Life Insurance Rates by Age

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Contributor, Benzinga
April 23, 2024

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When you’re shopping for life insurance coverage, review your options by searching life insurance rates by age. Age is a major factor in determining rates, as is your overall health and health history. So while age is just the start in determining your overall life insurance rates, it is a good place to begin in understanding how much your insurance will likely cost. Here’s a look at life insurance rates and other helpful information about how to find a policy that is affordable and good for you.

Understanding Life Insurance Rates

Many factors determine life insurance rates.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Health
  • Duration of coverage
  • Type of coverage (term vs. whole)

The younger you are, the lower the premiums. But with term life insurance, you’ll only have coverage for up to 30 years, which means it might not cover you until retirement age. The healthier you are, the lower the cost of your insurance will be.

Additionally, women tend to pay less for life insurance because they have a longer life expectancy than men. Men also often have more dangerous jobs and lifestyles, making them more expensive to insure.

Term life insurance is less expensive than whole life insurance because once you reach the end of the term, the coverage terminates unless you select an extension option if your insurance company is willing to allow you to extend it. The longer the term for your life insurance, the more expensive it might be.

While whole life insurance costs more than term life insurance, it is a form of permanent life insurance, meaning it will mature and provide coverage until you die because a part of the premium goes toward the policy’s cash value. You can even take from the cash value before you die if you need to. So while you’re paying more for the coverage, you’re also getting more reward in the long term since you’re building your cash value along the way.

Term Life and Whole Insurance Quotes 

Get an idea of how much life insurance will cost you based on your age. To get these calculations, Benzinga used a generally healthy person at the very start of that decade. So if you’re 25, you’ll pay more than what’s quoted for a 20-year-old since you’ll be 5 years older. The value of this sample term life insurance is $250,000 since that is the most common value that people seek. The term is set at 30 years and is for non-smokers.

For 20-Year-Olds

On average, term life insurance costs $25 per month for a 20-year-old for $250,000 coverage over 30 years. Whole life insurance averages $100 per month for $100,000 in coverage. Here’s a look at top providers and rates.

GenderCompanyTerm Life Average Monthly QuoteWhole Life Average Monthly Quote
MalePolicyGenius$24.42$169 ($250,000 coverage)
FemalePolicyGenius$19.43$146 ($250,000 coverage)
MaleTruStage$75$100 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleTruStage$45$84 ($100,00 coverage)
MaleGuardian Life$17.21$65.86 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleGuardian Life$14.25$55.16 ($100,00 coverage)

For 30-Year-Olds

On average, term life insurance costs $30 per month for a 30-year-old for $250,000 coverage over 30 years. Whole life insurance averages $150 per month for $100,000 in coverage. Here’s a look at top providers and rates.

GenderCompanyTerm Life Average Monthly QuoteWhole Life Average Monthly Quote
MalePolicyGenius$25.29$238 ($250,000 coverage)
FemalePolicyGenius$21.06$205 ($250,000 coverage)
MaleTruStage$80$123 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleTruStage$55$104 ($100,00 coverage)
MaleGuardian Life$18.93$89.44 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleGuardian Life$16.60$80.40 ($100,00 coverage)

For 40-Year-Olds

On average, term life insurance costs $40 per month for a 40-year-old for $250,000 coverage over 30 years. Whole life insurance averages $180 per month for $100,000 in coverage. Here’s a look at top providers and rates.

GenderCompanyTerm Life Average Monthly QuoteWhole Life Average Monthly Quote
MalePolicyGenius$39.62$355 ($250,000 coverage)
FemalePolicyGenius$31.99$269 ($250,000 coverage)
MaleTruStage$120$180 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleTruStage$80$147 ($100,00 coverage)
MaleGuardian Life$35.69$135.63 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleGuardian Life$28.99$109.88 ($100,00 coverage)

For 50-Year-Olds 

On average, term life insurance costs $75 per month for a 50-year-old for $250,000 coverage over 30 years. Whole life insurance averages $240 per month for $100,000 in coverage. Here’s a look at top providers and rates.

GenderCompanyTerm Life Average Monthly QuoteWhole Life Average Monthly Quote
MalePolicyGenius$94.32$543 ($250,000 coverage)
FemalePolicyGenius$70.40$462 ($250,000 coverage)
MaleTruStage$222.50$267 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleTruStage$150$224 ($100,00 coverage)
MaleGuardian Life$85.22$216.80 ($100,00 coverage)
FemaleGuardian Life$61.22$172.78 ($100,00 coverage)

Factors That Affect Life Insurance Rates

As you try to make sense of life insurance rates, here’s a look at the leading factors that determine the cost of life insurance.


