Polkadot Price Prediction

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Contributor, Benzinga
January 9, 2023

Polkadot’s native token DOT is down more than 90% from a year ago. However, the potential of its blockchain infrastructure is keeping many believers holding through the bear market. Much of the concern revolves around Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve, which has been raising rates through 2022 and is expected to continue in 2023. If DOT can survive this harsh macro environment, it could be poised to run in the next bull market.

What is Polkadot?

Polkadot is a decentralized protocol that helps blockchains communicate with one another. While many blockchains are referred to as Layer 1 or Layer 2, Polkadot is often referred to as Layer 0 and aims to aid in cross-chain transactions. The Polkadot network has a native token known as DOT, which is mostly used for security and governance. Polkadot’s founder Gavin Wood was also instrumental in the creation of Ethereum. Faith in Wood’s programming abilities has led to a lot of speculation about DOT and is a major reason that the coin is so prevalent today. 

Polkadot Market Position

With a market cap of over $5 billion, DOT is a top 15 cryptocurrency by valuation with 1,152,949,391 circulating coins trading at $4.64. Polkadot is unique among other protocols, as its bullish thesis is connecting multiple blockchains. However, Ethereum has begun to engender doubts that other blockchains are needed. Also, the creation of bridges between blockchains has eliminated a lot of the needs Polkadot was designed to fix. Nevertheless, the Polkadot development community stays active with a belief their technology outpaces their competitors.

John Palmer’s Bullish Polkadot Price Prediction

Josh Palmer, a writer for the Cryptopolitan, discussed the technical analysis surrounding DOT. He stated that his analysis is bullish, with strong support for DOT. Bulls are targeting a breakthrough of $4.68, says Palmer, with an upside for DOT if it does break this barrier. Palmer does not get into the longer-term movement for DOT, but it would likely need a strong push from the macro environment to get any real momentum.

Scott Cook’s Bearish Polkadot Price Prediction

Scott Cook, writer for CryptoNewsZ, does not share the bullish sentiment of Palmer, cites a number of bearish indicators for DOT and suggests that a return to all-time highs appears highly unlikely. Cook encourages investors to do their due diligence on DOT prior to investing, “Buyers should consider the price action history and project application in the next two years before investing hard-earned money in Polkadot just because the token value has tanked. Buying on a dip is not fit for all cryptocurrencies.” This is an important note; just because the price per coin is well below its all-time high, there are no guarantees it will ever return to it. 

2023 Polkadot (DOT) Price Prediction

DigitalCoinPrice is a website that uses technical analysis to predict the price movements of cryptocurrencies. It is important to note that these predictions are not always accurate. DigitalCoinPrice is calling for an average price of $9.43 per coin in 2023, a better than 100% increase for DOT.

2024 Polkadot (DOT) Price Prediction

DigitalCoinPrice calls for a price of $11.26 in 2024. This would be another bullish year, however less bullish than the 2023 prediction calls for. For these two consecutive increases to take place, there would likely need to be a pivot by the federal reserve from rate hiking, to rate cutting. The rest of the crypto market would also need to be in a bull market, as well as broader markets.

2025 Polkadot Price Prediction

In 2025, DigitalCoinPrice calls for an average price of $14.86, a $3.60 increase in price per token from its average price predicted the year prior. The general theme seems to be a rapid recovery at some point in 2023, followed by steady growth in the following years. While this trajectory is possible, it could seem overly optimistic to many, especially with the current state of the market.

2026 Polkadot Price Prediction

Another site that uses technical analysis to make crypto predictions, Changelly.com, calls for a $21.79 average price for DOT by year's end. For this continued level of growth, Polkadot will likely need to remain a top 15 coin, and crypto will need to be well on its way to mass adoption.

2027 Polkadot Price Prediction

Changelly.com continues its bullish analysis on DOT with a call for $33.22 by year's end in 2027. While these prices seem overly bullish to some, it is important to note that these predictions still do not have it back to all-time highs seen in 2021 ($53). While some may believe crypto will never see such high levels, historically, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin go through cycles where new all-time highs are reached.

2030 Polkadot Price Prediction

By 2030, Changelly calls for DOT to finally break through its previous all-time high and set a new one at a $108.02 average trading price. While this is a possibility, the Polkadot ecosystem will likely need to see mass adoption and improvements. 

Where to Buy Polkadot

DOT is available for purchase on most of the top exchanges, including Uphold, Gemini and Crypto.com. A lot of fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) revolves around centralized exchanges following the FTX scandal, and rightly so. It important you do your own research before using a centralized exchange. The three exchanges listed above are heavily regulated in the U.S. and appear to be safe.

How Long Will It Take for Polkadot (DOT) to Reach $10?

While the DOT token will need to more than double to reach $10, it is certainly a possibility. Cryptocurrencies are volatile. DOT reached an all-time high of $53 during the 2021 bull run. If DOT is able to remain relevant and continue to expand its ecosystem of blockchains and decntralized applications (dApps), it could be poised for another big run, pending another bull market.

Where to Store Polkadot Safely

For those users who have lost trust in centralized exchanges, by holding your own private keys you can have custody of your crypto. The best way to do this is by holding both a software and hardware wallet.

Best Hardware Wallet: Ledger Nano S

The most battle-tested and widely trusted hardware wallet is likely the Ledger Nano S. While software wallets are needed for connecting to dApps, hardware wallets are great for cold storage. They keep your private keys away from phishing scams and other potential dangers that software wallets are not immune from. All Ledger wallets support more than 1,000 different cryptos including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Ripple and all ERC-20 tokens.

Best Software Wallet: Trust Wallet

While MetaMask tends to be the go to choice for software wallets, the better choice for DOT is likely the Trust Wallet. The MetaMask wallet is specifically designed for the Ethereum blockchain, while the Trust Wallet has a plethora of options and has Polkadot support as well.

Current Crypto Prices

The crypto market is in a bear market, with many coins down over 90% from their all-time highs in 2021. While many people have left the crypto space, those with a strong conviction for the underlying technology are sticking around. If the crypto market turns around, it will be those who continued to build and invest through tough times who will reap the rewards. 

So, is Polkadot (DOT) a Good Investment?

Polkadot is a risky investment. It is one of the more speculative investments in an asset category that is already incredibly speculative. However, DOT’s price has taken a beating, and if the Polkadot protocol is able to become a useful Layer 0 for other blockchains to operate on, there could be a tremendous upside in holding its native token.

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