Contributor, Benzinga
June 8, 2022
Overall Rating:
securely through Wealthramp's website

An overwhelming demand from people wanting to receive financial education and advice led to the creation of Wealthramp – a free adviser matching platform that connects consumers to rigorously vetted financial advisers to meet their specific needs and situation. The company established a network of expert independent fiduciary financial advisers who build relationships with clients and provide advice customized for them. 

Wealthramp conducts a stringent vetting process for advisers wanting to join its network to ensure they have the client’s best interests at heart and hold the necessary qualifications and experience. Its network advisers include experts in comprehensive financial planning, retirement planning, asset management and tax-focused planning; many also specialize in niche areas including employee stock options, windfalls, divorce planning, ESG and many more.

The Wealthramp network consists of fiduciary financial advisors that are legally required to act in their clients’ best interests and work for a fee-only structure, not incentivized by commission to sell insurance and other investment products. Wealthramp believes in such a fee model to avoid connecting clients to non-fiduciary advisers who aren’t held legally to fiduciary standards and may practice high-pressure sales tactics for products that may not be the best for the clients.

Wealthramp established a network of expert fiduciary advisers who provide financial advice suitable for each client’s needs. Its advisers undergo a stringent vetting process to ensure they’re qualified,  experienced, and have clean regulatory records.

Wealthramp’s advisers are experts in personal finance, retirement, investing, tax and family finance. Clients pay a predetermined fee for services, and advisers don’t earn a commission to ensure advice provided has the client’s best interests in mind.

  • Advice from fiduciary advisers in the best interest of clients
  • Experts in a wide range of financial topics, including investing, taxes and financial planning
  • Offers a free initial consultation with up to three matched advisers
  • Fee-only, not commission-driven financial advisors
  • Strong data privacy protection
  • No live chat on the website for instant responses

Wealthramp Ratings at a Glance

User Benefits
User Experience
Product Offerings
Customer Service

Wealthramp User Benefits

You can regard Wealthramp as your one-stop platform for financial advice. It has built an array of advisers with a variety of expertise so you can get information on just about anything, including niche areas like crypto investing, divorce planning, and planning for loved ones with special needs.

Wealthramp’s network of advisers help you get advice about diversifying your portfolio, managing your various retirement accounts and determining tax-advantageous investing strategies. Its experts can also advise you about divorce financial planning, exercising company stock options and windfalls or inheritances.

The platform also consists of advisers to help you budget, live within your means and create a sound legacy and estate plan. You can also receive financial planning for college, guiding you about the amount you’ll need and dealing with student debt.

Wealthramp can connect you to advisers specializing in socially responsible investing. They can help you invest in companies concerned about protecting the environment and corporate accountability. 

Wealthramp User Experience

Connecting with an experienced adviser and choosing the one for your needs is simple. All you do is fill out a quick survey so Wealthramp can determine the best advisers for you. You’ve got the option to consult all advisers or just the one you like the most. And you don’t have to pay for the first consultation.

The website is easy to navigate and contains a lot of information. And if you just want to learn more about a particular financial topic, Wealthramp’s many financial decision pages have high-quality educational content created by its founder, Pam Kueger, a financial expert and TV personality with over two decades of compassionate, realistic investor education and advocacy experience.

You can use a contact form and any of Wealthramp’s social media pages — Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube — to ask questions.

Wealthramp Product Offerings

Wealthramp’s platform receives 5 stars out of 5 because of its simplicity to navigate and connect clients to a well-vetted financial adviser. The platform has conducted the vetting process on behalf of clients to ensure its advisers are qualified and experienced.

If you seek financial advice, Wealthramp has made the process simple by requesting you to take a few minutes to answer some simple questions. The survey is designed to connect you with an adviser most suitable for your needs, so it asks you about your priorities, goals and preferences.

Based on your information, its technology looks for the most suitable advisers on its network who can meet your needs, with a selection of usually two or three advisers. You review their profiles and qualifications and decide who you’d like to talk to

You can schedule a video or phone meeting with one adviser or all the matches (or an in-person meeting if you opt for local advisor matches). The best part is that the first meeting with each adviser is free, and there is no obligation to hire any of the matched advisors. You decide which advisor to talk to, when and how, so there’s no worry about receiving unsolicited calls or emails.

Wealthramp Customer Service

Wealthramp has designed a survey for customers to simplify their process of receiving relevant information. The survey puts you in touch with an adviser experienced to provide financial advice suitable for your needs.

You can use a contact form to ask a quick question. You’ll get a reply within a few hours. Other platforms where you can get in touch with them are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. 

Although Wealthramp hasn’t provided a phone number or live chat on its website for customer support yet, you can message, email, and schedule a video conference with the three advisors you are matched with.

The helpful FAQ section answers many common questions. Wealthramp has a YouTube channel, providing education about investing strategies for current economy and market conditions, tax planning, personal finance, retirement and other financial topics.

Wealthramp Pricing

Wealthramp is free to people who use it to find the right financial advisor, and the initial meeting with up to 3 matches advisors is always free

The adviser charges a client a specific amount for service. The fee depends on the services you need and the complexity of your portfolio. For consumers seeking help with investment management, it’s usually a percentage of the assets under management. You may also opt for a retainer. For people only looking for help with their financial plan, they can choose to pay hourly or per project.

Wealthramp’s survey asks If you have any preference for the advisor fee model and connects you to advisers offering such options.

The reason the fee-only structure works better than commission-based services is that you can avoid advisors pushing for investment products that may not be the best for you. You’ll also have peace of mind knowing that the advice is in your best interest.

Wealthramp Overall

Wealthramp is a platform that enables you to find the right financial advisor to get financial advice about almost any topic. It has made the process of finding the right adviser easy, and it ensures you receive conflict-free advice by only including fee-only, independent fiduciary financial advisers on their platform. It's free to use, with rigorously vetted fiduciary financial advisors that are the best in the industry. Wealthramp takes the guesswork— and the legwork— out of the equation to save you time and connect you to the right adviser.

It has carefully vetted all the advisers and requires them to have high qualifications to help you with your specific needs and situation. This five-star platform helps people find the right advisers to secure a safer financial future. If you have any preference for the advisor fee model, Wealthramp can match you to the advisors who offer the fee arrangement that meets your needs.

Wealthramp vs. Competitors

Investing with reputable brokers is one way to minimize risk, so Benzinga compiled a list of comparable platforms.

Wealthramp Video Tutorial

Is it worth using a financial advisor? 

Frequently Asked Questions


How much should you expect to pay a financial adviser?


To determine how much you should expect to pay a financial adviser, you need to align the adviser services to your needs and situation. A fiduciary financial advisor can offer objective views to help you get clarity about your needs The benefit that Wealthramp offers is that each adviser on their network is fee-only and fully discloses upfront the fee arrangements they offer, and they are not incentivized by sales commissions. 


That ensures you can be matched on Wealthramp to the advisor who offers the fee model you’re comfortable with, and you don’t encounter unexpected fees or have insurance/investment products pushed on you that are not compatible with your needs. Wealthramp also enables you to schedule free initial meetings with up to three matched advisors. You can take advantage of these consultations to discuss your needs and learn about advisor services that are most helpful to meeting your financial goals.


What is an entrepreneurial financial adviser?


An entrepreneurial financial adviser is an expert at analyzing your business model and determining the best approach to making the most of your initial capital investment. The adviser also assists in determining the business’s sustainability and formulates strategies to ensure profitability.

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Goran Radanovic

About Goran Radanovic

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