Rory McIlroy’s Florida Mansion Doubled In Value Since 2017 – Take That As A Sign To Invest In Homes Even With Just $100

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Rory McIlroy

Collect passive income from real estate without taking on the headaches of being a landlord. You can buy shares of rental properties with as little as $100 thanks to this investment platform backed by Jeff Bezos.

Rory McIlroy’s divorce situation has dominated the news cycle for weeks. The former world number one first announced he and his spouse Erica Stoll would be separating seven years after tying the knot. However, the couple managed to mend their relationship and continue living in the Florida mansion worth $22 million. Interestingly, they got the property for around $11 million in 2017. It shows the power of real estate investing, which you can now harness starting at $100.

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You can invest in these cash-flowing rental properties today and start getting rental income deposited right into your account.

It’s Not An Anomaly.

Even though doubling in value in such a short time frame seems like an extreme case, it’s not, and it’s not reserved only for multimillion dollar mansions. Home prices have doubled in 68 of the 100 biggest American cities in 10 years or less. Zillow says that an average home was sold for $204,000 in 2016. Fast forward to today, and the average home value is $363,438. With lower interest rates on the horizon, more of the same is likely in store. Jeff Bezos is using an innovative way to capitalize on the growing real estate market and you can do the same.

Arrived has enabled 634,000 users to become real estate investors using a straightforward business model. The company purchases single-family rentals in up-and-coming neighborhoods and grants its users the opportunity to buy shares of any individual property that earns their trust. Investors then earn passive income through rent while their shares appreciate. 

The founder of Amazon financed the startup, both in the seed round and the Series A round. However, he won’t be the only big name at future shareholders’ meetings. Arrived’s About Us page proudly displays the names of two other heads of companies: Uber Technologies Inc. CEO Dara Khosrowshahi and Salesforce Inc. Co-CEO Marc Benioff, who also invested hefty sums into the company. Apart from acquiring a stake in the company, Bezos also bought shares of individual offerings, which scored him outsized returns powered by Arrived’s meticulous acquisition tactics.

The company leverages data science, and its team has decades of experience scouring hundreds of markets nationwide to find single-family homes with the highest appreciation potential. Local real estate agents from the area are consulted to share hands-on insights often omitted by data analytics to seal the deal. Then, Arrived’s investment committee gives the green light to the most promising properties, which are then put up online. Only 0.2% of the properties make this cut. 

Once the winners are listed, nonaccredited investors can purchase their shares with a single click and secure a passive income stream without the headaches of owning a rental. Arrived manages each property, handles maintenance requests, and finds new tenants – hand-picked with the same rigor that goes into the property’s purchase to secure the most consistent yield for users.

Like traditional real estate investing, you can invest in regular rentals, which offer consistent passive income, or vacation rentals listed on Airbnb and similar websites, which offer higher-income opportunities. 

If you’re looking to cash in on future soaring real estate prices without breaking the bank, visit Arrived’s website and see the newest available offerings while their shares are still available.

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Properties tend to sell out fast, so don't miss the opportunity to add the latest offerings to your portfolio


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