Upcoming NFT Releases: Dates and Pricing
From sneakers to historic coins to NFTs, collectibles allow humans to express themselves and connect with other like-minded enthusiasts (and show off, of course). NFTs encapsulate this hype and culture in a revolutionary way. One powered by blockchain technologies that allow for proof of authenticity and ownership instantly.
If you're just getting into NFT collecting, minting a token instead of purchasing them on a secondary marketplace may be a way to lower your cost of entry. Check out this month's hottest NFT drops or learn how to buy NFTs.
Want to get into new NFTs before they’re launched to the public? Benzinga’s NFT PRO newsletter will give you access to the most promising new NFT projects!
Charm Origins: January 5th

Charm Origins is one of the most unique NFT projects set to launch in January. It’s an anime-inspired profile picture NFT collection with a supply of 9,639. Charm Origins is still in its whitelist phase so there is still time. Getting on the whitelist is surprisingly easy. Join the Charm Origins Discord and follow the steps in the #get-whitelist channel. All you need to do is to follow the project’s Twitter, and retweet, like and comment, tagging 3 friends, on its Tweet.
RTFKT Animus Eggs: 2023

The Animus Eggs collection the newest most exciting project from the Nike acquired startup that released CloneX, RTFKT. Animus Eggs will have an incubation feature and will eventually hatch into unique creatures with a new kind of rarity system made from a different Species, Design features, and Elements. CloneX holders can already claim their Animus Eggs but the public sale isn’t until sometime in 2023.
Mars Leaders: January 13-14th

Marsleaders is an exciting new metaverse NFT project set on Mars. It is building an entire interactive story metaverse detailing the rise of a new Martian civilization. Players will be able to choose roles that come with various privileges and responsibilities and there will even be presidents. There will be 5 competing nations fighting for a massive $500,000 prize pool. All players will get a portion of the prize pool but the winners will make thousands of dollars, assuming Marsleaders keeps its promises.
Producer C: Mint Date TBA

Producer C is the first web3 endeavor by the absolutely monolithic Chinese video streaming platform. When Producer C drops, IQIYI will almost certainly be largest company in terms of users release an NFT collection. IQIYI has an incredible 530 million monthly active users. If the Producer C project can make use of IQIYI’s massive reach, it could be an immediate blue chip collection.
This Calendar should be used for informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial advice. Always do your own research before entering into any investment.
Upcoming NFT Drops: Are They Worth It?
New NFT releases pose a unique opportunity for collectors of digital assets. They can be inordinately profitable but carry significant risk. While hyped NFT releases often sell out quickly, many projects fail to sell out, and these collectibles quickly become illiquid. However, investors that buy limited releases that sell out quickly can often resell their NFTs on secondary marketplaces like OpenSea. To gauge how much interest an NFT collection has, check out the team's Discord and Twitter engagement. This isn't the only factor to consider, however. These numbers can be artificially increase with bots.
How to Pick the Best NFTs
The NFT market is incredibly unique, making it hard to trade effectively. It takes a ton of research and time understanding the market. That's why Benzinga launched NFT PRO and NFT Insider, 2 leading NFT newsletters that bring you the best opportunities in NFTs. NFT PRO gives you 5 of the best NFT opportunities every single week and NFT Insider sends you the best opportunity in NFTs every month. The newsletter and picks are written by Henry Stater, an experienced NFT trader and expert with over 1,000 hours of experience researching and trading NFTs.
If you are wondering what kind of picks you get from these newsletters, here are the 5 picks from the legendary August 19th edition of NFT PRO: Digi Daigaku, Art Gobblers, Finiliar, Genuine Undead, 10KTF Combat Crates. Digi Daigaku was trading for about 1.5 Ethereum ($2,300) when the newsletter was sent out and Art Gobblers was announced days before. Within 3 weeks you couldn't buy a Digi Daigaku NFT for less than $22,000 or 14 Ethereum and Art Gobblers were selling for no less than $20,000 each right after it launched. Finiliar, Genuine Undead and 10KTF Combat Crates all saw decent returns as well between 2-5x. From one edition of NFT PRO, subscribers who bought one of each NFT from this single edition could have made more than $40,000.
Where to Buy ETH
- Best For:Buying & selling DogecoinVIEW PROS & CONS:securely through Robinhood Crypto's website
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