of regions where it operates and the overall demand forecast for uranium.

Notable examples of uranium stocks include Cameco Corp. (TSX: CCO), NexGen Energy Ltd. (TSE: NSE) and Uranium Energy Corp. (NYSEAMERICAN: UEC). 

Uranium ETFs

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) offer a more diversified approach to investing in uranium. These funds invest in a basket of uranium-related stocks diversified across numerous geographies, thereby reducing the risk associated with investing in a single company. 

ETFs are ideal for investors who want exposure to the uranium industry but prefer a hands-off investment strategy. They're generally easier to trade than individual stocks and offer instant diversification. 

However, it's essential to scrutinize the ETF's expense ratio, performance history, the benchmark index and the underlying holdings. 

Examples of notable uranium ETFs include the Global X Uranium ETF (NYSEARCA: URA), the VanEck Uranium + Nuclear Energy ETF (NLR) and the Sprott Uranium Miners ETF (NYSEARCA: URNM). 

Uranium Futures

For those comfortable with more advanced investment tools, uranium futures contracts offer a way to speculate on the future price of uranium. 

These derivatives represent legal agreements to buy or sell a specific amount of uranium at a predetermined price at a set date in the future. 

In general, futures are highly speculative and are best suited for experienced investors. They offer the potential for high returns but come with significant risks, including the possibility of losing more than your initial investment. 

Other Ways to Invest

Apart from these standard investment vehicles, other, more niche options exist. Two such avenues are closed-end physical uranium trusts, such as the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust (TSE: U.U) or holding companies such as Yellow Cake plc (LON: YCA). 

These vehicles invest directly in physical uranium, storing it and allowing investors to buy shares in the trust. This method offers a way to invest in the commodity without dealing with the complexities of futures or the risks associated with individual companies. 

However, the performance of these entities is closely tied to the spot price of uranium, making them sensitive to market fluctuations. 

Benefits of Investing in Uranium

  • High demand: One of the major benefits of investing in uranium is its incredible energy efficiency. A small amount of uranium can produce a large amount of energy, making it an appealing fuel for nuclear reactors. As the world shifts toward cleaner and more efficient energy sources, the demand for uranium is likely to grow.
  • Diversification: Investing in uranium can serve as an effective diversification strategy for your portfolio. It's an alternative investment that doesn't always move in tandem with traditional asset classes like stocks, bonds or real estate, providing a hedge against market volatility.
  • Long-term growth: Given the growing emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to cleaner energy sources, uranium has long-term investment potential. Countries are increasingly focusing on nuclear energy as a long-term solution, which could drive up demand and prices for uranium.

Risks of Investing in Uranium

  • Market volatility: Uranium prices can be highly volatile because of a range of factors, including geopolitical tensions, changes in regulations and shifts in supply and demand. This volatility can lead to significant price swings that could affect your investment.
  • Regulatory risks: The uranium industry is heavily regulated because of the radioactive nature of the element and its potential use in weaponry. Changes in laws or international treaties concerning nuclear energy or uranium extraction can have an immediate and significant impact on your investment.
  • Company-specific risks: If you're investing in uranium through individual stocks, you're also exposed to the operational risks associated with those companies. This includes potential problems like mining accidents, management issues or financial instability, any of which can adversely affect stock prices.

Best Brokers for Investing in Uranium

Investors looking to research and choose the best ways to invest in uranium can use Benzinga to compare the available selections available on the market. Here is a list of brokers that support uranium-related investments and offer research tools to help investors select the right one.

Going Nuclear with Your Investments

Investing in uranium offers a distinct opportunity to diversify your portfolio and capitalize on the burgeoning clean energy movement. With various avenues for investment, including individual stocks, ETFs, futures and physical uranium trusts, you have multiple ways to engage with this unique market. 

However, the uranium sector is not without its challenges, including regulatory hurdles and market volatility. As with any investment, understanding the potential rewards and the associated risks is crucial for making informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it a good idea to invest in uranium?


Investing in uranium can be a good idea for those looking to diversify their portfolio and invest in a resource with long-term growth potential, especially as the focus on clean energy intensifies. It can be a way to diversify a traditional portfolio of stocks and bonds.


What is the best uranium ETF?


The question of which uranium ETF is the best is subjective, as answers can vary from investor to investor depending on things like the ETF’s expenses, underlying holdings, benchmark index and historical performance. However, URA currently has the highest assets under management (AUM) on the market, which is a sign of its popularity.


What is the best uranium stock to invest in?


The best uranium stock can vary depending on individual investment goals and risk tolerance. Several uranium mining and exploration companies are publicly traded and can differ greatly in terms of fundamentals, geographic exposure and growth prospects, so research and due diligence are essential to pick one that aligns with your investment strategy.

Tony Dong

About Tony Dong

Tony Dong, MSc, CETF®, is a seasoned investment writer and financial analyst with a wealth of expertise in ETF and mutual fund analysis. With a background in risk management, Tony graduated from Columbia University in 2023, showcasing his commitment to continuous learning and professional development. His insightful contributions have been featured in reputable publications such as U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, Benzinga, The Motley Fool, and TheStreet. Tony’s dedication to providing valuable insights into the world of investing has earned him recognition as a trusted source in the finance industry. Through his writing, he aims to empower investors with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed financial decisions.