How to Write $1,000 on a Check in 6 Steps 

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Contributor, Benzinga
February 1, 2024

In today's modern financial landscape, payment methods such as debit card, credit card, online banking and direct deposit have made paper checks less common. However, there are still instances where writing a check may be necessary, such as making charitable donations or sending money to someone who does not have access to electronic payment methods.

Writing a check might seem like a simple task, but if you're not careful, you could make a mistake that could potentially cause problems with your financial transactions. Writing the correct amount and other details is crucial to ensure that your check is processed correctly by banks and other financial institutions. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to correctly write $1,000 on a check to avoid any complications down the line.


Frequently Asked Questions


Can you write “One Thousand Dollars Only” instead of “One Thousand 00/100 Dollars”?


You can write “One Thousand Dollars Only” instead of “One Thousand 00/100 Dollars.”


Can you write “1K” instead of “One Thousand” on the check?


You cannot write $1K instead of “One Thousand” on the check.


Are there any legal consequences for writing the wrong amount on a check?


There can be legal consequences for writing the wrong amount on a check. If you have written the wrong amount on a check, contact your bank.


How do you write amounts in words on a check?


To write amounts in words on a check, start by writing the dollar amount in words in the line provided. For example, if the amount is $1000.25, write “One Thousand” on the line. Then, write the cents portion in fraction form. For example, if the amount is $1000.25, write “Twenty-Five” on the line and “25/100” in the smaller box provided.

Understanding the Basics: Bank Check Format

You have to know how to write checks before using them to withdraw funds from your checking account. Each check contains several prompts, and knowing how each of them works makes the check-writing process much easier. These are the basic fields you need to fill out in a check:

1. Payee 

Every check gives you a place to write the payee’s name. The payee is the person who will receive the check’s funds. You must write the person’s name clearly on the “Pay to the Order of” line. Leaving this part blank allows anyone to cash your check.

2. Amount in Numbers

Each check has a small box with a dollar sign just outside of it. You must put the numerical value of the check in that box. For a $1,000 check, put “$1,000.00” in the box. It is best practice to include the cents and to underline the cents figure. This extra step doesn’t give the recipient enough space to stick in an extra zero.

3. Amount in Words 

The amount in words gives your check further protection. The check gives you space directly below the payee’s name to include the amount in words. You should also include the cents as a fraction and write it clearly to avoid any disputes. For a $1,000 check, you would write “One Thousand (00/100). The (00/100) indicates zero cents. You do not have to write the word “dollars” in this section. 

4. Date

The date goes on the top right line of the check. Fill in the date clearly for record-keeping purposes. The date also helps prevent fraud or misuse.

5. Signature

You must sign your check at the bottom right. The bank will compare the check’s signature with the signature it has on file. This process helps to ensure the check is valid and that someone else cannot write checks in your name.

6. Memo 

The memo line is optional and is found in the bottom left corner of every check. You can fill in additional information that specifies the check’s purpose, such as a down payment or monthly rent payment. You can use this extra detail for bookkeeping purposes to ensure you don’t make the same payment twice.

7. Routing Number and Account Number

Most checks include your routing number and bank account number at the bottom of the check. The bank reviews these numbers before transferring funds to ensure they use funds from the correct account when making the transfer.

8. Check Number

Each check has a unique number printed after the bank account number. This number helps banks track checks, and you can also use it for record-keeping purposes.

9. Bank Name and Address 

Each check includes the bank’s name, and some of them also include the address. Recipients can use this information to determine the bank, a step that makes money transfers take place more smoothly.

How to Write a Check for $1,000: A Step-by-step Guide

Once you get through the basics, the check-writing process gets to feel straightforward. You can use this step-by-step guide on how to write $1,000 on a check or a check for any amount.

1. Date the Check

Include the date on the top right-hand corner of the check. You can use forward slashes to write it in a month-date-year format (8/1/2023) or write out the month, followed by the day and year (August 1, 2023).

