LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange platform. Unlike other leading competitors in this space, LetsExchange is free of registration, limits and complications. In other words, you can start trading without registering in no time.
LetsExchange also maintains a fully automated exchange process with lightning-speed transaction processing times. Users need only pick a currency pair, enter the amount, wallet address and then click “Exchange.” Users also have the added benefit of LetsExchange’s SmartRate technology that cherry-picks the most profitable rates across multiple major exchange platforms for every swap.
LetsExchange allows users to choose from more than 350 cryptocoins and more than 122,500 currency pairs without transaction restrictions. The platform was built by a team of crypto visionaries with more than 10 years of experience in the blockchain space and fintech. They created LetsExchange to help users save time at each step of a crypto swap while also amplifying trading revenue.
- Easy-to-use platform
- No registration needed
- Supports more than 350 crypto coins
- Fast transaction processing
- Automated SmartRate technology identifies the best rates
- Only allows cryptos to be exchanged
- Does not offer crypto wallets
LetsExchange Ratings at a Glance
LetsExchange is a solid choice for cryptocurrency traders looking for fast, real-time, optimized exchange rates. There are no upper limit requirements, and users don’t even need to register, which greatly speeds up the process.
LetsExchange maintains a streamlined, fully automated exchange process that allows transactions to take place almost instantly. Exchange-processing times depend solely on the network speed of the selected coins.
Its intuitive, easy-to-use interface makes it approachable for both advanced and beginner cryptocurrency traders. Getting started is incredibly simple and fast:
- Choose currency pair
- Add receiving address
- Choose fixed or floating rates
- Click “let’s exchange”
- Confirm details and information
- Exchange amount goes to the deposit address
- Wait for the process to complete
Quality customer service is critical whenever users are dealing with cryptocurrencies and digital financial exchanges. Issues can easily arise, so users need to know any problems will be resolved in a timely manner.
For most commonly asked questions, LetsExchange maintains a dedicated FAQ page. It also offers 24/7 online support via the site’s contact page. Users can submit a request via email through the site’s form. However, this may frustrate some users who prefer to communicate through a live chat.
Although LetsExchange doesn’t maintain a customer service phone line, it does have a live chat function. You can also send an email; the response time is immediate and operates 24/7/365. Issues are fixed rapidly, usually within minutes.
What's even more important is how LetsExchange is always willing to go the extra mile for its users. For example, when a crypto exchange fails because of a user's mistake – like a missed memo or wrong network – the support team makes every effort to retrieve the funds and refund the user. It's not easy because all transactions are performed on blockchain, the funds may get stuck at the liquidity provider's end, and not everything is within LetsExchange’s control. Yet it usually manages to retrieve the funds and make the refund almost every time.
That kind of service has earned LetsExchange high marks from customers writing in to Trustpilot about how rare it is to be able to count on the committed customer service LetsExchange consistently offers.
True to the nature of blockchain, LetsExchange prides itself on maintaining complete transparency — especially when it comes to fees. Transaction fees are charged depending on the network fees related to the specific coins in each trade.
LetsExchange does not charge any fees when users withdraw cryptocurrencies from their accounts. There are also no deposit or withdrawal fees for users swapping cryptocurrencies. The only fees users have to pay are processing and network fees.
The good news is that fees are automatically included in the trade amount so you know how much it actually costs every time.
LetsExchange is a top crypto exchange platform offering many user benefits. The exchange process is streamlined, straightforward and fast — it only takes four steps to get the transaction completed. Users even receive notifications once the exchange is done.
No registration requirement helps eliminate an additional hurdle for traders looking for fast exchanges.
All exchanges are anonymous — you don’t even have to use an email unless you want to keep an account where you’ll be able to review a list of all your transactions.
LetsExchange doesn’t store your funds or your personal data. The system also features an advanced security system to ensure all coins are validated and double-checked. The platform’s security is also enhanced by encryption, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection.
Users have the option to choose between floating and fixed rates. Plus, promo codes are available on a number of occasions.
LetsExchange’s most unique benefit is the SmartRate technology that automatically identifies the most profitable rates across multiple major exchange platforms for every swap.
LetsExchange boasts an intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface that makes even more complex crypto exchange transactions simplified. Because of this, the platform is a great fit for crypto traders of all experience levels.
The crypto exchange process is fast, efficient and can be accomplished in four steps. Transactions are also secured, anonymous and compatible with the global community. Users also receive notifications once the exchange is done.
LetsExchange vs Competitors
LetsExchange is a leading crypto exchange platform with over 350 crypto coins and more than 122,500 currency pairs without any transaction restrictions. However, it’s not the only crypto exchange platform around.
See how LetsExchange compares to its competitors.
- Best For:Finding the Best Exchange RatesVIEW PROS & CONS:securely through Swapzone's website
LetsExchange is a crypto exchange platform offering instant swaps without registrations or limits. Its transaction processes are fast and simple. Its interface is intuitive and user-friendly. These features make it a perfect option for more advanced crypto traders as well as beginners.
LetsExchange has more than 350 coins on its platform and thousands of possible pairs. Crypto exchange trades process instantly and without delays. Its SmartRate technology identifies the best rates across multiple major exchange platforms automatically on every transaction.
Despite these benefits, LetsExchange is a fairly new platform, which may not be ideal for some investors looking for more senior systems. LetsExchange also doesn’t offer crypto wallets, so it’s impossible for users to store their currencies on the platform. Nevertheless, LetsExchange does maintain high-quality features and services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I swap Bitcoin for Ether?
Yes! With crypto exchange platform LetsExchange, you can swap Bitcoin (BTC) for Ether (ETH) as well as conduct over 122,500 currency pairs at lightning speeds. Its system works to identify the most favorable rates, and there are no upper limits or registrations.
Is LetsExchange legit?
Of course! LetsExchange is a legit — and leading — crypto exchange platform that allows transactions to be conducted at lightning speeds. The platform was founded in 2020 and has been introducing a number of advanced features since its inception. It was created by a team of crypto visionaries with over 10 years of experience in blockchain and fintech.
User Reviews
Max Frei
Swap my crypto quickly and anonymously