Long Position vs. Short Position

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Contributor, Benzinga
July 14, 2023

When trading assets or securities in the financial or stock market, you can take two positions — a long position or a short position. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a beginner trying to expand your knowledge of market dynamics, understanding the intricacies and fundamental differences between these two strategies can be your key to unlocking profitable opportunities.

While a long position involves buying assets anticipating price appreciation, a short position offers the potential to profit from falling prices by selling borrowed assets. These opposing approaches create a dynamic market interplay, influencing your investment decisions and risk management strategies. Read on for a concise breakdown of these trading strategies, their benefits, drawbacks and how they compare.

What is Short Selling?

Short selling, also known as taking a short position, is a trading strategy where investors sell borrowed assets, such as stocks, expecting their prices to decline with time. The goal is to profit from the subsequent price decrease by repurchasing the assets at a lower price and returning them to the lender. The difference between the selling and repurchase prices determines the profit or loss. 

For instance, suppose you anticipate that company ABC's stock price will fall due to disappointing earnings arising from broader inflationary or deflationary economics. You can borrow 10 units of ABC's shares ($100 per share) from your broker and sell them immediately at that price. Now you've $10,000 in your pocket but still owe your broker 10 unit shares of ABC. If the stock price decreases to $50 per share, you can purchase 10 units at that price and return it to your broker to cover your short position. That's a tidy $5,000 profit — you sold 10 units at $10,000 and bought at $5,000. Essentially, instead of buying low and selling high, you sell high and buy low — that is, you bet against the market.

Short selling is commonly employed when investors anticipate an overall market or specific stock decline in bearish market conditions. As an investment strategy, short selling actively contributes to market efficiency by providing liquidity, uncovering overvalued assets and allowing investors to express negative views on specific securities or the overall market.

Pros of a Short Position

Short selling offers various benefits. These include:

  • Profiting from price declines: Short selling allows you to profit from falling prices by selling borrowed assets at a higher price and repurchasing them at a lower price, pocketing the difference as profit.
  • Hedging and risk management: Short positions can act as a hedge against existing long positions or market downturns, helping you to offset potential losses and manage overall portfolio risk.
  • Potential to benefit from bearish markets: Short selling provides an opportunity to profit in bearish market conditions when prices are declining, enabling you to capitalize on downward trends and generate returns even when the overall market sentiment is negative.
  • Price discovery and market efficiency: Short selling contributes to price discovery by providing additional liquidity and enabling investors to express negative views on specific assets, thus promoting market efficiency and improving overall price accuracy.
  • Portfolio diversification: Short selling offers an additional tool for portfolio diversification. By incorporating short positions, you can profit from rising and falling markets, adding a different dimension to your investment strategy and potentially reducing overall portfolio risk.

Cons of a Short Position

Short selling has various drawbacks. Here are a few of its significant shortcomings.

  • Unlimited losses: Unlike long positions, short selling has the potential for infinite losses. Suppose the price of your borrowed asset increases significantly. In that case, the losses you'll incur from repurchasing it at a higher price can be substantial.
  • Margin requirements: Short selling involves borrowing assets, which typically requires margin accounts and complying with margin requirements set by brokers. These requirements can tie up additional capital and may limit flexibility in other investment opportunities.
  • Timing risk: Short selling requires accurate timing to profit from declining prices. Suppose your timing is incorrect, and the asset's price rises instead. In that case, it can result in losses and the need to cover the short position at a higher price.
  • Limited profit potential: Unlike long positions, where the potential for gains is theoretically unlimited, short selling has limited profit potential. The maximum profit is capped at the initial selling price, as the asset's price can only decline to zero.
  • Potential for squeezes and covering positions: Short squeezes can occur when the price of a heavily shorted asset unexpectedly rises, leading to a rapid upward price movement. This can trigger covering of short positions, resulting in buying pressure and potential losses for short sellers.

What is a Long Position?

Selling long — or taking a long position — is a trading strategy where investors actively buy assets or securities that have the potential to increase in value over time. The primary goal of going long is to profit from the subsequent price rise by selling the assets higher than what you initially paid. The difference between the purchase price and the selling price represents your profit. 