Writing a check with a previous date is known as backdating, which is generally not permitted and may be illegal in certain cases. On the other hand, a check with a future date, known as a postdated check, is considered legal in some situations. It is important to note though that there is a risk that it could be deposited before the listed date on the check. This can lead to a bounced check or overdraft fee if you have insufficient funds in your checking account.

2. Fill in the Recipient’s Name 

Write the recipient’s name in the “Pay to the Order of” field. It’s usually the top line in the middle of the check. You can also write a check to a company. In this case, put the company’s name on the line.

It is important to write the full name of the recipient, whether it's a person or a company, with the correct spelling. Failing to do so could result in your check being returned.

3. Write Out the $1,000 Amount in Numbers 

Fill in “1,000.00” in the box. The dollar sign is to the left of the box. Including the decimal reduces the risk of someone entering an extra zero at the end of the check. This section of the check is often labeled as “Amount.” 

4. Write Out the $1,000 Amount in Words

Below the payee’s name, there is another line that lets you write the dollar amount in words. You can write “One Thousand” in this section and then write “00/100” to indicate zero cents. Make sure this section is clear and does not give the recipient any space to write additional information. If there are cents involved ($1,000.58), you would write “and 58 cents” followed by “58/100.” 

5. Add Your Signature

Include your signature at the bottom right of the check. Make sure you use the signature that matches the one your bank has in its files. Make sure it is your official signature instead of a fancy one that doesn’t look like the one you provided to the bank earlier.

6. Fill in the Memo Line (Optional)

The memo line is an optional part of the check. You can use this part to specify what the funds are for, and this can help you avoid writing a check for the same services twice. Using the memo section can also help with bookkeeping. It’s located at the bottom left-hand corner of the check.

Review and Detach the Entire Check 

After looking over your check and making sure the information is correct, detach it from your checkbook. Use care when detaching the check to avoid damaging the check or any of the other checks in your checkbook. Slowly detach the check along the perforated edge. 

Tips When Writing a Check

These are some good tips to keep in mind regardless of whether you are writing your first check or have written many.

  • Use a pen: A pen is more legible and cannot be erased, which can help you stay safe from fraud. Thieves can erase pencil marks and mark themselves as payees.
  • Use print except where you sign: Print is easier to read than script. If someone cannot read your writing, the check may not go through.
  • Avoid using abbreviations: Don’t leave room for misinterpretation. Instead of placing “1K” as the amount, list it as “$1,000.00.”
  • Don’t sign a blank check: A blank check gives the recipient the ability to write their own name and designate the amount owed. A thief can use a blank check to steal a lot of money from the check writer.
  • Keep track of your checking account balance: To avoid bouncing a check or overdrawing your account, monitor your checking account balance. Use digital tools or a paper checkbook register to stay updated.

How to Write a Check for $1,000 to Yourself

Writing a check to yourself for $1,000 follows the same process as writing a check to someone else. You still have to list $1,000.00 as the amount and write it in words. You also still have to provide your signature at the bottom and write the date on the top right corner of the check. 

The difference is that you write your name as the recipient. Then, you visit a local bank or take a picture of the check with your mobile banking app to receive the funds. You can use this strategy to transfer money from one of your bank accounts to a checking or savings account that you own.

How to Void a $1,000 Check

Voiding a $1,000 check is straightforward. With a pen write the word “VOID” in big, capital letters across the check. This word should cover the entire center of the check. When voiding a check, make sure the account number and routing number are visible. 

You will need the check in your position to make it void. If you have already given the check to the recipient, you cannot void it. Your only choice to prevent a deposit is to request a stop payment from your bank. This process may result in a fee. 

Write Your Next Check with Confidence

Chances are you will write many checks in your lifetime. Becoming familiar with how checks work can make you feel more confident throughout the process. With enough practice, you can speed through check writing. Just make sure you double-check it before giving it to the recipient.

Marc Guberti

About Marc Guberti

Marc Guberti is a personal finance writer passionate about helping people learn more about money management, investing and finance. He has more than 10 years of writing experience focused on finance and digital marketing. His work has been published in U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, InvestorPlace and other publications.