How to Save Money to Live Better

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Contributor, Benzinga
June 26, 2023

Deciding how to save money to live better isn’t a one-way road. Multiple paths can lead you to your ultimate goal of learning how to save money, live better and improve the quality of your life. Saving money doesn't always require drastic steps; instead, focus on small changes that can lead to big savings down the road. Review the tips here to start your journey toward saving money for a better life.

21 Tips for Saving Money to Live Better

Deciding on the most effective way to save depends on your personal situation. Read the steps below to gain a general idea of your future goals and decide how to budget and take charge of your finances. 

1. Track Your Expenses

Record your expenses and review your spending habits on a monthly or weekly basis. Look over your credit card statement regularly to understand your spending patterns. Once you know where you spend money, you can cut back and adjust as needed.

2. Create a Budget

Budgeting allows you to calculate and plan out expenses. Break down your larger monthly budget into smaller budgets such as a grocery budget, restaurant budget and home goods budget to more easily visualize your spending guidelines. Adjust each budget as needed to ensure your spending habits stay relevant to your income and cost of living expenses. You’ll experience reduced stress levels when you feel confident about your spending.

3. Cook Meals at Home

Cooking meals at home can save money while also encouraging a new skill. Cooking requires time, but smart meal prepping and simple recipes allow you to spend less time cooking and more time living. Calculate the opportunity costs of cooking versus ordering out when you want a break from the kitchen.

4. Use Coupons and Discounts

Coupons and discounts save money while also introducing you to new services and products. Some services automatically renew, so have a timer or alert on your phone to let you know when to cancel time-sensitive promotions such as discounted subscription services. Review coupon-centered websites and check the weekly promotions at your favorite stores to get quality products at a bargain price.

5. Reduce Energy Consumption

Implement simple but effective habits such as turning off the lights when you leave a room. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can receive a tax credit for energy-efficient appliances.

6. Cancel Unused Subscriptions

Subscriptions have a way of hanging out on a credit card. Review your credit card to cancel subscriptions that you no longer use.

7. Plan your Purchases

Make a shopping list and write out the items that you need before heading into a store. If you prefer a modern shopping list, use your phone. Update the shopping list as needed to remember odd or infrequently purchased items.

8. Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk can lower your overall expenses. Generally, buying in larger quantities decreases the amount of money spent per unit. Purchase non-perishable items such as home goods and frequently used items. Order items online or visit a local big-box retail store to access top bulk item deals.

9. DIY Project

Consider doing smaller projects on your own. Learn how to navigate simpler repairs such as sewing a button or repainting a wall on your own. Avoid taking on complex tasks right away to build your confidence and familiarity with DIY projects.

10. Use Public Transportation

Public transportation saves on expenses such as fuel and car maintenance while decreasing your impact on the environment. Using public transit also allows you to dedicate more time to tasks other than driving such as reading a new book or watching a movie on your phone.

11. Negotiate Bills

When possible, negotiate your bills related to your insurance or internet by reaching out and speaking to customer service and service representatives. Keep track of your monthly bills and contact companies when bills suddenly seem higher than usual or if you feel like you could get a better deal.

12. Cut Back on Vices

Removing vices like overspending on entertainment might improve your savings as well as your health. Examine the trade-offs and aim for moderation when it comes to navigating favorite activities that detract from your ultimate goals.

13. Shop Secondhand

Secondhand shopping at consignment shops and online platforms offers discounted prices on quality items. Search for lightly or never used items to save your wallet and the environment. Thrift stores offer a useful alternative to high-priced fashion and can help you feel better about your spending habits.

14. Automate Savings

Consider automating your savings by using your employer’s tax-advantaged retirement plan or your own savings account. Create monthly transfers to ensure the slow and automatic growth of your savings account.

15. Use Free Resources

Free resources are your friend. Learn about free local events and activities in your neighborhood by searching online or using social media. Use free educational resources such as public libraries and online course providers to access a vast range of information for a bargain price. Take free courses online to continue your learning journey without a heavy price tag.

16. Take Care of Your Belongings

Steady maintenance extends the lifespan of your possessions. Proactive cleanings and replacements can save you money in the long run.

17. Save on Housing Costs

Decrease housing costs by downsizing to a smaller home or getting a roommate. Good roommates decrease living costs while adding to your social circle.

18. DIY Beauty and Grooming

Handling your personal grooming and beauty tasks at home saves on larger professional price tags. Consider starting small to build your confidence.

19. Avoid Impulse Buying

Cut down on unnecessary spending by thinking about a potential purchase and coming back to it another time.

20. Review Insurance Policies

Compare insurance policies and companies to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck. Know your premiums before exploring the larger market.

21. Increase Your Income

Add to your funds by freelancing or creating another stream of income. Passive income such as royalties or dividends has the ability to help you save for long-term goals.

Gain More While Spending Less

Improve your quality of life by taking charge of your financial habits. Saving money allows you to create a nest egg for the future while safeguarding against unforeseen life events. Having better control over your savings can grant you the peace of mind and confidence to spread your wings and soar to new adventures.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I save money on my monthly bills?


Yes, it’s possible to save on your monthly bills by reviewing your credit card statements and getting rid of unwanted automatic service renewals and subscriptions.


Can saving money help improve my quality of life?


Saving money can improve your quality of life by offering an added layer of freedom and financial security.


Can I save money while paying off debt?


Yes, it’s possible to save money while paying off debt. It’s generally recommended to prioritize paying off debt.