Online Tutoring Job Listings

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Contributor, Benzinga
September 1, 2020

If you like the idea of tutoring but don’t want a commute, online tutoring may be the answer. More and more people use online tutors to learn a variety of skills and subjects. Online tutoring enables learning 24/7 from anywhere, which is handy if you’ve got a busy schedule.

We’ve gathered some valuable information so you can decide whether this field is right for you.

Main Takeaways: Getting an Online Tutoring Job

  • Online tutoring allows you to tutor from anywhere. This flexible career allows you liberties when it comes to creating a work schedule with no required location or office.
  • A bachelor's degree is typically required. Depending on the type and level of tutoring you do, a degree in education or a similar field will help you find roles.
  • Salaries for online tutors vary. Read on to learn the average salary of an online tutor, how the field is anticipated to grow, and browse live listings.

What is Online Tutoring?

Online tutoring is a lot like traditional tutoring besides its location. Traditional tutors usually travel to students’ homes or teach out of schools, but online tutors teach in virtual learning environments.

Lesson plans, assignments and discussions are conducted remotely. Students and tutors correspond via email, instant messaging or web conferencing.   

What Are People with Online Tutoring Jobs Responsible For?

An online tutor may work independently, for a tutoring company or a school. Here are typical duties for online tutors:

  • Create and deliver lesson plans
  • Facilitate discussions online and respond to student questions
  • Monitor and evaluate students’ progress
  • Help students develop stronger study skills
  • Communicate with students and parents and provide feedback and recommendations
  • Grade assignments and complete paperwork

Online tutors can teach all ages, from children through adults. Some adults receive free online tutoring through local community and adult education centers to improve their skills, obtain a diploma or help them find employment. 

Do I Need an Education Degree to Work in this Field?

You may need a bachelor’s degree in education or a related field as well as a teacher’s certification — it depends on the requirements in your state. You could also be hired with a high school diploma if you’re a private tutor. A master’s degree isn’t usually required to be an online tutor but could make you a more desirable candidate. 

Additional certifications may be needed. For example, teaching English as a foreign language to non-native students means you’ll need a TEFL certificate.

Types of Online Tutoring Jobs and Titles

Online tutoring encompasses a wider range of job classifications and titles. Let’s take a look at some examples of different types of online tutors and job titles:

Entry-Level Online Tutor 

Entry-level online tutors are likely current college students or recent graduates with little to no experience. These tutors receive the lowest hourly salary and could work for themselves, a tutoring agency or a local school.

Sample job titles: Entry-level online tutor, staff tutor, academic support instructor 

Online Math Tutor

An online math tutor delivers lesson plans, instructions, individual assistance and assignments focusing entirely on math. The goal of an online math tutor is to help students complete homework, recommend strategies and improve their math skills. Online math tutors can work independently or for a school or private tutoring company.

Sample job titles: Online math tutor, virtual math tutor, online math coach

Online English Tutor

Online English tutors teach English to students to help them brush up on their skills or coach non-native students learning English as a second language. 

Online Homework Tutor 

Online homework tutors teach a variety of subjects to students to help them with homework assignments. Parents may hire an independent online tutor or be assigned one through their child’s school if the student is struggling. The overall goal of an online homework tutor is to improve a student’s study habits and skills so they can better complete homework assignments.

Sample job titles: Online homework tutor, virtual homework instructor, online homework teacher

Online Test Prep Tutor 

Online test prep tutors focus on preparing elementary, high school or college students for specific tests. For example, students preparing for the ACT or SAT may need refreshers and sample test questions for subjects such as math, English, reading and science. 

Sample job titles: Online test prep tutor, online ACT tutor, online SAT tutor

Salary Ranges and Expectations for Online Tutoring Jobs

The average pay rate for online tutors ranges from $15 to $22 per hour, depending on specialization, state and years of experience. Many factors can affect salary, including your area of specialization, state and type of school. 

Projected Growth Rate of the Online Tutoring Field

Online tutoring is growing in popularity as a convenient option for both learning and teaching. Technavio, a London-based market research firm, predicts the number of students who will enroll in online tutoring worldwide will double by 2021.

The kindergarten through 12th grade segment of the online tutoring market was valued at $63.57 billion in 2016 and is forecasted to be $120.67 billion by 2021, so job security can be good if you’re interested in this field.