Men are more expensive to cover than women because they have a shorter life expectancy and often work in riskier jobs and have higher-risk hobbies.


The healthier you are, the less you’ll pay for life insurance because you are considered lower risk. Existing health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or heart conditions could make your insurance cost more.

Tobacco Use

People who use tobacco products or have in the recent past will pay more for their health insurance. That’s because tobacco use is connected to a three-times-higher mortality rate compared to those who never used tobacco, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Your occupation can make you more risky to cover. For example, construction workers face higher risks than people with desk jobs.


If you skydive or downhill ski, you could pay more for your life insurance. If you participate in risky hobbies, a life insurance company will view you at a higher risk of drawing on your coverage.

Coverage Amount 

The more life insurance you have, the more it will cost. You should calculate how much it would cost for your family to carry on without your income. When calculating, look at whether you could use those funds to pay off your mortgage so that your family could stay in the home. Income replacement for several years could help your family adjust to their new normal.

The most common value of term life insurance is $250,000 as families find that is enough to pay expenses for several years while working on lowering expenses, paying off debt or increasing income to accommodate the change. 

Financial History

Individuals who have filed for bankruptcy recently might see higher rates. Overall, the better your credit score, the lower your monthly premiums will likely be.

Criminal History  

If you have a felony on your record, you might face policy denials or higher rates because you are seen as riskier to cover.

How to Lower Your Insurance Rate

If you’re looking for ways to make your life insurance more affordable, consider these tactics. But don’t wait too long to try for lower rates because age is a major factor and the longer you wait the older you’ll be when you seek coverage.

Maintain a Good Credit Score

Good credit shows that you are a responsible individual. The insurance company will know that you are likely to pay your premiums on time and maintain your policy for its full term, which is advantageous to the company.

Bundle Your Insurance Policies

When you purchase your insurance products from one company, you’ll get better rates. Insurance companies like to know they have your business for everything and provide promotions and discounts for you doing so.

Drive Safely and Avoid Accidents

Life insurance companies review your driving history when setting rates. If you drive recklessly, you’re more at risk of dying in an accident, which means the insurance company is more likely to have to pay out on your policy. Practicing safe driving will also lower your auto insurance rates so you’ll win on all fronts.

Take Advantage of Discounts 

The best discounts come from bundling policies. But you might also find promotions with certain companies when you meet certain life events, such as when you buy a home or welcome a baby. Securing insurance during those times is wise anyway so get your better rates too.

Apply Early 

The younger you are when you apply, the lower your rates will be. Consider seeking life insurance once you have a stable income to pay for the policy.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Spend time working on your health, such as losing weight and reducing maintenance drugs you have to take for your well-being. By keeping cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure in check, you can pay less for life insurance.

Compare the Best Term Life Insurance From Benzinga’s Top Providers

As you seek outstanding life insurance options, take a look at these top providers to get quotes based on your unique circumstances for a more complete picture of what it will cost.

Provide for Your Family Even When You’re Gone

The loss of an individual who earns money in a household can be devastating. And adjusting to the new normal takes time. Having life insurance can help families sustain their lifestyle even after losing an earner and pay for major expenses like the mortgage. Life insurance also helps pay final expenses, such as medical costs and burial. While it’s not something most people want to think about, planning can help families carry on in worst-case scenarios.

Frequently Asked Questions 


At what age does life insurance go up?


Life insurance premiums go up progressively as you age. But most insurance companies will limit your options starting at age 50.


Is there an age limit for purchasing life insurance?


There is no set age limit for purchasing life insurance. However, it will get more expensive and more challenging to find as you age, especially starting at age 50.


At what age should I consider increasing my life insurance coverage?


If you purchase adequate life insurance to start, you shouldn’t need to increase your life insurance at any point. However, review your life insurance coverage every five years or so to ensure you have adequate coverage at every phase of your life.


Benzinga crafted a specific methodology to rank life insurance. To see a comprehensive breakdown of our methodology, please visit our Life Insurance Methodology page.

Alison Plaut

About Alison Plaut

Alison Kimberly is a freelance content writer with a Sustainable MBA, uniquely qualified to help individuals and businesses achieve the triple bottom line of environmental, social, and financial profitability. She has been writing for various non-profit organizations for 15+ years. When not writing, you will find her promoting education and meditation in the developing world, or hiking and enjoying nature.