Junk Bond ETFs: Exploring High-Yield Investing

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Contributor, Benzinga
July 29, 2023

Junk bonds can be an attractive investment for investors with a high-risk appetite. They’re risky because of the bond issuer’s poor credit rating and financial situation. But the risk also means there’s a chance for higher-than-average returns.

Junk bond exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are one of the easiest ways for investors to get exposure to junk bonds. They also provide a bit of risk mitigation since they are a diversified investment. However, they still are fairly risky investments that need to be considered carefully. Here’s everything you need to know about junk bond funds.

What Are Junk Bond ETFs?

An ETF is a fund that is managed by an investment firm. The fund manager creates a portfolio of investments and then sells shares of the entire portfolio to investors. Junk bond ETFs are similar, but instead of a basket of stocks, they create a basket of junk bonds. These are high-yield corporate bonds issued by companies with poor credit ratings that need to raise capital but have a high risk of defaulting on their payments. Fund managers create a portfolio of junk bonds that investors can invest in, giving them exposure to a variety of bonds.

These bonds are one of the best ways to invest in junk bonds because of their accessibility and diversification. By investing in multiple junk bonds, there’s less risk since the performance of the bonds balances out the portfolio. For example, if one bond is performing poorly, but others are doing well, there will be less risk posed to the investor.

Who Should Consider Investing in Junk Bond ETFs?

Investors who are looking for high returns may want to consider investing in junk bond ETFs. Investors should be prepared to take on the associated risks. Investors with a small risk appetite may not want junk bond ETFs in their portfolio. Junk bond ETFs are recommended only for investors with medium-to-high risk tolerances.

How to Invest in Junk Bond ETF

Junk bond ETFs are sold on the public market, making it easy for investors to buy and sell shares of the ETF. To invest in a high-yield bond fund, investors will need to open a brokerage account that provides access to ETFs. After you have an account, you’ll be able to search “Junk Bond ETFs” and be shown a variety of ETF funds. Before investing, you should review each fund's performance and make an informed investment decision. From there, you’ll be able to buy and sell shares within the brokerage account. If you have questions about which fund to choose, consult your financial adviser.

​​What Expenses Are Associated with Junk Bond ETFs?

Junk bond ETFs are managed by an investment firm. These managers research the market and make decisions about how to allocate their investors' capital. These funds charge management fees, administrative costs and other operational expenses. Associated fees will be deducted from the ETF’s returns and will vary from fund to fund. When researching ETFs, investors should compare their fees.

Advantages of Investing in Junk Bond ETFs

These funds can provide value to investors seeking high returns. Here are a few advantages they can bring to your portfolio.


Junk bonds are a great way to diversify a portfolio into high-yield investments. If your portfolio consists of mostly safe investments, it may be a good idea to diversify into a more aggressive investment. Additionally, junk bond ETFs are diversified within themselves too. They offer exposure to several junk bonds, helping to diversify a portfolio even further.

Access to Higher Interest Rates 

Junk bonds offer higher-than-average interest payments, and junk bond ETFs can give investors exposure to those returns. That high yield isn’t promised, and there is also a possibility that the bond issuer could default on payments. However, a diversified ETF helps mitigate that risk. Investors seeking high returns may find junk bond ETFs attractive if they can handle the high level of risk as well.

More Liquid Than Individual Junk Bonds

Individual junk bonds are illiquid investments. Once an investor buys a bond, their money is tied up in the investment until it matures or they sell it on the secondary market. However, it can be very difficult to find a buyer. However, junk bond ETFs can be bought and sold whenever the investor would like since they are traded on the public market like a stock. This feature makes them much more liquid, which provides a layer of safety for the investor.

Disadvantages of Investing in Junk Bonds

High-reward investments come with higher risk. Investors should consider these disadvantages before adding junk bond ETFs to their portfolios.

Higher Risk Compared to Investment-Grade Bonds

Investment-grade bonds are bonds issued by companies with a good credit rating and low default risk. However, investment-grade bonds offer lower returns since they are safer investments. Junk bonds are coming from companies that aren’t financially secure and may not be able to make their payments. If they do default, investors may lose all or most of their investment. 

Can Be Volatile

Financially unstable companies are susceptible to economic trends such as inflation and high-interest rates. This factor can make their prices rise and fall quickly without warning, making them a volatile investment and raising the level of risk associated with them. 

Higher Chance of Default

The reason financially unstable companies issue bonds is an attempt to raise capital, typically so that they can grow their business and increase their cash flow. However, if the capital is not properly allocated, companies may default on their payments. In this case, investors won’t get their interest payments, and the company will likely need to file bankruptcy. The bond decreases in value, and investors may lose money.

A Diversified, High-Yield Investment

Junk bonds can be attractive for investors seeking high returns, but the junk bond market is typically dominated by institutional investments and financial firms. A junk bond ETF makes exposure to these investments much more accessible for the everyday investor, plus provides a diversified security that can help mitigate associated risk. Evaluate your risk tolerance and conduct research on junk bond ETFs to see how they’ll fit into your portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions


Are junk bond ETFs suitable for retirement accounts?


Junk bond ETFs may be suitable for the retirement accounts of investors who are still very far away from retirement. If an investor is close to retiring, they’ll want to allocate capital to safer investments.


How often do junk bond ETFs pay interest?


Typically, junk bond ETFs will pay interest every month, but this will vary from fund to fund.


Are there any tax implications associated with junk bond ETFs?


Any interest paid from junk bond ETFs will be taxed as ordinary income. Investors will also need to pay capital gains taxes on capital gains made upon the sale of their shares.

Savannah Munholland

About Savannah Munholland

Savannah Munholland is an investment writer passionate about helping people learn more about accessible alternative investments. She has more than three years of writing experience, focusing on alternative and traditional investing, technology, and education. Her expertise in writing about art and wine investments is grounded in an MFA with knowledge of and immersion in a wide range of art-related topics. She uses her skills in creative writing to bring an appealing level of interest to her journalistic work, shifting even the most basic financial and investment topics from humdrum to compelling. Her work has been published on Benzinga, FreightWaves, and Study.com.