How to Get a Job Online Tutoring

Where can you look for online tutoring jobs, and what are some strategies for finding one? Here are some tips to help you in your search:

  • Start your own online tutoring business: You can build a DIY website for about $10 per month or create a Facebook page advertising your services. 
  • Promote yourself:  Pass out flyers and business cards at local community events, schools, libraries and coffee shops. Promoting yourself locally is one of the best ways to save money.
  • Contact local high schools, community centers and colleges: Let them know you specialize in online tutoring and are available for hire.
  • Get certified: The National Tutoring Association and the American Tutoring Association offer tutoring certification programs, which can add to your marketability.
  • Research online tutoring companies: You can sign up with an online tutoring company and become a member of its staff.
  • Network: Connect with other tutors, colleagues and professional organizations on sites such as LinkedIn.
  • Register with a staffing agency: Some employment agencies specialize in placing online tutors.
  • Consider volunteering: Tutor for a philanthropic organization if you’re trying to break into the business. This will give you real-world experience and add credibility to your resume. 
  • Amp up your education: Round out your training with communication courses and classes in subjects such as management to highlight your leadership skills.
  • Apply online: Post your resume on credible online job search sites and apply for online tutoring jobs.
  • Tailor your resume: Highlight any teaching experience you have and your specialty subjects. Also, include any positive student and parent reviews.
  • Take a few online classes: It’s helpful to experience an online class yourself so you can get an idea of what they’re like. Incorporate what you like as you build your own online tutoring business.

Top 8 Skills to Be Successful in Online Tutoring

Any kind of a teaching job, virtual or not, requires patience and a passion for helping students in addition to education and specialized expertise. Here are the top 8 skills you need to be successful as an online tutor.

1. Organization

Online tutors have a lot of tasks to juggle, from creating lesson plans and assignments to keeping track of students’ homework and grades, so good organizational skills are necessary.

2. Communication Skills 

Good communication skills are imperative. Communicating virtually can be more challenging than in person, as you have to deal with potential audio and visual problems. You need to be able to communicate effectively and clearly.

3. Technical Skills

You’ll need to be able to use technical programs and online tools to communicate lesson plans and assignments and facilitate lectures and discussions. Also, be prepared for technical glitches and develop a “plan B” if things go south. 

4. Time Management 

Online tutors are required to manage multiple students’ assignments and grades, as well as work around various schedules and possibly even different time zones. 

5. Leadership 

Online tutors need to be able to take charge of their classes and break through the virtual wall to reach students. You have to be able to lead discussions and demonstrate lessons to a wide range of audiences.

6. Creativity 

A big part of tutoring is being able to teach new concepts to students, so being creative is critical to keep them interested and engaged. 

7. Adaptability 

Teaching in cyberspace is a lot different than teaching one-on-one. Online tutors need to find ways to gauge individual students’ strengths and weaknesses. Some students are visual learners, while others are more comfortable jotting down lecture notes. Online tutors have to adapt to each students’ way of doing things without ever meeting them face-to-face. 

8. Patience 

Since every student learns at his or her own pace, online tutoring requires a lot of patience. You may have to repeat lesson plans or directions or offer alternate online learning solutions.

Have Computer, Will Tutor

Students of all ages take advantage of online tutoring services to boost their education and improve their learning skills in several areas. Here are some reasons students prefer online tutoring to in-person tutoring:

  • Learn at their own pace
  • Allow flexible schedules for sleep and appointments
  • Interact as much as they want through discussion forums and interactive lectures
  • Maintain privacy regarding health issues or concerns

Online tutors also benefit from virtual learning environments:

  • Can teach multiple students at one time across different time zones
  • Can tutor in your spare time and allow for a balanced work and personal life with a good plan for retirement 
  • Save money on car repairs, maintenance and gas and avoid commuting hassles

The takeaway? Online tutoring is a win-win for students and tutors. With a little self-marketing and preparation, you can launch a growing career that suits your schedule and accommodates your students.

Look for more remote career opportunities? Check out Benzinga's live listings for work from home jobs, virtual assistant jobs, and online teaching jobs.

Laura Hipshire

About Laura Hipshire

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