For instance, when you buy 10 units of ABC's shares at $100 per share and sell at $150 per share during an economic boom, that's a $500 profit — $1,500 - $1,000. You buy low and sell high. 

Holding and selling long positions is commonly employed in bullish market conditions when investors or traders anticipate an overall market or specific stock growth. It works well during a market upswing. Selling a long position allows you to benefit from positive market trends, economic growth and favorable company performance. It is a strategy that aligns with an optimistic outlook on the market or specific securities.

Pros of a Long Position

Holding long positions offers many benefits. Here are some of the pros.

  • Potential for capital appreciation: Holding a long position allows you to benefit from price increases, potentially generating capital gains as the value of your investment grows over time.
  • Dividend income: Many companies distribute dividends to their shareholders, providing an additional source of income for long-term investors.
  • Flexibility and control: With a long position, you can hold the investment as long as you choose, giving you control over the timing of potential selling decisions.
  • Participation in growth: By holding a long position, you can participate in the growth and success of the company you have invested in, aligning your interests with the company's performance.
  • Lower risks and costs: Holding a long position generally involves lower risks and costs than short positions, as no borrowing or margin requirements are involved, reducing the potential for additional expenses and complexity.

Cons of a Long Position

Holding and selling long positions has a few drawbacks that you’ll want to consider before going for the strategy.

  • Potential for losses: Holding a long position exposes you to potential losses if the asset's value declines, decreasing the investment's overall worth.
  • Limited profit opportunities in bearish markets: During bearish market conditions, the potential for price appreciation may be limited, reducing your opportunities for significant gains in a long position.
  • Potential for unrealized gains: Holding a long position means your gains remain unrealized until you sell the asset. This can result in missed opportunities if the price reaches a peak and subsequently declines before you decide to sell.
  • Market volatility impact: Market volatility can affect long positions, which can lead to rapid price fluctuations and potentially erode gains or amplify losses.
  • Opportunity loss from price declines: If the asset's value declines while you're holding a long position, an opportunity cost arises from the potential gains that could have been made by short-selling or investing in alternative assets with better performance.

Key Differences Between Long and Short Positions

Going long and going short are opposing investment strategies that serve complementary roles in financial markets. Here's how they differ.

Underlying Principles and Actions

Holding a long position is typically seen as a traditional investment approach, focusing on buying and holding assets for the long term. It is rooted in bullishness, where the overall outlook on the broader stock market or future performance of specific assets is positive. When you go long on a stock, you aim to benefit from potential price appreciation over time. In contrast, shorting is rooted in bearishness, as you expect the asset's value to decline. This strategy involves borrowing and selling assets you do not own, intending to repurchase them at a lower price in the future. Shorting allows you to profit from falling prices and is often helpful as a hedging tool or a means to speculate on downward market trends.

Potential Outcomes in Different Market Scenarios

Selling long is a bullish strategy. The potential outcome in a bullish market scenario is that the asset's value increases, enabling you to reap optimum returns on investment (ROI) as you benefit from the upward trend. However, if the market turns bearish, the outcome may be a decline in the asset's value, resulting in potential losses if you fail to sell at the right time. In contrast, shorting is a bearish strategy. In market scenarios where the asset's value declines, you can buy back the borrowed assets at a lower price and generate significant profits. However, if the market unexpectedly becomes bullish, the outcome may be a rise in the asset's value, resulting in substantial losses as you must buy back the assets at a higher price.

Risk and Reward Profiles

Selling a long position involves buying an asset with the potential for both risk and unlimited reward. Your risk is limited to the amount you invested, and your return can be significant if the asset's value appreciates substantially. Conversely, shorting carries limited reward potential as the maximum profit is capped at the initial value of the securities you borrowed and sold — the underlying asset price can't decline below zero. However, your shorting risk is unlimited, as the asset's value could rise indefinitely, resulting in escalating losses.

Hedging and Speculation 

Holding a long position can serve both as a hedging and speculative strategy. As a hedging tool, you can go long on an asset to offset potential losses in your portfolio. You can mitigate risks by holding a long position in an asset that tends to perform well in adverse market conditions. While short selling is also an efficient hedging tool, traders often employ it for speculation. When you short-sell, you aim to profit from a decline in the value of an asset, speculating that it will underperform in the market.

