Contributor, Benzinga
September 3, 2024

Net Operating Income (NOI) is a critical financial metric used in real estate investment to evaluate the profitability and performance of income-producing properties. By focusing on the property's operational efficiency and revenue-generating capabilities, NOI provides a clearer picture of the property's income-generating potential without being influenced by factors like financing terms or taxes. A higher NOI typically indicates a more profitable property, making it an important factor in determining property value and investment viability.

Moreover, lenders often use NOI to determine the property's ability to generate sufficient income to cover operating expenses and debt service. It serves as a key indicator of a property's financial health and can impact financing decisions. Understanding and effectively managing NOI is crucial for real estate investors to make informed investment decisions, optimize property performance, and maximize returns on investment.

What is Net Operating Income?

Net operating income is a measure of how much money a particular investment property is making annually after deducting expenses. Any investor who purchases a property or other commercial real estate does so with the intention of profiting from the rental income generated by the property. Being able to calculate a property’s NOI gives the investor a clue as to what kind of revenue to expect from a particular property.

How to Calculate NOI

Before investors can use a net operating income formula to assess a property, they must have 2 important pieces of information (both of which can be found on the property’s income statement).

First, they must have the total revenue from all the income streams generated by the property. These income streams are not limited to rent and can include ancillary revenue such as parking fees, income from on-site laundry machines or rebates from local utilities for providing energy-efficient fixtures.

Second, they must have the property’s annual operating expenses. After getting the income and operating expenses, the NOI is calculated as follows:

  1. Calculate total annual gross revenue.
  2. Calculate total operating expenses, then subtract the operating expenses from the total gross revenue.
  3. The remaining funds are the property’s NOI.

What is the NOI Formula?

For example, a property with $100,000 total gross revenue and $35,000 in operating expenses has a net operating income of $65,000.

$100,000 total gross revenue

- $35,000 operating expenses

$65,000 net operating income

NOI Calculator

Common Real Estate Operating Expenses

All property owners have non-negotiable expenses taken out of their property’s gross revenue. In real estate parlance, these expenses are known as operating expenses. Every property has them and the name “operating expenses” comes from the fact that these expenses are associated with owning and operating investment real estate. They are paid regardless of whether or not there is a mortgage or other encumbrances on the property. Examples of common real estate operating expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Maintenance
  • Property taxes
  • Management fees
  • Insurance
  • Other professional fees (e.g. accounting, legal representation)

Factoring Vacancy Rates

In a perfect world, investors could just multiply the monthly rent due for each unit by the number of months in a year and add up the totals to get a building’s annual rent revenue. However, very few, if any buildings remain 100% occupied for an entire year, which means every investor loses a percentage of income to vacancy.

What this means is that before an accurate NOI calculation can be made, the property’s average annual vacancy rate must be figured into the equation. For example, if a property’s total potential rent revenue was $100,000 but the property had an average annual vacancy rate of 5%, the total gross revenue (and NOI calculation) would be based on the $95,000 projected rents.

Expenses not Included in Net Operating Income

Every property has operating expenses (as discussed above). However, operating expenses are not the only costs associated with the property. Think of your net pay after taxes. It’s still not all your money. You’ve got other expenses like rent, gas and car insurance. Likewise, landlords have additional expenses they must pay out of their NOI. Examples of these expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Debt service
  • Depreciation
  • Income taxes

Using Net Operating Income to Determine Property Value

NOI can also be used to determine the value of a particular property. In addition to NOI, every property has a capitalization rate or cap rate. Cap rates are a percentage measure of how much revenue a property returns to its owner in relation to the cost of the property.

If you divide a property’s NOI by its cap rate, you will be able to come up with a valuation for the property. So, for example, a property with an NOI of $65,000 and a cap rate of 6.5% is worth $1 million:

$65,000 NOI ÷ 6.5% cap rate = $1 million.

How a Change in Net Operating Income Affects Property Value

A property’s NOI can change based on good (or bad) decisions by the property owner and/or market conditions beyond the owner’s control. In either case, a change in NOI can have a huge effect on a property’s value.

Imagine being able to increase the NOI on the property in the example above from $65,000 to $80,000. This would result in a nearly 25% increase in property value.

$80,000 NOI ÷ 6.5% (old cap rate) = $1,230,769

The Bottom Line on NOI

NOI is an incredibly important data point in assessing the viability of a particular investment. It gives investors an idea of how much cash they have to work with after the basic expenses of running the investment property are subtracted. However, it’s important to remember NOI is not always static and there is other information hiding beneath the balance sheet.

A low NOI can be indicative of a poorly managed building that’s actually a great investment. On the other hand, a high NOI can be reflective of a lack of competition in a market that’s about to be flooded with inventory, which could lower the NOI significantly. That’s why smart investors look at NOI as a big part of the picture — but not the entire picture — when purchasing income property.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is net operating income equal to EBIT?

While both NOI and EBIT are important measures of a company’s financial performance, they differ in terms of what they include and exclude. NOI focuses solely on operating income and expenses, while EBIT includes all income and expenses except for interest and taxes. Both metrics are valuable in assessing different aspects of a company’s profitability and financial health.

What is NOI in real estate?

Essentially, NOI is the total income generated by a property after subtracting operating expenses. This figure provides investors with a clear picture of the property‘s ability to generate income and cover expenses.

What is a good NOI rate?


A good NOI rate typically falls within the range of 5-10%, although this can vary depending on factors such as the type of property, location, and market conditions.

Eric McConnell

About Eric McConnell

Eric McConnell is a real estate writer with a years-long passion for the real estate industry and the desire to help everyday people learn more about real estate investing. He is a graduate of Pepperdine University, where he earned a BA in journalism. 

After graduating, Eric embarked on a career in real estate where he spent over a decade as an agent for multi-family and commercial properties in Los Angeles. In his career, he’s worked on almost every side of a real estate transaction. He has represented buyers, sellers, property owners and renters and served as manager for commercial and residential properties. 

In 2019, Eric started sharing his experience with the wider world as a writer. He got his start writing and editing real estate lessons for prospective licensees before joining Benzinga in 2021. Since then he has written a variety of real estate material ranging from investment platform reviews to covering and analyzing breaking news in the real estate industry. His work has been published by Yahoo News on numerous occasions. 

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