Pet Care Costs in the US vs Europe

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Contributor, Benzinga
March 19, 2024

Pet care costs are a necessary expense for pet owners who want to keep their furry friends healthy. Knowing the total cost of these services can help you plan your budget accordingly, but did you know there are differences in pet care chow pet care costs vary in both regions in case you do some intercontinental traveling with your pet.

Average Pet Care Costs in the US 

The cost of pet care varies based on your location, the pet’s breed, the animal’s age, conditions and other factors. The average U.S. pet owner pays between $407 and $735 per year for pet insurance. The cost for a trip to the vet typically costs less than $100. 

Average Pet Care Costs in Europe

The same factors come into play for European pet care costs. The pet’s breed, your location and the animal’s age are some of the parameters insurers will consider when setting premiums. European countries have different premiums for pet insurance which means there is more variability than in the United States. The average cost of pet insurance in the United Kingdom is £254.14 ($323.39) per year for a Jack Russell Terrier. Costs vary for each type of breed.

Pet Insurance Options in the US

It’s a good idea to compare many insurers before choosing one for your pet. These are some of the top pet insurance options in the U.S. 

Pet Insurance Options in Europe

You may want to consider these top picks if you are looking for pet insurance options in Europe. A good policy can help you save a lot of money and give your pet the right type of care.

Advantages of Pet Insurance 

Having a pet insurance policy offers several advantages. These are some of the top perks.

Reduce Out-of-Pocket Veterinary Expenses

A pet insurance policy covers a large portion of veterinary expenses. You’ll have to pay a small monthly premium for this advantage, but it’s easier to predict monthly premiums than a surprise emergency expense for your pet. After paying the deductible, your insurer will pay most of the vet bills.

Less Chance of Minor Issues Developing Into Major Ones

Preventive care can address small issues before they become significant. A pet insurance policy can incentivize you to visit your local veterinarian more often. Having a professional monitor your pet more frequently can avert various diseases. You can also ask this person for advice during each session to ensure your pet has optimal health.

Ability to Choose Your Vet 

Most pet insurance policies let you work with any vet. You don’t have to worry if your local veterinarian is a part of your insurer’s network. Your insurance company will only request that you work with a licensed vet. Having the flexibility to choose a vet can help you get the most convenient and skilled professionals to maintain good health and help with various conditions.

Drawbacks of Pet Insurance

Pet insurance offers many advantages, but it has pros and cons like any financial product. These are some of the disadvantages to keep in mind before you commit to pet insurance. 

Upfront Costs

You will have to pay a monthly premium regardless of whether you visit the vet or not. It’s also your responsibility to pay the deductible before the insurer helps with pet care services. A higher deductible can help you secure a lower premium, but you will then have to pay more for insurance to take over.

Limited Coverage 

Pet insurance policies can minimize your costs, but there is a low limit. Each insurer is different, but you may only end up with a $5,000 coverage limit for your pet. Once you exceed the coverage limit, you’re responsible for all of the remaining expenses for the year. If you want more coverage, you will have to pay a higher premium.

Animal Restrictions

Pet insurers don’t work with every breed, and some of them have age limits. If your pet is too old or is on the list of breeds the insurer doesn’t support, you may have a difficult time getting coverage. Almost every insurer will reject your application if your pet has preexisting conditions. 

Tips to Reduce Pet Care Costs

It’s possible to minimize your pet care costs. You can still give your pet the right care without spending a fortune. These are some of the steps you can take.

Keep Up a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

A healthy diet can prevent certain diseases and promote a better lifestyle for your pet. Ensuring your pet eats the right food and regularly drinks water will help you save money in the long run. You can also add more years to your pet’s life with a focus on health.

Spay or Neuter

Spaying or neutering your pet early can minimize or eliminate the likelihood of certain diseases such as mammary gland tumors and uterine cancer for female animals. Male animals will be less prone to prostate diseases and testicular cancer will not be possible. Neutering can also decrease a pet’s aggressiveness, which can result in fewer fights or accidents.

Keep Up With Annual Vet Visits and Vaccines

Preventive care can minimize the likelihood of your pet developing a health condition in the future. Annual vet visits and vaccines are regular activities for many pet owners who want to keep their animals healthy and reduce insurance premiums. 

Get the Right Protection for Your Pet

A pet insurance policy can make it easier to afford expensive vet bills. You’ll save money when you take your pet to the vet for routine checkups and preventive care. Comparing insurance policies can help you decide on the right choice for your pet. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Will my pet insurance go up if I make a claim?


Your pet insurance will not go up if you make a claim. However, you may have to pay a higher premium when it’s time to renew the policy.


Are preexisting conditions covered by pet insurance?


Most pet insurance companies do not insure preexisting conditions.


Can I customize my pet insurance coverage?


It’s possible to customize your pet insurance coverage. Each insurer offers different options.

Marc Guberti

About Marc Guberti

Marc Guberti is an insurance writer passionate about helping people learn more about money management, investing and finance. He has more than 10 years of writing experience focused on finance and digital marketing. His work has been published in U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, InvestorPlace and other publications.