Investing vs. Trading

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Contributor, Benzinga
June 26, 2023

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Trading and investing are popular strategies individuals use to grow wealth, but they differ significantly in their approach and goals. Trading involves actively buying and selling financial instruments, such as stocks or currencies, to profit from short-term price fluctuations. Investing is a long-term strategy focused on buying and holding assets, like stocks or real estate, with the expectation of achieving growth and generating income over time. Understanding the disparities between trading and investing can help you make more informed decisions regarding which strategy best aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. If you've ever wondered how trading differs from investing, read on to get a clearer picture.

What is Investing?

Investing refers to allocating funds or resources to generate returns or achieve long-term growth. Unlike trading, which focuses on short-term profit from price fluctuations, investing involves buying assets with the expectation that their value will appreciate over time or generate income through dividends or interest payments. Investors typically take a long-term approach, holding their investments for months, years or decades. They aim to build wealth by putting their money into a diversified portfolio of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

For example, in value investing, an investor might purchase shares of an undervalued company's stock with the belief that the company's profits will increase over time, leading to a rise in the stock's value. They may also invest in government or corporate bonds, which offer fixed interest payments over a specified period. Either way, having a solid investing strategy is vital in understanding what to allocate to your investment account.

Investing requires careful research, analysis of financial statements, evaluation of market trends and understanding of risk and return trade-offs. It involves assessing the fundamental value of an asset and making informed decisions based on factors such as the company's financial health, industry trends and macroeconomic conditions. Successful investing often involves a long-term perspective, patience and the ability to ride out market volatility. It can help individuals grow wealth, save for retirement, fund education or achieve specific financial goals.

What is Trading?

Trading refers to buying and selling financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, or derivatives, to make a profit. It involves the exchange of these assets between buyers and sellers in various markets, such as stock exchanges or electronic trading platforms. Traders aim to take advantage of price fluctuations in the market by executing trades at opportune moments. They may adopt different trading strategies, such as day trading (buying and selling within a single trading day), swing trading (holding positions for a few days or weeks) or long-term investing (holding positions for months or years).

For example, in stock trading, a trader may purchase shares of a company's stock at a lower price in the stock market with the expectation that the price will rise, allowing them to sell the shares later at a higher price and make a profit. In currency trading (forex), traders speculate on the exchange rate between two currencies, buying one currency while simultaneously selling another, anticipating that the value of one will increase relative to the other. 

Trading requires a deep understanding of market dynamics, technical analysis, fundamental analysis and risk management. Traders often use various tools and indicators, such as charts, graphs and financial news, to make informed decisions. Successful trading involves continuous learning, adaptability, discipline and managing emotions in response to market fluctuations.

Comparing Investing vs. Trading

Although trading and investing aim to maximize profits and grow wealth, both take different approaches toward the ultimate goal. Here's how trading and investing compare to each other. 

Goal and Timeline

Trading typically aims to generate short-term profits by capitalizing on price fluctuations in the market, focusing on immediate gains and quick trades. It is often driven by active management and requires frequent monitoring and decision-making. The timeline can be relatively short, ranging from minutes to days or weeks.

Investing is oriented towards long-term goals such as wealth accumulation, retirement planning or funding significant expenses. It involves a buy-and-hold approach, allowing investments to grow over an extended period through capital gain or appreciation, dividends or interest payments. Investing is generally a long-term endeavor, spanning years or decades, to harness the power of compounding and benefit from the growth potential of assets.

Trading is often employed by individuals seeking quick gains or wanting to take advantage of short-term market opportunities. It can be useful for generating immediate income or exploiting short-term market inefficiencies. In contrast, investing is better suited for achieving long-term goals, such as retirement planning, funding education or building wealth over an extended period. Investing allows for the potential appreciation of assets and the benefit of compounding returns over time.

Risk Tolerance

Trading tends to involve higher levels of risk due to its short-term nature, as traders are exposed to market volatility and sudden price fluctuations, which can result in substantial gains or losses. It requires a higher risk tolerance and the ability to make quick decisions. 