Impact on Portfolio Diversification 

Selling a long position can contribute to portfolio diversification by adding assets with diverse risk and reward characteristics. By investing in a diverse range of instruments, long positions can help you spread risk and reduce reliance on a single investment. Shorting may not directly enhance portfolio diversification as it involves selling assets that you borrowed. However, it can provide an opportunity to hedge against specific positions or sectors in your portfolio that you expect to underperform. Either way, both strategies can be used strategically to achieve a well-diversified portfolio, depending on your specific goals and risk management approach.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Long or Short Position

Several factors come into play when deciding between a long or short position. Here are a few factors you must consider. 

Market trends refer to the overall direction and movement of asset prices, such as whether the market is bullish or bearish. Investor sentiment reflects market participants' prevailing attitudes and beliefs, which can influence buying or selling behavior. Understanding market trends and investor sentiment helps inform your decision-making process. In a bullish market with positive investor sentiment, a long position may be more favorable as it aligns with the upward momentum and potential for price appreciation. In a bearish market with negative sentiment, a short position may be more advantageous as it allows you to profit from falling prices and potential declines in value. By evaluating market trends and investor sentiment, you can gauge the prevailing market conditions and sentiment, enabling you to determine whether to go long or short.

Analysis of Company Fundamentals and Financial Data

Analysis of company fundamentals and financial data involves evaluating various aspects of a company's financial health, including revenue, earnings, cash flow, debt levels and other relevant metrics. This analysis helps you determine the company's overall financial strength, growth prospects and potential risks. When choosing between a long or short position, analyzing company fundamentals is essential because it provides insights into the company's potential for future success or challenges. 

Positive fundamentals, such as strong revenue growth, solid profitability and a healthy balance sheet, may favor a long position, as these indicate a company's ability to generate value and potentially increase its stock price. Conversely, negative fundamentals, such as declining sales, mounting debt or poor earnings, may support a short position, as they suggest potential downside risks and the possibility of the stock price decreasing.

Role of Risk Appetite and Investment Goals in Decisionmaking

When choosing between a long or short position, your risk appetite and investment goals are significant. Risk appetite refers to your willingness to take on risk and tolerate potential losses, while investment goals encompass your desired outcomes, such as capital appreciation, income generation or risk mitigation. Considering your risk appetite and investment goals is essential because long positions generally entail a lower risk level than short positions. Holding a long position involves potential capital losses if the market goes against your expectations. With shorting, you risk unlimited losses if the asset's value rises unexpectedly. Therefore, aligning your chosen position with your risk appetite and investment goals helps you balance potential returns and risk tolerance.

Go Long or Short with Benzinga's Top Brokerage Firms

Benzinga compares the top brokerage firms for selling long and short positions.

Long Position vs. Short Position: Unraveling the Significance and Implications of Two Major Investment Strategies

Whether you're going long or short selling, your chosen strategy can impact the realization of your overall goals. Selling a long position enables you to participate in the growth potential of assets, while short positions allow you to profit from downward market trends. By unraveling the significance and implications of these two strategies, you can gain a deeper understanding of their role in shaping portfolio performance. And you can tailor your approach to achieve your specific financial objectives. Ultimately, grasping the nuances of long and short positions empowers you to navigate the ever-evolving market confidently and precisely.

Frequently Asked Questions 


What is the difference between short and long positions?


The core difference between holding long and short positions is that going long allows you to participate in potential market upswings and benefit from the growth of an asset, while shorting provides you a means to profit from market downturns or to manage risk by offsetting potential losses.


How do you know if you should go long or short?


The decision to go long or short depends on your market outlook and analysis of the asset’s potential direction.


What is an example of a long position?


An example of a long position in a hypothetical XYZ Company would be buying 5 unit shares of the Company at $50 per share and selling at $80 per share when the price appreciates.

Chika Uchendu

About Chika Uchendu

Chika Uchendu is an investing writer and investment platform analyst passionate about helping people learn more about managing their finances, making informed investment decisions, and navigating the complex landscape of investment platforms to find the best options for their financial goals and needs. He has over 8 years of experience writing compelling articles for various reputable publishers across diverse topics. When he’s not writing content, he’s wrangling and analyzing data to help businesses make informed decisions.