Investing generally allows for a more balanced risk approach. While investments still carry risks, long-term investing provides the opportunity to ride out market fluctuations and benefit from the potential growth of diversified portfolios. Investors can adopt a more moderate risk tolerance, aligning their investments with their long-term financial goals and risk appetite. 

Trading is perfect if you're comfortable with market volatility and have a high risk tolerance. Long-term investing is ideal if you seek a more balanced risk approach to capitalize on potential growth over time and have a moderate to low risk tolerance.


Trading is typically an active approach where individuals actively monitor and make frequent decisions regarding buying and selling of assets, aiming to exploit short-term market opportunities; it requires continuous market analysis and execution of trades. Investing can adopt a more passive approach, involving a buy-and-hold strategy with less frequent trading, as investors focus on long-term growth and allow their investments to appreciate over time, requiring less active management and monitoring. Passive investing often involves diversifying through index funds or ETFs, tracking broader market performance.

Financial Returns

Trading has the potential for higher returns and losses, as it aims to profit from short-term price movements, but the outcomes can be unpredictable and volatile. Investing focuses on long-term growth and wealth accumulation, with returns typically realized over extended periods. While investing carries its own risks, it offers the potential for steady, consistent, compounded returns and income generation through dividends or interest payments.

Emotional Factors

Trading is often driven by immediate emotions such as fear, greed and the desire for quick profits, as traders are exposed to rapid market changes and the pressure to make timely decisions. The short-term nature of trading can intensify emotional reactions to market volatility, leading to impulsive actions. Investing emphasizes a more long-term perspective, allowing investors to adopt a calmer and more rational approach as they focus on their investments' fundamental value and potential growth, reducing the impact of short-term emotional fluctuations. Successful investing involves managing emotions such as fear and panic during market downturns and maintaining discipline and patience to stay committed to long-term goals.

Trading Style

Trading often involves active management and frequent buying and selling of assets to capitalize on short-term market opportunities. Traders employ various strategies, such as day trading, swing trading or momentum trading, relying on technical analysis, charts and indicators to make trading decisions. Swing traders focus on capturing medium-term price movements; day traders aim to profit from intraday price fluctuations; and position traders take longer-term positions based on fundamental analysis. Each employs different techniques and timeframes to navigate the market and execute their trading strategies.

Investing generally adopts a long-term approach, focusing on buying and holding assets for an extended period to benefit from potential growth and income generation. Value investing, growth investing and passive investing through index funds or ETFs are popular investment styles prioritizing fundamental analysis and diversification. 

Value investors aim to identify undervalued assets using fundamental analysis and invest in companies trading below their intrinsic value; growth investors focus on investing in high-growth potential companies expected to achieve above-average earnings or revenue growth; and passive investors invest in index funds or ETFs to mirror overall market performance, emphasizing diversification and long-term market returns. Each may employ similar or different investing strategies.

Leverage the Contrasting Power of Trading vs. Investing for Financial Growth 

Leveraging the contrasting power of trading and investing is essential for unlocking financial growth. Trading empowers you to capitalize on short-term market opportunities and make a quick profit through active decision-making while investing fosters long-term wealth accumulation through patient and strategic portfolio management. By harnessing the strengths of both approaches, you can navigate the financial landscape with a well-rounded perspective, maximizing your opportunities for financial success and achieving your desired growth and prosperity.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it better to invest or trade?


Both offer individuals an opportunity to grow wealth; however, the choice between the two depends on individual preferences, goals, risk tolerance and time commitment.


Which is riskier, trading or investing?


Trading generally carries higher levels of risk due to its short-term nature, exposure to market volatility and potential for substantial gains or losses, while investing, especially when adopting a diversified and long-term approach, can offer a more balanced risk profile.


Does trading make good money?


Trading has the potential to generate significant profits, but success depends on various factors, including skill, knowledge, strategy, market conditions and risk management.

Chika Uchendu

About Chika Uchendu

Chika Uchendu is an investing writer and investment platform analyst passionate about helping people learn more about managing their finances, making informed investment decisions, and navigating the complex landscape of investment platforms to find the best options for their financial goals and needs. He has over 8 years of experience writing compelling articles for various reputable publishers across diverse topics. When he’s not writing content, he’s wrangling and analyzing data to help businesses make informed decisions.